Friday, May 31, 2019
The Death of Ivan Ilych by Leo Tolstoy Essay -- Ivan Ilych Death Dying
In vitality we often consider ab out(p) death and what our life has cash in ones chips. We never suspect that we will pose ill and die, and we very r arely agonize over weather our life is what it should be until its too late, as demonstrated in Tolstoys The Death of Ivan Ilych. Throughout Tolstoys life he was religious and enjoyed life, but then as he reached the height of his fame and fourteen he began to question everything he had once believed in. Some people think that The Death of Ivan Ilych holds a lot of symbolism between the story and Tolstoys life. In The Death of Ivan Ilych there is a lot of symbolism of life and death as compared to Tolstoys life. Ivan Ilych was a man of success. He set out to achieve his goals, and make his money. He married the women he loved and had two beautiful children, living the exhaustively life with money and accomplishment. He didnt have normal worries like most working class people did, he just did what he set out to do and succeeded at that. It is noted that Ivan Ilychs life had been most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible. (Arp, 512) Until one day he became sick. For months he primed(p) in bed in agonizing pain, and the doctors were left without agreeing knowledge on what he had. Close to the end of his life he began to wonder if his life was sincerely what it should have been and whether or not he achieved all he was supposed to. He questioned death as if to ask What is this? Can it be death?......Why these sufferings?(Arp, 553) The referee is now left with the question did he die from physical pain or from mental anguish also? It could be said that when he was dealing with his impending death he went through five psychological stages. First he went through denial and ignored the fact that he might be dying. He ignored his pain until it got to bad to cure. Second he went through anger. He became angry at his condition and took it out on his family, friends and servants. Then he went thro ugh a short period of bargaining, when he took communion for his wife he thought to himself To live I want to live (Arp, 556) All he wanted was to live his life like he knew he should have. The fourth stage was depression. This is the period he went through right before he recognize he was going to die. He felt that it would just be better if he died when he realized Yes, I am making them wretched, he thought. They are sorr... ...ndress uniform and went to the law courts. (Arp, 530-531) No one however, would know whether or not Ivan or the Unknown Citizen were hurt or gone because Had anything been wrong, should certainly have heard. (Arp, 672) not everyone is as observant to one persons needs as they should be. In the Death of Ivan Ilych the symbolism of death is very important. It shows that we should always look to the future and what we may become rather then the present and what we want at that moment. Will we turn out to be what we wanted to be, and live the fullest life possible. Its only up to us to decide that. Ivan Ilych was beginning to decide that when it was to late. In everyday life we take for granted that our values are sound and the projects and activities we take on are value doing. We never take a step back to realize that maybe we are doing something good or that maybe were not. We mainly concern ourselves with how we look in the end. That is something we should stop doing. We should follow the example of Ivan Ilych and make sure we live our lives to the fullest instead of realizing it when its to late. We should be like Tolstoy and realize that life is worth living.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Discuss the function of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls Essay
Discuss the function of the Inspector in An Inspector CallsJohn Boynton Priestly in 1945 wrote the undertake An Inspector Calls butset it in 1912. This eon difference creates a sense of dramatic ironyas the play was written after it was set. The audience would be aw areof the events which had taken place among 1912 and 1945, including institution war one and two which they would no doubt have experience firsthand.An Inspector Calls was first performed in Russia, Moscow. This issignificant because of the Russian Revolution, which was a system ofcollective social responsibility where the sate owned everything andused the wealth to look after its citizens. As England was leftdestroyed due to the world war, therefore there would have been veryfew playhouses, so Russia had to be alternative for performing theplay.The play is set in three scenes. The entire play is set in the diningroom of Mr Birlings house. In contrast this creates claustrophobiaand tension as the characters in the pla y feel as if they are trapped,nowhere to go until the truth is revealed. Although the play is aboutthe death of a young girl called Eva Smith who has committed suicide.Due to this mysterious death, the Birling family has a nasty surprisewaiting. The Birlings are meant to have a high status in theircommunity and they all have done naughtily things, which has forced a youngwoman to kill herself. In the play, it reveals what each of them didwhich leads to Eva Smiths death. As the play concludes we find outthat, the inspector has been questioning the Birling family for clean-livingvalues and their sense of social responsibilities.The inspector is not only a character in the play he is a dramaticdevice who has seve... ...w yet, be you sure you dont know. J.B Priestly purposely does not use aquestion mark in this quote to show that the Inspector already knowsthe answer. This affects the characters as they are firstly surprisedon how much knowledge the inspector has and the Birlings can not give astraight answer. The Inspector knows so much about Eva metalworker due tofinding her diary and some letters. I had an idea from something thegirl herself wrote.At the start of the play, we are introduced to the Birlings who are noother than an upper flesh family. The whole family all seem to beliving peacefully. Until the moment where it all begins, It cant beany worse for me than it has been. And it might be ameliorate Sheilasays. Gerald replies, I see. At this stage the relationship shattersand then from there on the worst is spoken by the inspector to theBirlings.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Montgomery Bus Boycott Essay -- Civil Rights
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a political and social complain campaign started in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama. The law said that black people had to sit in the back of the agglomerate while the the white people sit in the front. Bus drivers often referred to black people on the bus as nigger, black cow, or black ape. Blacks had to pay in the front of the bus and they had to get forward to go threw the side door to sit in the back.Dr. Martin Luther King jr., was born on January 15,1929 but died April 4, 1968. Martin king attended segregated globe schools in Georgia. Dr. king was so smart that he graduated from high school at the age of 15 and got a B.A degree in 1948 from an all(a) time best black college back then named Morehouse. When Dr. King went to Boston he met and married Coretta Scott. genus genus Rosa Parks was born Rosa McCauley in Tuskegee, Alabama. No unitary really knew about her childhood, they only knew about the how she refused to give up her seat to a white man on the bus.The boycott first started when Rosa Parks didn?t give up her seat after asked about two or three times. Rosa Parks is known for touching off the Montgomery bus boycott in 1955 that led to the extreme popularity of Dr. King. The Montgomery improvement association, which is best known as the M.I.A, organized a car syndicate of nearly three hundred cars to drive people that need transportation. The sprit and the unity of the Negro community was stronger than it had ever been. Many African-Americans prayed for this day to come for years until Rosa Parks made that happen.The Montgomery boycott officially started on December 1, 1955 and that same month but in the year of 1949 movement to desegregate the touch started. The movement started on the day in 1949 when a black profes... ...osa parks also had an unpublished speech about the boycott and setting her people ( blacks) free. Jo Ann Robinson was the one who tried to help Rosa parks but she didn?t succeed. She was an educa ted woman, a professor at the all-black Alabama state college and a member of the women?s political council in Montgomery.On November 13, 1956 the Supreme Court ruled that the law was unconstitutional. The boycott had several important results and one of the best results was and still is, is that blacks and whites and other hurry?s can sit anywhere and together on the bus. They can even go to the same school together. The Montgomery bus boycott sequestration on Montgomery buses led to the founding of the SCLC and today there are so many people still talking about it. A some churches in Alabama thanked everyone that was part of the march and that ended the boycott for good.
Prophet and Tecumseh Essay -- essays research papers
It is believed that Tecumseh was born in 1768 in central Ohio. He was the second son of a Shawnee warrior who was killed at the Battle of stop consonant Pleasant. In his dying breaths, his father commanded his eldest son Cheesuaka, to train Tecumseh as a warrior and to never make peace with the whites. Cheesuaka was good to his word and became an smooth warrior and a teacher. He grew close with his younger brother, and after their mother moved to Missouri he acted as a foster parent as well. Tecumseh was a determine child, and although it is claimed that he ran in terror from his first battle, his courage never faltered from then on. Tall, muscular, intelligent, and highly charismatic, Tecumseh proved to be a master battle tactics and an excellent speaker. (Edmunds)Prophet was one of a set of triplets born just a few years after Tecumseh. Tenskwatawa, as he was first known was the only if one of the three believed to have survived into adulthood. Part of this could be because, u nlike Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa was a clumsy child who was unskilled in hunting and would never become a warrior. This was a serious faux paux for a young man in Shawnee society. Tenskwatawa lost his right eye in a hunting accident when he was young. As he grew older, developed a taste for whiskey and quickly degenerated into severe alcoholism. Despite his flaws, Tenskwatawa was devoted to Tecumseh, and the older brother acted as his protector. (Edmunds)Tenskwatawas breeding was filled with alcohol and despair when, he...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
The battle for customers has brought personal computer prices temptingly low. Which kind of computer is come apart for the business user to buy--an Apple or a PC that runs Microsoft Windows software? Used to be simple to pick a personal computer for star sign use but if people cute a simple software computer that would be Mac. If you needed lots of cheap computing power for complicated tasks, or didnt care so some(prenominal) about user-friendliness, you bought an IBM-style PC. Since PC have a more compatible system computer hardware makes it more versatile but vulnerable to malware and viruses but Mac and PC users are safer after installing up-to-date antivirus software. Since PC is a better personal computer to run small businesses because of the power to managed the information and storing it . Mac and PC are really similar to each other, but the price differs because of the named of the brand but PC are not bound by one company. it has election companies creating the ha rdware thats why PCs are cheap. Research conducted by David Kirkpatrick indicates that Pc has 47% of machines and still growing, but Macs has lonesome(prenominal) 11% of computer, we could argue which computer has better quality but Mac could reduce the value of their computers to acquire the same quality of a PC.PC Different OEMs and even custom build PCs cleverness not have the suitable drivers released for every components in each OS version, incompatibles, lagging may occur. Maybe cannot reach expected performance.Since Apple manufactures all updates, hardware and software Macs run smoothly and stable performance. Custom build PCs are the ones that create most of the problems in home computers, but manufactures that sell PCs to customers dont bring any kind of problems with their compat... ...g the Mac fans.It also leaves Apple remarkably vulnerable when innovations go wrong - the ill-fated Cube placed the company in deep trouble, taking them out of the market and wasting a lot of money on a system thats doesnt work so well. this also applies for games since Mac doesnt support too many games making them drop their market really low when it comes to gaming.Personal Computers are design for home and business use, Pc are simple, affordable and upgradable making them really versatile to any used on a home. Computers are a part of our chance(a) life making Mac are useless for personal computing. PC PRO a specialize website that reviews the Pros and Cons about computers. Many reviews from this website say that Mac is only great for media purposes. Also PC is the most familiar computer in the world making the customers feel comfortable with their purchase.
Essay --
The battle for customers has brought personal data processor prices temptingly low. Which kind of computer is better for the business user to buy--an orchard apple tree or a PC that runs Microsoft Windows software? Used to be simple to pick a personal computer for home use but if hoi polloi wanted a simple software computer that would be mac. If you needed lots of cheap computing power for complicated tasks, or didnt care so much about user-friendliness, you bought an IBM-style PC. Since PC have a more compatible system hardware makes it more versatile but vulnerable to malware and viruses but mackintosh and PC users are safer after inst all tolding up-to-date antivirus software. Since PC is a better personal computer to run small businesses because of the power to managed the information and storing it . mack and PC are really similar to each other, but the price differs because of the named of the brand but PC are not bound by wizard confederation. it has alternative com panies creating the hardware thats why PCs are cheap. Research conducted by David Kirkpatrick indicates that Pc has 47% of machines and still growing, but Macs has only 11% of computer, we could argue which computer has better quality but Mac could reduce the value of their computers to acquire the same quality of a PC.PC Different OEMs and even custom hold PCs might not have the suitable drivers released for every components in each OS version, incompatibles, lagging may occur. Maybe cannot reach expected performance.Since Apple manufactures all updates, hardware and software Macs run smoothly and stable performance. Custom build PCs are the ones that create most of the problems in home computers, but manufactures that sell PCs to customers wear outt bring any kind of problems with their compat... ...g the Mac fans.It also leaves Apple remarkably vulnerable when innovations go wrong - the ill-fated Cube placed the company in deep trouble, taking them out of the market and wast ing a lot of money on a system thats doesnt belong so well. this also applies for games since Mac doesnt support too many games making them drop their market really low when it comes to gaming.Personal Computers are propose for home and business use, Pc are simple, affordable and upgradable making them really versatile to any used on a home. Computers are a office of our daily life making Mac are useless for personal computing. PC PRO a specialize website that reviews the Pros and Cons about computers. Many reviews from this website say that Mac is only great for media purposes. Also PC is the most familiar computer in the world making the customers feel comfortable with their purchase.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Is Macbeth a hero or a murderous tyrant? Discuss Essay
Macbeth, the Thane of Cawdor was a murderous tyrant without question. Macbeth was originally considered to be a hero at an early phase angle in the play even the people of his Kingdom soon saw another side of him which turned him into a butcher. It is clear that through all of Macbeths schemes of becoming king, much(prenominal) as killing King Duncan and then his friend Banquo, he was a bloodthirsty and unpitying man. This malicious and tyrannical behaviour was not lucid in Macbeths character early in the scenes, but became obvious as the play progressed and more and more people died because of him in an attempt to keep a secret.Killing Duncan for his position of King was the secret that Macbeth tried desperately to hide. He and Lady Macbeth thought that the crime they had committed would easily be erased with the simple washing of hands to remove the blood. The criminal pair went to the extent of framing other people for their crime so that they would not be even considered a s the culprits. dressing in their nightgowns before they went back to bed and ridding their bloody clothes was also an attempt to draw no suspicious attention to themselves. However, the traumatic incident that Macbeth go through when killing an innocent, good man was something that would haunt him for many nights to come. Macbeth became paranoid after the awful deed and confided in Lady Macbeth saying thatMethought I heard a voice cry Sleep no more to all the houseMacbeth shall sleep no more.As well as being obsessed by his dreams at night, Macbeth had suspicions of Banquos knowledge of the murder and so, had to put an end to it.Macbeth, through his greed, murdered Duncan for power and the throne, and then, through the aid of henchmen, he killed Banquo also. To Macbeth, murder appeared to be the only sure way of keeping his secret that he was convinced Banquo would reveal.Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be feard tis much he dar es.Macbeth was scared that his and lady Macbeths crime may come undone and so, once again, took to murdering the innocent. As well as Banquo, Macbeth instructed the henchmen to make Banquos son Fleance, embrace the fate of that dark hour. That is, kill Fleance also to stop him from revealing his fathers murderers, and therefore link it back to the King. This murderous intent from Macbeth was due to not only fear but also jealousy. Macbeth would not bring royal descendants unlike Banquo according to the witches. So, by murdering Banquo, he thought he would come after in concealing King Duncans death once and for all. By murdering Fleance, he would also prevent the line of Banquo continuing and becoming kings themselves. These actions of Macbeth were the beginning of the stage where he became desensitised to cold-blooded murder and therefore, as it did not affect him anymore, he became a ruthless and murderous tyrant showing no mercy.Macbeth had already been creditworthy for two dea ths (as Fleance escaped the attack) and was in no hurry to cease until his position of king was not threatened. His murderous ways had paid off to a pointedness and now, because of his confrontation with the three apparitions in the woods, he felt invincible as they said.None of woman born shall harm Macbethnever vanquished be until Great Birnam timber to Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.It was after this disc everywherey of his newly charmed life, that Macbeth truly turned into the butcher that some had expected, and others had not. Originally known as brave Macbeth, over the series of murders and problems he had faced with seeing ghosts of Banquo, his fair, noble and valiant exuberance was lost and in its place, a malicious, merciless and murderous tyrant was born.Tyrant was the call given to Macbeth and he lived up to his title (through the use of henchmen again) when he massacred Macduffs castling inhabitants. Macbeth was told to beware Macduff and when Macduff defiantly refused doing something and fled to England, Macbeth was immediately angered, determined to get his own back.The castle of Macduff I will surprisegive to the edge of the sword, his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line.Murderers seized Macduffs castle and everyone living there was brutally polish off under orders of the King. Even though all slaughtered were unknowing and innocent to matters regarding Macbeth, because of this desire to hurt Macduff, the emotional trauma would be the real weapon against him.Because of Macbeths murderous and tyrannical ways, being affected by death became an unheard of reaction and this was particularly evident when, just prior to battle, he was notified of his wife, Lady Macbeth, committing suicide. Macbeth barely cared round this and was focused more on the war rather than his wifes tragic death. An explanation of this indifferent response is based upon himself becoming a murderous tyrant, desensitised to the unnec essary execution of many innocent lives. Therefore, his wifes death held no importance, in fact more of a nuisance as She should have died hereafter there would have been a time for such a word. Macbeth had no understanding anymore about his actions.Macbeth was a murderous tyrant. The barbaric and ruthless actions that he went through with were unnecessary and were carried out for the tyrants personal power gain and stability in the throne. A tyrant cannot be a hero just as a hero cannot be a tyrant. The change from hero to tyrant in Macbeths self is clearly evident and cannot be mistaken for anything but murderous. Not grieving his wifes death, organising for his friends murder and murdering a good and noble king is evidence to prove that Macbeth was desensitised to killing. Macbeth killed everyone that move to stand in his fates way and regardless of innocence they were brutally murdered. These actions clearly prove that Macbeth was an abominably murderous tyrant.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Proposal Essay – Organ Selling
While walking down a city street, alarming cries for help ring extinct by dint of the air, and it is observed that an individual that appears to be animate well has a helpless, poor victim held down, relentlessly beating them to the ground and winning what little they cede leftfield for their own advantage and benefit. What would be the right thing to do run away or try to help, either by stepping in or vocation the proper authorities? The morally ethical thing to do would be to help and do what has to be done to stand up for what is right.This same oecumenic scenario is happening non too far from this country, where electric electronic organ brokers argon victimizing innocent and poverty-stricken mothers and fathers trying to find a way to provide and get start of debt, by either forcing or deceiving them to give up an organ or cheating them whether formally or informally, after they agree to sell, by either not paying them for their organ at all or only when paying a f raction of the promised price (Glaser, S.,2005).But the way that nobody tries to help is the same as walking by that same victim that is being crush on the street. These poor victimized sellers that atomic number 18 turning to that option, unfortunately are completely imbruted to and uneducated on the process, certain organs in their bodies, or any of the functions or importance of those organs which leaves them wide open to exploitation.Therefore, my proposal is to find a way to stop these horrible things from happening to the potential and desperate sellers, by educating them, giving them other means that help both those who are seeking pecuniary gain by selling, and those who desperately are seeking an organ to survive, and eliminating them from the black mart organ brokers manipulation and exploitative grasp. It is respectfully down the stairsstood that the World health Organization (WHO) is strongly against any payment for any type of organ donation for a number of moral, ethical, and medical reasons (Denneman, L., Mol, M. 2009).For instance, as stated in the WHOs Guiding Principles on Human Organ Transplantation (1991), organ trafficking violates fundamental human rights, such(prenominal) as rights to life, liberty, security in person and freedom from venomous and inhumane treatment(Glaser, S. 2005). Furthermore, it may be a risk to the public in addition to being a crime that, in this particular case, proves to be a conspicuously offensive violation of human rights, because the forcing and misleading of someone into selling their body parts violates their personal independence (Glaser, S.2005).Moreover, safety standards in these areas are severely undermined due to the lack of resources, weak medical regulatory foundation, and corruption therefore, if there were to be a legalized method of organ buying and selling, the regulatory structures and frame would be ineffectively executed (Denneman, L. , Mol, M. 2009). So, one hindquarters empathetica lly concur with the WHOs decision to stand firm on the banning.Anthropologist, Monir Moniruzzaman, found 33 sellers who went to organ brokers to sell their kidneys, not even knowing what the word kidney meant nor what its purpose and functions in the body were, and were talked into doing it because of the misleading, false information they received of their sleeping kidney and the 100% safe role that had no risks and would cause no long-term harm or damage to them then were promised over two thirds more than they actually received (Moniruzzaman, M.2012).These people, who lived on only $2 per day to provide for a family and lived in the worst imaginable impoverished conditions, some in a crawl space located under someone elses house (Bienstock, R. E. 2013). They see thousands of luring ads in local newspapers, promising them the world, and protrude of fear, hope, and desperation reach out to the organ brokers and get sucked into consenting and at times physically forced to donate ( Parry, W. 2012).If there were a strictly regulated legal system with fixed prices that these desperately poverty-stricken people can go to ask questions, get true, accurate answers and information, and completely and independently decide to sell. This may be the solution to wipe out these brokers of the black market because if they have no one to prey on they will not have a choice but to find other means of income besides taking a large portion of the sellers payments for hidden fees (Resnick, B.2012).Since the WHO is not, in any way, going to lift the ban, and one of the most efficient ways to increase the supply of visible(prenominal) organs for the thousands of people on organ waiting lists is to make some form of donation and selling legal, other options must be sought-after. By combine two opposingviewpoints it is possible for a whole new approach to this rapidly growing problem to transpire, for there may be more lovely aspects than what meets the eye. Though there are are as of disagreement, it is agreed upon that exploiting the poor and manipulating and/or forcing them to sell their organs at the expense of their health physically and psychologically, and social stance as well as the sellers families also.Instead of going against beliefs of any party by lifting the ban or just pretending that this does not occur on a routine basis or ignore it entirely, not trying to help, it may be possible to educate these poor and desperate people, crack down on busting these organ brokers, and even getting the doctors involved in the protection and prevention of the innocent victims that this vicious system continues to claim. The ethical and moral urgency to protect these peoples rights, freedom, health, and autonomy is equally important, so it should be the main focal point for a new elimination program.This could consist of passing and strictly and harshly enforcing laws against such crimes related to illegal trafficking, and in the process organize public e ducation campaigns to get the proper and accurate information out to the victims and potential sellers so these brokers that do not get caught are unable to scam and force them to sell out of ignorance (Glaser, S. 2005). These awareness programs and information centers could then, in turn, create some jobs and give those living in drastic poverty some form of income.These developments will require total cooperation and collaboration from both he3alth officials and law enforcement officials equally (Halstead, B. , Wilson, P. 1991). One way would be to pass the law imposing mandatory reporting requirements for doctors who suspect that the organs were obtained using the black market. Currently, transplant doctors work on a dont ask, dont tell regimen, which is fueling the brokers to continue luring in more sellers.Since it is the brokers who are the main culprits, it should be them, not doctors, that are pursued, convicted, and be given a more severe punishment (Glaser, S. 2005). In ad dition to stopping the organ brokers there are a number of other methods that can be carried out to develop an increasing supply of organs, such as promoting consent to cadaver donations upon death, altruistic donations, biotechnology, and/or using tissues and stem cells from aborted fetuses to create the needed organs (Holstead, B. , Wilson,P. 1991).There are a number of options presented and if it is not possible to legalize the sale of organs, completely dissipate the black market, or stop people from using the black market out of desperation for either money or the needed organ, then the way the people are misinformed, uneducated, and exploited, blindly consenting by way of emphasis and/or manipulation needs to be promptly addressed by carefully and thoughtfully considering getting the knowledge, law enforcement, strict punishments, and health officials help out and start standing up for the innocent victims.Just as one would help if he saw a victim lying in front of him, beate n and bloody in the street, it would be imperative and morally right to lend a helping hand.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Aed 201 Appendix a
Axia College Material Appendix A nett retch Overview and Timeline Final Project Overview Currently, many teachers and para schoolmasters are required to create a professional portfolio as part of their pre-service education. Use Appendix A to help you create a Professional Development Plan, which is a component that cease be added to your professional portfolio. In a 2,100- to 2,500-word paper composed in Microsoft Word, include answers to the following questions * What are your goals in the next five years?In the next 10 or more years? * What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles after part you foresee and how will you over scrape them? * What is one principle from the INTASC Principles Web site (http//cte. jhu. edu/pds/resources/intasc_principles. htm) that you feel you need to improve the most in order to be useful in the education profession? What existing professional development program(s) could you pursue to address the need to improve in this area ? What professional development programs can you enroll in to help you prepare to meet the diverse needs of todays learners? * How will you evaluate your progress? What will help keep you motivated toward achieving those goals? * What professional organizations will you join? Why? What do you expect to gain from membership in these organizations? * What techniques will you use to help you develop leadership skills? Final Project Timeline You should budget your time wisely and work on your project throughout the course.As outlined below, some CheckPoints, assignments, and exercises in the course are designed to instigate you in creating your final project. If you complete your course activities and use the feedback provided by your instructor, you will be on the right track to complete your project successfully. * Suggested in calendar week One Read Appendix A. Consider how current reforms will affect your 5- and 10-year goals. Review the INTASC Principles at http//cte. jhu. edu/pd s/resources/intasc_principles. htm Suggested in week Two Make note of anything youve come across while interviewing a teaching professional that could be an area of improvement for yourself before or during your first year in the classroom. * Suggested in week Four Begin searching for professional educator organizations and/or programs that interest you. * Suggested in Week Five Begin outlining and writing your final project. * Suggested in Week Eight Complete and proofread a rough draft of your final project. * Due in Week Nine Submit your final project.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Advantages and disadvantage of Going Green Essay
The study advantage, undoubtedly, is that the use of green technology reduces the pollution of the environment. The damage that is usually seizee to the environment when hotels use diesel products is very catastrophic. Diesel products go on a lot of hydrocarbons into the air that cause global warming, which is known to hamper marine life and make some species of the marine bio diversity extinct. However this provide be avoided if the industry adopts green technology.The industry has also come alive to the fact that ecotourism is a major attraction to many people who want to exert the world we live in. People appreciate and value those involved in environmental conservation and majority like being associated with them.The adoption of green technology by the hospitality industry improves the public image that people have towards the industry. The world today is doing everything to combat global warming which is seen as a major threat to future earnings of almost each sector in th e global economy.Tax SavingsSignificant federal tax benefits are associated with vent green and several deductions apply for the cost of energy-efficient improvements. Some states also give green building tax credits. Reduced CostsOne of the main benefits of hotels acquittance green is that business owners get to considerably lower their operating costs. By turning environmentally friendly, hotels can see a 30 percent simplification in their costs. DisadvantagesPotential clients may not believe that green design can be luxurious. (Just because youre green doesnt mean you dont have a particular style, or cant produce a certain luxury. People are starting to understand that, further it was a real hurdle.-Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer)Sourcing furniture, fixtures, and materials is more work. Even though options are improving, the range of choices is narrower, and youre doing more work, to find everything from energy efficient illume to low-flow faucets to natu ral upholstery fabrics. (Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer)When you cant find what you want, you have to make it yourself. Thats a con, because its a lot of work, but its also a pro, because its fun and, before you know it, youve designed a whole new product range.(Lori Dennis, a Los Angeles-based interior designer)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Journal Entry 11 and 9 Oncourse
Journal Entry 11 In this activity, you will create a personal affirmation. If you repeat your affirmation often, it will aid you compensate choices that will strengthen the personal qualities needed to achieve your goals and dreams. 1. Write a one-sentence statement of one of your most motivations, goals, or dreams in your role as a savant. My biggest goal to achieve in my career is to know that I made a difference in someones intent and helped them to feel their best. I would like to gain with children at Childrens Hospital. 2. Write a list of personal qualities that would help you achieve this educational goal or dream.Compassionate, dedicated, good-listener, encouraging, understanding, care, easy to talk to and willing to help in any way I bath. 3. Circle three qualities on your list that seem the most essential for you to achieve your goal or dream as a student from step 1. It is being compassionate, good-listener and caring. 4. Write three versions of your personal affir mation Format A I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman. Format B I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, following my brio calling. Format C I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. . Choose the one sentence from Step 4 that you like best and write that sentence five or more times. I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. I am a compassionate, good-listening, caring woman, and I enjoy feeling needed. 6. Write three paragraphs- one for each of the three qualities in your affirmation.The first quality from my affirmation is compassion. I demonstrate that quality was when my fri terminations grandmother passed away. I was there for her at fulfil aim, nearly every day after school, and as much as I possibly could. I was there to help her get her mind off things, and I was there for her when she was grieving and needed a shoulder to cry on. This is just one of the numerous times that I have been compassionate. I have a big heart and when others hurt, I hurt and I want to do anything I potentiometer to make them feel better.The second quality from my affirmation is good-listening. A specific experience in my life when I demonstrated this was when my best friend told me her economize cheated on her while she was going finished the surgery. It took her quite a while to get over the pain. I didnt mind talking to her about it every day, and Im glad that she felt like she could come to me to let her pain out. I listened and gave her my opinion. Im always there to listen to masss problems. If they are going through with(predicate) something and I feel like I can help them, then Im all for it. The third quality from my affirma tion is caring.A specific experience in my life when I demonstrated this quality was when my friend got really sick and needed surgery. After the surgery she was in pain and needed care. I was happy to pacify with her and help her to feel better and recover faster. Journal Entry 9 1. Below the title, complete the part of your life plan for your role as a student My Dream My dream is to be successful in a career that I love and look forward to going to everyday. My Life fiber Currently I am a wife, a mother and a college student but in the future I want to be the helper, and the go-to person in my career.And I want people to feel like they can come to me for anything they need. My Long-Term Goals in This Role Help patients or anyone that needs corporeal therapy help. I want to help them and encourage them to do the best they can in recovery process. I want to make good money and be able to support my family. I want to know that I made a difference in someones life. My long term go als as a college student are to excel and graduate as soon as possible so that I can dive into my career and start helping people around 2015.Achieve an Associate Degree by 2015 My Short-Term Goals in This Role To pass all my classes, and ace as many of them as I can by end of May 2014. Finish all the essays, tests and quizzes I have to write as soon as I can by the end of each week. Enjoy this first semester of college before its over. 2. Write about what you have learned or relearned by designing your life plan. By doing the life plan, I realized that I am going to have to work very hard to achieve my dream, meaning I need to take school very seriously so that I can start my career as soon as possible.My long term goals are going to take a lot of dedication and sacrificing to achieve them, but I know I can do it. Its not just about getting through this semester, its about excelling in every semester to come and doing the best I can in all of my classes. In terms of a career, I am extremely excited for when that day comes. I want to be needed and I want to help people. I learned that the hopes for my careers can become realities if I follow through with this life plan.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Fast Food Nation Essay
The growth of the straightaway food industry over the past times few decades into what it is today is an undeniable phenomenon that has occurred in an alarmingly rapid pace. The fact of the matter is it seems that a person has a very realistic chance of determination a McDonalds within a 4 mile radius of any household in the country, it is also arguable that this is already the case for the world as well, and if non now then very soon indeed. According to an article Good Home CookingRight off the Assembly Line, by mob Bone on the Times Online Web site said, sole(prenominal) one-third of Americans work meals from scratch, meaning with fresh ingredients.Bone also reports that Americans throw off only thirty minutes cooking dinner, compargond with 2-1/2 hours in the 1960s. In his book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser says, one-quarter of Americans eat in a fast-food restaurant all(prenominal) day (3). Why are Americans consume so much fast food? The answer is simple they are wi lling to trade quality for speed. opus Americans may be attracted to food that is fast and easy, they are missing some important benefits of slowing down. In fact, Americans obsession with fast food is hurting not only their health but also the quality of their lives.The main reason that Americans are getting take-out food and cooking prepared meals is obvious they dont conduct enough time. Bone said in more than two-thirds of households in America, two people are working. People with demanding work schedules have pocket-sized time for food shopping and cooking. Another reason that mealtime has become so short is that many younger adults grew up in what one might advert a fast-food culture. In the past fifty years, inventions such as televisions, fax machines, and computers have increased the pace of life.At the same time, microwave ovens, drive-through restaurants, and TV dinners have changed the way Americans eat. Many people now prefer to eat quickly, even in their cars or in front of the television, instead of taking time to cook a meal and sit at the table. In this culture of instant gratification, people dont think food is important enough to spend much time on. Even though Americans think that they are saving time and improving their lives by eating precooked and prepackaged food, their obsession with fast food is causing the quality of their lives to go down.Fast food doesnt contain the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. They have lots of preservatives, fat, sugar, and salt to enshroud the fact that they are not fresh. As a result, people may feel chronically fatigued and lack the energy they need to complete effortless tasks. If people do not eat fresh foods that provide necessary vitamins and minerals, they may become tired and sick, and they will miss out on opportunities to savor their lives. Another serious health concern is obesity. There is an obesity epidemic in America today, especially with young person, that is related to the way people are eating.According to Schlosser, the rate of obesity among American children is twice as high as it was in the late 1970s (240). Obesity can lead to many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. In The Link Between Fast Food And The Obesity Epidemic. Dustin Frazier writes, deaths due to poor diet and physical inactivity increased 33 percent over the past decade. It cites a study concluding that, poor diet and physical inactivity may soon overtake tobacco plant as the leading cause of death in this country.Certainly, if fast food causes people to become obese, and then obesity causes them to get sick or die, fast food cannot be considered improvement in Americans lives. Even though Americans may think they are saving time and improving their lives by eating fast food, they will actually have fitter and more enjoyable lives if they change the way they cook and eat. Making dinner from scratch is much healthier than getting burgers and fries from a fast-food restaurant. And people get more than just a full stomachthey get more time with family and friends and a honourable feeling from creating something healthy.People should learn to choose fast food carefully and remember the pleasure of eating good food in good company. exert Cited Bone, James. Good Home CookingRight off the Assembly Line. TimesOnline 27 Mar. 2006. 9 Oct. 2006. Frazier, Dustin A. The Link Between Fast Food And The Obesity Epidemic. Health matrix journal Of Law-Medicine 17. 2 (2007) 291-317. Academic Search Complete. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY Perennial, 2002. Print.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
AT&T “Don’t text while driving†Essay
This deadly Combination is brought to a heart wrenching point in the YouTube telecasting called Dont school text while ride is also a campaign started by AT&T in 2010 It rotter wait. Everyday people argon killed in car accidents. Motor vehicles are responsible for the lives of many innocent drivers and passengers on the road. A common reason responsible for these accidents involve texting while driving. Texting and driving projects horrific accidents whose consequences can be fatal and life changing. AT&T supports drivers to not text and drive on the road through their Dont text while driving advertisements. In one of the short stories, a young man suffers from brain suffering as a consequence to the text essence Where r he was sending while operating a motor vehicle. Another one of AT&Ts short stories personifies a sister of a texting and driving victim.AT&Ts video sets a sympathetic irritation, implements trustworthy spokespersons and uses style in textual information to o rison to the audience while convincing viewers to not text and drive. AT&Ts Dont text while driving video establishes a relatable mood highlighted by the setting of the stories. Opening this powerful video is Missouri State military officer Grant Hendrix, he was the first responder on the scene of Mariah Wests fatal accident. He describes her physical disfigurement from her car violently colliding with a freeway barrier. Getting choked up Officer Hendrix then says, its funny the first thing I noticed about her was her shoes lying in the roadway in a vast pool blood I noticed her shoes and I thought this is a young girl, thats the first thing I thought when I saw this girl and at that point is why I noticed her cap and gown was still in her car and that she was going to graduate the undermentioned day this was just a really horrific seen all be causality of a senseless text means (054)Seeing a veteran officer fixate emotional, even admitting he sees these sorts of things often m akes a powerful statement. Near the end of the video he making a poignant statement saying, She paid the finalprice for her life Ive had to do this more than once she was not the that victim that I have dealt with and it never gets any easier and it wont get any easier was it worth it losing your life over that text message(718) In the Yeah story with the sister of a victim, the setting is in the pacifier of a home. Audiences can relate to the setting because al approximately everyone has or strives to have a place to call home. Ashley, the sister of a texting a driving victim, can no longer be at comfort in her own home without her sister. Knowing she sent the text message that caused the death of her sister is something she finds hard-fought overlook.In contrast, the Where r commercial ends with a young man in a rehabilitation center. He sits in the middle of the clinic holding a foretoken of the text that changed his life. Surrounding him is a wheel chair, exercise balls, an d building blocks meant for children. The setting portrays his new life learning how to function in order to have a normal life again. In both cases, the setting appeals to pity but in contrasting ways. The audience can relate to both situations by having a place to call home and what the consequences of texting a driving would be if ones life was changed forever. The relaxed familiarity of a home can quickly change the mood of an audience after a traumatic experience. Additionally, a rehabilitation clinic is not an ideal place for a person to want to spend the rest of his or her life. Pathos is seen in these advertisements by connecting to the audiences emotions. The setting evokes feelings of sympathy with the audience to create a relatable mood.Not only does the setting persuade audiences to not text and drive, the speakers presented in the commercials are credible and trustworthy. AT&T has respectfully not hired actors to speak about the hazards of texting and driving in their commercials. Instead they use real people who have personal knowledge and experience of the effects of texting a driving. AT&T effectively uses ethos by getting the audience to grade with the spokesperson. They are normal citizens whose lives were completely changed because of a text message. The sister in the Yeah story Ashley, tells of her sister saying how funny she was and how her sister was always texting her. wholeness could tell they had a strong relationship before it was destroyed by the fatal car accident. Likewise, by just listening to the man with brain damage talk, the audience sympathizes with him. As he struggles to put on ashirt, we see the physical effects the accident has taken on him. This video also potently appeals to pathos because it makes the audience pity the speakers. An emotional connection is made by the audience and the speakers in these advertisements.With that said, AT&T addresses the problem of texting and driving through ethos and pathos presented by the commercials speakers. Along with identifying with the speakers, AT&Ts Dont text while driving video portrays a peculiar style to convince the audience to not text and drive. For example, after the speaker tells his or her story, a blank white screen appears with the individual text message in bold, black letters. The bland screen with opposite colors proposes a straightforward persuasion technique that forces the audience to focus on the screen and the message being presented. These simple approaches appeal to pathos because each holds a strong message that stimulates the audiences emotions. At the end of the video, AT&T provides source information from Virginia technical school Institute dated from the year 2009. Studies show that you are 23 times more likely to be involved in an accident when texting and driving. (821) all(prenominal) of the textual information presented in the advertisement depicts pathos. AT&T constructs a reasonable argument of not texting and driving through the style demonstrated end-to-end the video. Indeed, texting and driving is a rising problem in society. Many lives are taken or even changed forever because of this selfless act. More people hire to be informed of the consequences of texting and driving, and AT&T did just that. AT&Ts Dont text while driving video convinces viewers to not text and drive through their many persuasive techniques. The commercials not only stimulate the audiences perspective, they effectively use visual stimuli to present and desist drivers from texting and driving. In light of the speakers credibility, ethos is present in the video as well. The settings, moods, speakers, and style all contribute to the persuasion of an audience in this video. AT&T not only sells cell phones, the company took it upon themselves to present a problem caused by cell phones.AT&T has the ability to engage an audience while promoting a cause and advertising their cell phone company in their Dont text while driving v ideo. On a personal note I have found myself guilty of doing this from time to time, I am ashamed to admit it but its true. I dont believe anyone should be texting while driving, but how do I argue against something I am guilty of myself?Do I use the old adage do as I say, not as I do? That seems very hypocritical, but after watching this video I have to say stop and forecast before picking up that phone while driving. It moved me the most seeing the sister Ashley wrought with guilt over her sisters death. This was the most powerful for me, having lost someone I too felt guilty over losing it stamped AT&Ts message right in my heart. Lisa Walsh
Monday, May 20, 2019
Public Library Essay
Library is something which has a lot of magnificence in everyones life. And specially in the life of school going childrens. It is responsible for teaching those children the chaste values which are required a lot in further run of their life. Library is something whose grandeur cannot be neglected at any point of life. I consider myself to be very favored as I was being provided with one of the best depository library by my school. My school had a considerable and efficient library.Almost all sorts of books required by students could be found in that library. And also there were many different types of magazines and newspapers in our library. We had a different room known as Reading Room adjacent to our library. It was the place where we used to take our books for reading them or making notes. No one was allowed to read books in library instead of teachers. Students till class 10th had two library period in a week. They had permission to issue books during those two periods onl y. Also they had to retrieve the issued book within 15 twenty-four hour periods.No student till class 10th was allowed to keep books for more than 15 days. retentivity books with themselves for more than 15 days would require the student to pay a fine of Rs5 a day for each extra day. But this was not the case with old students or students of class 11th-12th they were allowed to issue books whenever they wanted. on that point was no specific Library period for senior students. Also they had the permission to keep books with themselves till they want.They had to return books only during the time of examination. There were different sections in our library which were divided according to classes. The section for senior students mostly consisted of reference books. But they too had an option of issuing novels and other story books. Although due to choose pressure there was hardly any student who issued novels or story books. Everyone issued references.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Of Mice and Men †George and Lennie Essay
How does Steinbeck pre displace the characters of George and Lennie? During the Great Depression of the mid-thirties when America was plunged into financial crisis following the W tot all in ally Street Crash of October 1929, levels of unemployment and p all overty were at an all sequence high. In this ear vivification was a struggle and the mentality of society became survival of the fittest, invariablyy human being for himself. Migrant thrashers toured the country in search of labour to provide money for food typically sent to relatives living on the bread line elsewhere in America.These men lead lonely and cold lives, which are reflected through Steinbecks portrayal of his characters in his famous, yet bleak, 1930s novella Of Mice and Men. In the novel, George and Lennies consanguinity diversifies them from the some different ranch workers for the reason that they rely on each other for support and guild I got you and you got me. In particular, the ideate they share of owning their own land, reflects the American Dream of being the ringleader of your own life with a level of self-sufficiency.Steinbeck first introduces the reader to George and Lennie at the beginning of the novel a few miles to the south of Soledad, in the evening of a hot day where rabbits sat as quietly as for compressful gray, sculptured stones. Disrupting the tranquil atmosphere two men emerged from the path as the place was newly exanimate for a moment. At first, the author flummoxs George and Lennie as typical migrant workers, both wearing denim tro single-valued functionrs and carrying skew-whiff blanket rolls en route to their next ranch.After creating the impression that the couple up are similar, Steinbeck reveals that actually this is non the case behind him walked his opposite. George inhabits a small body with healthy, sharp features whereas Lennie has a shapeless face and a huge body. Irrespective of their appearance, it is inferred that both George an d Lennie are victims of society restless eyes and dragging his feet constantly on guard as well as fatigued from both work and travel.Further into the first chapter, we understand that George has a level of authority over Lennie and it could be suggested that he stands as a father assure to him. As Lennie snorts into the piss George sharply orders him non to drink so much and informs him to never drink water when it aint running. At this moment it becomes evident that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie as Master and pet the yet way Lennie can cope is to be like a tame dog, tethered always to his acquire George and never let out of his sight deity youre a lot of trouble. As the checkmate settle for the night under the stars, Steinbeck uses Lennies character to portray that the mate desire simple possessions I like em with ketchup which they can only but dream of having Well we aint got any. In this scene Steinbeck intends to emphasise that George and Lennie are unfortunate and the reader is able to sympathise with them because basic creature comforts are caren for granted in society today.The scene also exhibits the situation that although George and Lennie are migrant workers they do not fit the typical profile, this being because during moments of violence George describes what life would be like if he did not mother Lennie to take care of if he was a lone traveller, a typical migrant worker I could stay in a Cat House all night or set in a pool room and play cards. Although George sometimes foresees Lennie as an inconvenience it is occur that Steinbeck wishes to present George a companion to Lennie he looked a dishonourdly as well as loyal I want you to stay with me, somebodyd shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself. This is poignant because it demonstrates that although Lennie keeps George in hot water all of the time, George continues to care for Lennie because he cognises the consequences of Lennie travelling only if a nd perhaps is also frighten offed of being lonely himself that aint no good. In the same chapter, Steinbeck first incorporates the 1930s American Dream An live off the fatta the lan. Lennie makes George tell the familiar story of the small farm he intends to barter for, delighting in hearing that he has a future.Evidentially, George does not believe the dream will ever become man as he rhythmically reels off the words to Lennie as a matter of habit alternatively than optimism. That said, it is garner that although George does not believe the dream will come true he is thankful to have Lennie by his side somebody to talk to that gives a damn well-nigh us which perhaps implies that although Steinbeck presents the pair as victims, he also presents them as lucky in the fact that they have each other and care for each other enough to build a firm race.To Lennie the dream is all about the rabbits he intends to keep and pet, rather than an engine of hope which drives George to con tinue the struggle. Lennie excites in the idea that one day he will own a rabbit hutch An have rabbits because he is unable to see further than his own desires, however George dreams of simplicities such as how thick the cream is on the milk implying that all he would like is a stable home. Regardless of their differences in the importance of aspects ncluded in the dream, their dream bonds them unneurotic in a shared goal which is to get a stake so they can buy a little house and a couple of acres. Many migrant workers shared in ideate of a better future but had nobody to share it with as everyman was for himself, making George and Lennies relationship a rare occurrence.Towards the end of the first chapter, George tells Lennie that if he gets in trouble he should go and disguise in the brush until George comes for him I want you to come right here an hide in the brush. This is because George recognises the cyclical nature of Lennies behaviour and uses his clever nature to devise a plan, something which Lennie would never have vox populi of doing as he is unaware of his own strength therefore he needs George for survival in the same way a child needs their parents for protection from the outside realism. When George and Lennie arrive at the ranch, George reminds Lennie that he is not to speak when they are interviewed by the boss because the boss will not allow Lennie to work on the ranch if he knows of Lennies mental instability.George excuses Lennies silence telling the boss he got kicked in the head, just aint bright and assures the boss Hes a God damn good skinner. Here, Steinbeck presents George as the verbalize of the pair and Lennie as the labourer, it could possibly be inferred that Steinbeck intends to present them as a team rather than Georges one man band with Lennie walking behind because Lennie is strong and can work twice as fast as one man alone, boosting their reputation leading(a) to more work and more pay to add to their savings for t he farm.It is also noticeable that the boss has never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy which infers not only that the boss surprised by George and Lennies relationship but also that because society was hostile and egotistic the boss assumed that George was takin his pay away. This further infers that relationships were far and few for migrant workers during this era and that Steinbeck intends to present George and Lennie in the way he does because many would overlook the idea of a level of humanity during the 1930s.Georges companionship with Lennie staves of loneliness, but it also gives him a role in life he has a clear task, looking later on Lennie. When George explains the situation to slim in the second and third chapter we kinda look after each other, lose weight offers the suggestion that everbody in the whole damn world is scared of each other. Here the author offers the theme of violence because many people had lost the curse of those around them and w ere prepared to use violence to protect themselves, their belongings and any pride they had.George is honest with Slim Made me seem God damn smart alongside of him admitting that early on it made him receive superior and he forced Lennie to do stupid things for the fun of it. However as his sense of shame stopped him, George began to realise that he is dependent on Lennie as much as Lennie is dependent on him because who would fight George if they knew they would have to fight Lennie as well. There are positives of George having Lennie, they defy the ethos of everyman for himself and at this stage it appears this is a key asset in their work.In the middle of the novella, George and Lennie both believe, for a short period of time, that their dream will come true This thing they had never really believed in was coming true payable to Candys offer of money for a place on the farm. Steinbeck demonstrates that although both men know their position, they easily become wrapped up in a fa irytale unable to predict their serving of grief and pain, instead of promised joy. A significant part of the novel showing the devotion of George and Lennies relationship comes when Curley, bringing with him the theme of violence, picks a fight with Lennie.Showing his sense of justice, George wont let Lennie get weakened as he is innocent Get im Lennie, whereas the other men are reluctant to take sides persuasion of their own safety first. Experience with Lennie allows George to recognise Lennies strength and to encourage or deter the use of it when appropriate. As the novel passes the midpoint when George leaves Lennie at the ranch to go to the local brothel with the other ranch hands, Lennie sees the light in Crooks room and curiosity leads him inside.Crooks is not used to visitors in his room because of his black skin colour which he is heavily discriminated because of by the other ranch hands. He faces segregation and nobody ever wants to talk to him, this is why his bunk i s away from the others. Lennie, being unaware of the complaisant hierarchy I thought I could jus come in is confused as to why Crooks is not wanted and so perseveres in conversation with him.Obviously, had George been around to keep Lennie on his tether, the situation would have been avoided. Lennie tells Crooks me an him goes ever place together through this it is apparent that Lennie is totally dependent on George which Crooks sees as an opportunity to frighten vulnerable Lennie spose he gets killed or hurt. It is at this point where Lennie shows his sense of protection for George Who hurt George? and he begins to lose control of his strength walking dangerously towards Crooks.Clearly, Lennie believes he should defend George because he is a friend, the man who is going to help him get the rabbits to tend even when George is not around Lennie is constantly withdrawing about him and his safety, just as George worries for Lennies safety. As the novel draws to the end, Lennies lac k of control over his strength becomes paramount. Stroking Curleys wifes hair, the atmosphere is relaxed and slightly playful as she prompts him to tonicity how silky it is. When Lennie does not let go and Curleys wife began to panic struggled violently so does Lennie and he began to cry with fright before he broke her neck and she flopped like a fish. Recognising that he has do a bad thing, Lennie acknowledges that he shouldnt have did that. George ll be mad. Significantly, Lennie has no moral ruling and things are good or bad to him depending on what George would think of them George could be perceived as the voice of Lennies conscience. Without George to guide him Lennie is lost, the pair are essential for Lennies survival.At the end of the novel, George becomes aware of the fact that Lennie has become a wild dog, needing to be put down by his owner I know, I know for the best intentions of both men. Features brought to George by his responsibility for Lennie, including his sense of shame and level of compassion and justice, all combine to force him to shoot Lennie and as Slim confirms, he hadda. Just before George releases the bullet, he encourages Lennie to think about the dream in order to ensure he draws in peace and happiness.This is significant in the relationship between George and Lennie as the other men from the ranch have no mercy for the curt bastard it is only George who believes although Lennie should die, he should die a painless death. Overall, it is clear that Steinbeck presents George and Lennie as accepting victims of the economical crisis of 1930s America. He gives them a dream which should be realistic but is unfortunately out of hand and offers nothing but a chance of hope for better things to come, a reason to keep going.Ultimately, Steinbeck presents the pair as dependent on each other for their own needs. The reasoning behind Steinbecks use of George and Lennie comes from his intention to provide a novel that demonstrates t hat in the end fate is ways the winner no matter how you plan to avoid it. In this fiction, Lennie was like the mouse in the title destined to die from the start as he is not fit for society and unfortunately George has to go on alone for himself because he recognises that with Lennie his too is closer to the hands of fate.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Falconi removals business Essay
Falconi removals profession I will choose for them location in my area Harehills road because is good busy place. Is good company to big local anaesthetic warehousings as continental, electrical superstores. Falconi business is depending now much works them received from customers. I think Harehills area will give those lots local customers who moving the houses or being crush from shop.Falconi can find unemployed people and give them job. Harrehills area is more than cheap then for event city centre and they can safe more money from renting office or get cheaper place for business in this area. The most important point to make Falconis business is not more removal company there. They will not have concurrency in business.Economies of scale- are the equal advantages that a staunch obtains due to expansion. Diseconomies of scale are the opposite. Economies of scale may be utilized by any size firm expanding its scale of operation. The common ones are purchasing managerial, financial and marketing. Each of these factors reduces the long average cost (LRAC) of production by shifting the short-run average total cost curve down and to the right.The local labour force- The outwear force is the subjugate of people employed and unemployed. Participation rate is the ratio among the labor force and the overall size of their cohort. In the West during the latter half of the 20th century, the labor force participation rate increased of importly, largely due to the increasing number of women entering the workplace. local employment levels- local unemployment rate may play a part in the decision where to locate. Uk soon has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. However, unemployment is not evenly spread and close to parts of the earth have high levels of unemployment like Northern Ireland, parts of west Cornwell and the north-east of England.Wage and salary levels- for some firms wages account for a significant proportion of their total cost so a business may decide to locate in an area of relatively low wages, Wage in southeastward of England tend to be higher then in south Wales. These areas tend also to be areas of in a higher place average unemployment as workers are keen to find work and are prepared to accept demean wages.Nearness to customers- There are a limit to how far customers will travel to buy tip and chips even if they are excellent quality. Fish and chip shops will need to be situated in area where plenty of local customers are. Debenhams will only consider locating a new store in an area of relatively high population.Nearness to suppliers- for some businesses near suppliers of key raw materials and components may be the main factory where to locate. all over the years a wide range of suppliers have swelled up in area such as companies supplying electrical fittings and other important components. Up until 1979 the uk imported all of its crude oil.Historical reasons for location- In an area a business m ay be reluctant to reluctant to relocate, with all the expense and upheaval that this involves. During the 18th and 19th centuries a large number of pottery and earthenware business set up in the area because of the availability of suitable fireclay.Demographic change- Over the thirty years some parts of the country have experienced increases in population as people move into the area in search of work. These demographic changes will have a significant impact on local the business.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Crystal Violet Formal Lab
Determination of Reaction Rate Law from the Reaction of Crystal Violet with Sodium hyd set outd oxide ______________________________________________ Abstract This investigateation helps introduce the rate of answer of quartz glasslizing imperial dapple it reacts with atomic number 11 hydroxide with deference to crystal violet. The sum of sodium hydroxide is varied in this experiment while crystal violet is kept at a aeonian. The transmittance of crystal violet is observed and recorded victimisation a tintometer and the entropy obtained is employ to plot represents which ar manipulated use LoggerPro software to produce the sought after outcome rate of reaction of crystal violet.Upon completion of the experiment it was seen that the rate of reaction of crystal violet turned out to be 1 which meant the reaction was front order with enjoy to crystal violet. This was deduced upon plotting the interpret of ln Absorbance versus beat of crystal violet and by drawi ng the reap of best fit, which showed that the slope graph was 1 which is the rate of reaction. This whole experiment was based upon the equation Rate= k CV+ OH-, where k stands for the rate unalterable.Introduction Kinetics, which is the get of how fast a reaction takes place or in other words the rate of a reaction, is the main ideology in this experiment. Reaction rates can be measured in a number of ways by monitoring the add up of product formed, by measuring the loss in mass of reactants, for reactions involving gaseous products measuring the volume of gas produced, by electrolytic conductivity, pH measurement or for swart reactants or products measuring the transmittance by the use of a food colouringimeter.In this experiment the last system of measurement is used which is colorimetry. Colorimetry is a regularity of determining the kinetics of a reaction using a spectrometer which observes the amount of light that is absorbed or transmitted by means of with(predicat e) a colored resultant role. As a reaction proceeds, the reactants either fades forward or the product forms the color. By monitoring these changes the amount of product formed or reactant used up with respect to cartridge clip can be monitored. The amount of light that is absorbed by a colored substance can be measured by calculating percentage absorbance or transmittance.A very helpful device known as colorimeter which is indue in almost in all equipped labs makes this quite simple to deduce. The machine displays the amount of light that passes through or absorbed by the substance. This instrument is based on the optics law or more unremarkably known as Beer-Lambert law, which is used in measuring the concentration of a solute in contrast to its absorbance. The colorimeter measures the wavelengths of variant results as they vary. Distilled pissing is used as a reference in this experiment as it contains no colored elements and has a think of of zero when inserted into t he colorimeter.Crystal violet, a purple dye commonly used in inks or printers is reacted with sodium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda which is a sizeable base. Sodium hydroxide is a colorless solution which when reacted with crystal violet causes it to lose its purple color and form a colorless product. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the order of the reaction with respect to crystal violet by using colorimetry. The amount of crystal violet is kept at a constant during the whole experiment while various amounts of sodium hydroxide, for each cardinal of varying concentration are used.This method of determining rates is called the isolation method. Amount of reactant used with respect to measure or the rate of reaction can be determined by plotting a graph of concentration versus sequence for the reactant if the reaction is maiden order. The slope is a measure of how much reactant is used per unit of time. As the concentration of reactant reduces in a che mical reaction, the slope is a negative measure out, wherefore by considering the absolute value of the slope, the rate of reaction of that reactant can be found for the reaction.If the reaction was to be of second order, a graph of ln of concentration versus time would produce the rate of reaction by determining the slope like before. It must be famous that only the absolute value of the slope matters in this situation. Third order reactions have somewhat a similar story except they require a plot of 1/concentration versus time to determine rate of reaction. When all ternion graphs are plotted, the graph with the bank bill of best fit, or the peerless in which all point seem to be on a straight crease is the correct one for the reaction. This is easily drawn using the LoggerPro software.When all three graphs are drawn, the graph with the best fit line and lowest root mean square error, or the lowest deviation from the best fit line, is the graph to be used to determine reac tion kinematics. This knowledge is acquired from the equations of the integrated rate laws which are explained in the textbook. The solutions are mixed in small amounts in cuvettes and inserted into the colorimeter, which reads the percentage transmittance during the time period. The colorimeter has an enclosed space for the cuvette to be inserted making sure light from other sources does not interfere with the reaction, hence providing completed results.The rate of the reaction is determined by using the equation Rate= k CV+ OH-, where k is the rate constant for the reaction. Materials outcomes of crystal violet and sodium hydroxide were available in the laboratory which were previously prepared of concentrations 2. 00 E-5 and 2. 00 E-2 respectively. Deionized water supply was used in calibration while cuvettes were used to transfer substances into the colorimeter. Magnetic stirrers along with stir bar were used in mixing the reagents together which were transferred to the bea ker via pipets to ensure accurate results were produced.Methods Three solutions were made to be regularise into the cuvttes. The first of them contained 20ml of crystal violet and 20ml of sodium hydroxide. The second had 20ml crystal violet along with 10ml of distilled water and 10ml of sodium hydroxide. The third solution contained 20ml crystal violet with 15ml distilled water and 5ml sodium hydroxide. The reagents were mixed well in beakers, each containing the different solutions and were stirred sufficiently on a magnetic stir plate. The colorimeter was calibrated with distilled water which set a reference value of zero making sure that all succeeding readings would be accurate.A small sample of the first solution was placed in a cuvette which was inserted into the colorimeter. Data collection started presently and was recorded for 15 min, the whole duration of the cuvette in the colorimeter. The different determine of transmittance were recorded and the data was plotted into a graph with the help of LoggerPro software. The equivalent procedure was repeated for the second and third solution and thereby obtaining three different Absorbance versus time graphs for each. Care was interpreted at every step of this experiment to ensure that errors were minimized to the fullest.The colorimeter was calibrated every time before placing a new cuvette into it to make sure results were accurate. The dye was handled with care as it leaves stain marks on any surface it is spilled on. gape were worn throughout the experiment to keep the eyes from risk of exposure. Safety gloves were worn to handle all reagents as one of them, sodium hydroxide, is a strong base and has significant corrosive properties. The graphs obtained from the three solutions were therefore manipulated using the LoggerPro software which enables he application of various calculus functions to produce different graphs, all of which draw out to determination of the order of the reaction. A line of best fit was applied to all three graphs and the slopes (m), absorbance value at 7min (a) and the root mean square error (RMSE) were recorded. The first graph was reopened and a new towboat of ln Absorbance was made, using this data, another plot of ln Absorbance versus time was created using LoggerPro. This was done again for the second and third solutions.The graph of Absorbance versus time for the first solution was opened again to produce a graph of 1/Absorbance versus time which was saved. only of these were made possible using LoggerPro. All of the graphs produced had a line of best fit through them which made it easy to determine slope and RMSE values for each of them along with absorbance values at 7 minutes, which is the half life of the reaction period or half the time for the data to be amass. All of the data collected from the graphs were tabulated and values were used in determining the reaction rate of the reaction.Results depict 1 Graph slowing relationship of Ab sorbance versus time for first solution Figure 2 Relationship of ln Absorbance versus time for first solution Figure 3 Plot of 1/Absorbance versus time for first solution Figure 4 ln Absorbance versus time plot for solution 2 Solution effect(p) ? RMSE? 1 0 0. 01641 1 1 0. 01129 1 2 0. 3810 Table 1 RMSE values for the three graphs for solution 1 Solution hallow (p) OH-0/M Kps= -Slope(m)* 1 1 10. E-3 0. 09287 2 1 5. 0E-3 0. 1238 3 1 2. 5E-3 0. 01038 *(m= slope from plot of ln Absorbance versus time)Table 2 Slopes of the different ln Absorbance versus time for three graphs Figure 5 Plot of kps (slope) versus OH-0 Figure 6 Graph of ln kps versus ln OH-0 Solution pose(p) Slope (m) Value at 7 min (a) RMSE ? RMSE/a? 1 0 -0. 02360 0. 271 0. 01641 0. 0605 1 1 -0. 09287 0. 271 0. 01129 0. 0416 1 2 0. 40210 0. 271 0. 3810 1. 405 1 1 -0. 09287 0. 271 0. 01129 0. 0416 2 1 -0. 12380 0. 134 0. 01566 0. 1169 3 1 -0. 010380 0. 492 0. 00693 0. 0141 Table 3 Data obtained from all the graphs plott edIt was observed during the reaction that the color changed from purple to colorless at the end when taken out of the cuvette. Discussion Table 1 shows the absolute (RMSE /a) values for the first solution. The RMSE values are obtained from the graphs produced from solution 1(graphs 1, 2 and 3). The graph with the least absolute RMSE/a value is the one with the best fit line with the greatest accuracy hence the graph 2 or the plot of ln Absorbance versus time for solution 1 is the most accurate one as it has an absolute RMSE/a value of 0. 129. Thus it can be deduced from the table that the reaction is first order with respect to crystal violet. Since it is now known that the reaction is first order with respect to crystal violet, the functional relationship for p=1 is ln Absorbance= ln Absorbance0- kpst This equation is familiar since it is one of the integrated rate law equations as seen previously. First order reactions are determined if the plot of ln Absorbance versus time have a line of best fit which is accurate.Thus the equation above shows that the best fit line from the plot would equal to kps. Therefore the kps values would be equal to negative of the slopes of ln Absorbance versus time graphs for all three solutions which is depicted in Table 2. To determine the order of reaction with respect to OH- some more calculations are required and more graphs are required to be plotted. The kps values obtained from Table 2 along with the OH-0 values aid in the plotting of another kps versus OH-0 graph. The graph that is obtained is shown in Figure 5.To double check the accuracy of the graph, a second graph of ln kps versus ln OH-0 is plotted which would be the graph if the reaction was to be of order 1 with respect to OH- which is depicted in Figure 6. When the two graphs are compared to each other and their slopes and RMSE values compared from the data collected in Table 3, it is seen that the reaction is actually in fact order 1. 5 which when rounded stri ke to the nearest integer would be equal to 1. q= slope of plot of ln kps versus ln OH-0= 1. 581 as seen from Figure 6.The RMSE value is besides a very low value which means that this value would be very accurate and hence the reaction would be first order with respect to sodium hydroxide. The discrepancy in the final value of q can be accounted for by transfer losses, when the reagents were being transferred from the pipette to the beaker some of it remains in the pipette and causes the concentration to be a little lower than actually reported. It should also be noted that the same cuvette was not used throughout the experiment.Different cuvettes are made from different plastics from varying compositions which mean they have different permeability which doesnt allow the same wavelengths of light to pass through all of them, thus the colorimeter reads differently which causes errors. The reaction starts off with a purple color as crystal violet is a purple solution and sodium hydro xide is colorless. As time elapses, the violet color starts to fade away and the solution becomes colorless as their product is a colorless aqueous solution.Conclusion Thus the above experiment concludes that the reaction was first order with respect to crystal violet and also first order with respect to sodium hydroxide. The overall reaction order was 2 with respect to crystal violet and sodium hydroxide. The overall of the rate law for the reaction would be Rate k CV+ OH-. To ensure results are more accurate in the future, a single cuvette should be used when carrying out the whole experiment and all of the reagents must be transferred efficiently without loses to and from the beaker to ensure 100% efficiency along with using proper safety equipment while handling chemicals.References 1. Atkins, P. W. (1978). Physical chemistry. San Francisco W. H. Freeman. 2. Allen, J. P. (2008). Biophysical chemistry. Malden, MA Blackwell Pub. 3. Lindon, J. C. , Tranter, G. E. , & Holmes, J. L. (2000). Encyclopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry. San Diego Academic Press. Appendix Solution 1 Order 0, ? RMSE/a? = 0. 01641/0. 271= 0. 0605 Order 1, ? RMSE/a? = 0. 01129/0. 271= 0. 0416 Order 2, ? RMSE/a? =0. 3810/0. 217= 1. 4050 Solution 2, Order 1, ? RMSE/a? =0. 01566/0. 134= 0. 1169 Solution 3, Order 1, ? RMSE/a? = 0. 00693/0. 492= 0. 0141
It Is Good to Be Different Essay
Every peerless is different, and each of us has its have personality Owned. barely it is nice to be different? Be distinguished from the others. What is to be different? Do you feel alone, living in their different world It is warm to be different. Everyone sees you as an outsider and ordain non accept in their world. Among them is the fear that something more of them, others see it as something more unworthy and unnecessary. It is hard to be different because its not easily give away their soul mates.Difficult to discover person to worry you, someone who will understand. It is sad to be different among the same, because they c retrogress with anyone and any attempt to approximate and great deal leave severe damage in your soul. Because it is difficult to accept that others do not they understand they argon not valued, you do not want to even be friends, and constantly must produce to them. To prove that youre retributive as human as they are But it is unique to be differ ent. When either have the same opinion you have their own unique views.When all looking in one direction, you turn in a completely different and surprise everyone with current and interesting ways in your different way of thinking. Yeah, youre different, you is difficult, but it makes the center of attention of those looking for someone with different interests, someone who does not urgency another to do something. Youre individualist who succeeds in life alone, not like someone else. Need to be different. What would happen to the world if there were no diversity? What would happen to reality if all the same, if everyone liked the same things?I think different people are those who run the huge machine of existence. Others are crowds, the masses people who individually do not have anything important is it just because it has others. Such people namitrat his idols, some of which are similar to podarzhavat, no matter whether this would be an actor, singer, politician .. They nat es not I find myself in this endeavor to impersonate someone, someone who will like the rest. But does it make sense in this, trying to impersonate another may not post when you find yourself in nature and vocation?Is not more sense accordingly your whole existence? Is then you can prove yourself when you actually already exist? Well, is it nice to be different? You are unique, you need the world, then what the hell that must be fought with generally accepted standards? Difficult things make life meaningful. Because when everything is easy, you lose the stimulus-ambition dies. Did not the person seeking to grow inaccessible. Yes, its nice to be different, because everything different is good, it will not duplicate it unique
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Assignment6 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Assignment6 - Article ExampleFurther, user charges offers invaluable data on which services should be supplied, in what quality and quantity, and to whom. In turn, the application of user charges is to promote and enhance economic efficiency. The problem with the user charges is that in some cases, it is difficult to determine the specific and proper design and domain of user charges. Further, the prices set of legitimate services may not be charged on a competitive market.My State prepares value expenditure to show the residents revenue loss because of issuance of tax preferences and concessions to certain activity and particular crystalise of taxpayers. Further, it prepares the tax expenditure to show its spending and spending via the tax system. Yes, it prepares fiscal impact postulatement to telephone how the authorization of a ballot measure would affect the finances of the state. When preparing revenue forecasts, it significant for the local judicature financial accountan ts to begin with expenses not revenues since in this manner, it much easier to predict expenses than expenses. In addition, it significant to predict revenues utilizing both(prenominal) an aggressive and conservative case because aggressive state keeps one motivated while conservative state brings reality on the ground. It is also good to monitor key ratios to ensure that the projections are logically and
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Relationship Between Objectivity and Subjectivity in Essay Writing Research Paper
The kin Between Objectivity and Subjectivity in act Writing - Research Paper ExampleEssay writing involves a author expressing themselves on a presentation that was based on the five clement senses. This chapter is an emphasis on the fact that writers are required to write essays that describe various phenomena, which they should explain in a manner that helped the reader understand the content of the essay. In draw off with this, the chapter essentially underlines that different essays constitute varied writing styles with each style focusing on a particular level of description that a writer should use. One other noteworthy point highlighted by the chapter regards the relationship between objectivity and government issueivity in essay writing and with regard to the underlying principles that guide description. In this case, a writer can describe an object without relying on their personal experiences and emotions about the object they described. In effect, the writer is ph ysical object in their description. Conversely, a writer may express their personal feeling and opinion regarding an object, which makes the subjective in their description. Overall, the chapter is crucial in outlining the various ways that a writer can use the description in writing quality essays. First, the chapter highlights the importance of focusing on a particular line of thought regarding the subject of discussion. In this case, writers are supposed to base the content of their essay on a thesis statement, which becomes the line of thought throughout the essay. Conversely, the chapter highlights the use of description in choosing content that a writer should include in their essay while ensuring that the content of the essay is in line with the thesis statement, which is the essays dominant allele impression.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Organizational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 12
Organizational Behavior - Essay ExampleGanesan was on temporary assignment at Kurunegala and was hoping to go to the central office in Colombo. In this case there is no intercourse some the date because the district manager is not aware, and the letter was from the top management. The scenario is depressing because the former manager was not demoted, promoted and incomplete was he transferred to another branch. In this situation, one feels insecure about the job and is not sure when he/she will lose the go down.Insufficent flow of information by the top management and the district managers office exhibits lack of efficiency in the organization. As argued by Ferreira, Erasmus & Groenewald (2009), communication is the foundation of all relationships (p.94). The winning organization performance relies on the efficient transfer of details. Communication influences the operations of an organization and affects decision-making. It is, therefore, evident that the depository financia l institutions top management viewed Ganesan as the most appropriate individual to take over the position of the branch manager. From his experience of interacting with the community during his field assignments, he possessed a lot of information about what happened in the society. It is easy for him to be cautious when making decisions about loans. According to Taussig (2007), a successful rim manager must have the quality of excellent judgment (p.350). He/she must be equal to make a good judge of businesses, as well as community.As the branch manager, I would establish the most efficient mode of communication. The Colombo National Bank did not have sophisticated means of communication that contributed to a lot of time wastage. The organization needs a well-defined communication network that will enable communication and information to flow to the target group. The bank comprises of various people integrating internally and externally. Therefore, it is paramount to
Monday, May 13, 2019
Disorders of Red Cells Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Disorders of Red Cells - Case Study ExampleIt is quite clear that the patient is anemic. customary signs and symptoms of anemia are deplorableer hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and reduced crosscurrent cell reckon do fatigue, shortness of breath, hypotension, dizziness, headaches, and irritability. The condition eventually leads to tachycardia (the heart rate exceeding normal range) and tachypnea (breathing rate over 20) in due course of time. The hematocrit indicates about the volume of red blood cells in proportion to the arrive blood volume (total of plasma and red blood cells) and for women, it has to be between 36 and 48% (Eckman, 2013). The science lab reading of the patients hematocrit has been shown 32% that is certainly less than the normal level. Moreover, the patients blood smear test reveals microcytic and hypochromic cells in her blood. This gives an indication of Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia in the patient. Usually, press deficiency is the cause of hypochromi c microcytic anemia. Microcytic Hypochromic anemia results when a reduced heart of iron is delivered to the marrow erythroid precursors (Eckman, 2013). Usually, efficient recycling of iron or a good counterpoise maintained between losses and absorption keeps iron deficiency in control. It is estimated that a menstruating female loses roughly 2.0 mg of iron per day (Eckman, 2013). Ms. As age is 26 years and being in menstruating age, her iron losses are likely to be around 2.0 mg of iron per day. Her intake of iron appears to be not adequate enough to maintain losses or otherwise, the underlying cause of low hemoglobin lies somewhere else. Ms. As reticulocyte count (immature blood cells) makes up a higher percentage of the blood count and that appears to be due to low hemoglobin in red blood cells. A reticulocyte count is a blood test that reveals how fast bone marrow makes and releases red blood cells into theblood.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Negotiations and strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Negotiations and strategy - Essay ExampleDue to this increase, News breadbasket is currently liquid with an estimated cash flow of approximately $2.4 billion. Analysts believe that the cash flow of operations bequeath increase to $3 billion within the next 2 years. This cash flow allows News potbelly stove to have greater flexibility to invest in capital-oriented projects as well as to prepare for the future challenges it might face.On the downside, News Corporation has a large outstanding debt amounting to $11 billion. It is speculated that inflation of entertain rates would increase its debt and cause a negative impact on its operating income. However, history tells us that the company was able to survive the largest bankruptcy restructuring in history when it suffered major setbacks in the 1990s. Not unaccompanied did it survived the restructuring, it also bounced back to generate a 315% increase in its net profits in the mid-90s.4. nether the license permit, the creative te am of the Neighborhood obtains the total freedom of all necessary decisions included unless not limited to the cast selection, crewmembers, cutting and editing.At this point in the negotiation, we would like to discuss pass on the creative issues involving the initialize of the show. We feel uncomfortable with Fox Entertainments proposal to change the format of the show to suit their Fox Sports Network programming. The fact that the is no clear showing that the focus on the lives of purely high school athletes in the inner city might prove to be quite an limiting on our part. Furthermore, there are no current bases that will give us well-nigh ideas of whether or not such change would prove to be profitable.The current format of the neighborhood is analogues to the mend of Laguna bound The Real orange County, which is gathering huge following at the moment. To recall, Laguna Beach revolves around the lives of upper class
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Final paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Final - inquiry Paper ExampleIn order to grasp a clear understanding regarding the subject matter, a thorough yet simultaneous discussion will be conducted in the paper. It will show views of diametrical historians about the reconstruction being a very imperative subject in the lives of African Americans. The meaning of discussing this topic is because this was an era when major changes in the lives of African Americans took place. As a matter of fact, some of the washrag Americans were not adequate to(p) to agree with the fact that African Americans were going to gain equality by taking up jobs in the government, etc.It is imperative to understand reconstruction era before assessing the possible preserve that it had on the lives of African Americans. A number of Acts were passed while this era as a number of cases was files regarding rights of African Americans and the liabilities of the white Americans to bring equality and stability within the society. Famous African Americ an leaders were able to put forward their mandate or agenda in front of the American government to usher their mindsets and approaches towards bringing stability in the American societies. Herein, it should also be noted that the research conducted so out-of-the-way(prenominal) on the subject of reconstruction remains debated. There seems to be a lot of consensuses when it comes to the success of reconstruction (Gao).It should be noted that despite the fact reconstruction era was commissioned in order to declare oneself a new way of living for America, it continued to spread tensions between the whites and blacks. It was noticed that during the reconstruction era, oddment of social class remained high where the entitlement to natives and immigrants was also marked as a root of discord. The improvements that were more credibly to take place for African Americans were in the governmental sector. For instance, African Americans were given a head mystify to work in the politics wi thin the Southern region. However, many writers and historians claim
Friday, May 10, 2019
The Critique of a Published Research Article Essay
The Critique of a Published Research Article - canvas ExampleResearch is not a novel filled with literary illusions, but rather it is an exertion filled with search and solution. The primary criteria for good scientific inquiry writing are accuracy and clarity. The starting signal step toward clarity is good organization that permits readers to read the report as they would any coherent narrative. experimental research, in particular, is at the core of many fields of study. Because of the nature and importance of empirical research, it is essential that researchers work the necessary skills required to conduct objective empirical research projects specifically related to their topics of study. Furthermore, research results should be based on observed and measured phenomena results should be derived from knowledge, from actual experience rather than from theory or belief. An essential ingredient would be the clause and/or abstract that would allow the reader to scan the article f or a quick overview of the topic of discussion, or to locate specific information by turning straightway to the relevant section of research interest.The purpose of this assignment is to provide critique in respect of the promulgated empirical research article Collaborative Learning Enchances Critical Thinking.More specifically, the empirical research project focused on the analyses conducted to demonstrate and confirm the benefits and enhancement of students ability to learn as a result of collaborative learning when compared to individual learning.
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