Thursday, October 31, 2019
Capriccio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Capriccio - Research Paper Example For purposes of this brief analysis, Phillip Sparke’s work â€Å"Capriccio†will be analyzed. It is the understanding of this particular author that Sparke’s â€Å"Capriccio†represents many of the tell tale markers that music of the latter half of the 20th century engenders. Moreover, this short analysis will also integrate with an understanding of some of the primary influences that can be determined from a close listening and reflection upon Sparke’s â€Å"Capriccio†. Even though it might be convenient to assume that the most talented composers rely only upon their own ideas to create famous compositions, the fact of the matter is that many individuals, musicians, and former composers have a profound impact upon the way in which these composers integrate with the subject matter. Finally, from a technical and mechanical as well as theoretical understanding of music, the analysis will seek to draw inference upon the range of the instrumentat ion that is employed, the use of Marshall music, and the reintegration of neoclassicism and/or a greater emphasis and or focus upon harmony melody point and counterpoint. Firstly, with regards to the means by which the piece deviates from the traditional understanding of 20th and 21st century music, the listener quickly notes the complete and total absence of dissonance and/or abstraction within the music. Although the pioneers of early 20th-century music were keen on exhibiting the hopeless and often times and meaningless nature of the human condition through abstract means of musical expression, as with most friends and classical music, this approach has since become far less common. In the same means that baroque music is no longer composed, many of the themes and developments that abstraction and made so popular within the 20th century are now no longer realized within the current compositions (Ivry 13). More specifically within Sparke’s â€Å"Capriccio†, the liste ner is continually integrated with an understanding of a complex relationship between the melody played by the soprano cornet and the harmony which is played by the remainder of the brass instruments. Naturally, in order to keep the development and ideas presented fresh, trade-offs are made at various intervals with regards to the way that they soprano cornet assumes the role of playing harmony while the backup instrumentation within the other brass instruments briefly take on the melody (Altena 41). From a personal experience perspective, it must be noted that Phillip Sparke’s â€Å"Capriccio†integrated within this listener is strong level of remembrance and recognition with regards to the level of pollution and/or influence that the piece has with Aaron Copland’s â€Å"Appalachian Spring†. This cannot be said to cheapen or otherwise reduce the originality that is displayed within Sparke’s â€Å"Capriccio†; rather, it reinforces the previo usly mentioned understanding that a range of prior ideas, techniques, styles, and means are oftentimes illustrated within the works of later composers. Instead of taking away from the merits of such an original work, this can be seen as a means of paying tribute to some of the most influential members of the classical composing community. With regards to Copland, it comes as no surprise that Phillip Spark
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Plato Aristotle Comparison Essay Example for Free
Plato Aristotle Comparison Essay Justice is the topic which has been the main subject of most philosophers; a quick definition for justice could be the quality of being fair and reasonable. A lot of philosophers have written on this subject and have had debates. Two of the most significant ones are Plato and Aristotle, who are two leading figures of ancient Greek civilization and both thought about justice and established theories about the aspects of being just. Plato was a student of Socrates, and Aristotle was a student of Plato. Aristotle studied under Plato and remained in his academy for 20 years in Athens but left the academy after Plato’s death. Aristotle and Plato had different philosophies about many subjects like justice and injustice, the function of humans, truth, the human soul, art, and politics. Starting with Plato (427 BC-347 BC) one of the most important philosophers of the world and the founder of â€Å"The Academy†. Plato’s most famous work is â€Å"The Republic†in which he draws the qualities of a just individual and a just city state by explaining the sublime nature of justice. His beliefs of finding justice in an individual will require finding it in the perfect city (which consists of people). His major questions that were pursued in the rest of his work were: â€Å"What is Justice? †And â€Å"is one better off or happier being just rather than unjust? †Plato faces a situation where he raised a question and he has several answers provided by several traditions, and he also has a new answer of his own. Aristotle (384-322 BC) is one of the founders of modern Western thought with Socrates and Plato. He was tutored by Socrates’ student Plato, later became very effective in the progress of the idea of scientism and scholastic ideology. Aristotle in his famous work â€Å"The Nicomachean Ethics†explains the virtuous and superior nature of justice where he claims that justice can mean either lawfulness or fairness, since injustice is lawlessness and unfairness. In his opinion, laws push and inspire people to act virtuously so, the just person who by definition is lawful, will necessarily be virtuous. I am going to compare how these two philosophers compare and contrast when it comes to their own political theories regarding the ideal state and how to define justice in it. To compare the political theories of two great philosophers of politics is to first examine each theory in depth. Plato is regarded by many experts as the first writer of political philosophy, and Aristotle is recognized as the first political scientist. These two men were great thinkers. They each had ideas of how to improve existing societies during their individual lifetimes. It is necessary to look at several areas of each theory to seek the difference and similarities in each. Both philosophers had common points and some differences, starting with Plato, where in the beginning of his conversation with Thrasymachus (Plato, The Republic ,Page 19), the latter defines justice as â€Å"what is the interest of the stronger party†. Socrates goes on to refute this definition by saying that the stronger party can be at fault sometimes, and a ruler can make mistakes. One of the questions that Plato pursued in his work was the one proposed by Thrasymachus who suggests that the pursuit of self-interest or injustice pays better than that the pursuit of justice. Socrates states that the injustice would create disagreement and weakness instead of strength. He says that injustice causes problems and weakens the group â€Å"†¦ whether it occurs in a state or family or army or in anything else: it renders it incapable of any common action because of factions and quarrels, and sets it at variance with itself and with its opponents and with whatever is just†(Plato, The Republic, page 38). The best, rational and righteous political order leads to the harmonious unity of a society and allows all the city’s parts to pursue happiness but not at the expense of others. Plato showed what justice is in the state and then in the soul. He drew a state in which all basic needs are met. The Guardians consist of non-ruling Guardians and ruling Guardians. The non-rulers are a higher level of civil servants and the ruling is the societys policy architects. Auxiliaries are soldiers and civil servants and finally the workers who are most commonly unskilled laborers. The Guardians are to be wise and good rulers. It is important that the rulers who arise must be a class of craftsmen who are public-spirited in temperament and skilled in the arts of government areas. The guardians are to be placed in a position in which they are absolute rulers. They are supposed to be the select few who know what is best for society. As far as politics, he stated in the Republic that philosopher rulers who possess knowledge of the good should be the governors in a city-state. Plato’s ruling ideology is briefed as the â€Å"rule of the best man†, the philosopher king who alone knows the ideal standards for the state. Also, ruling is a skill; as the best man must be trained to rule. Ruling is also an perfection. Aristotle’s ruling philosophy can be summarized as the â€Å"rule of the best laws†– a well ordered constitution which entails good governance. For him, although ruling is a skill and an ideal as well; it is also a science (although Aristotle understands politics as a normative or prescriptive discipline rather than as a â€Å"purely†empirical or descriptive inquiry). Plato believed that each man is better by sticking to one occupation in which he excels in. â€Å"Social justice aims at promoting the good of the city as a whole; it does that by dividing social labors and by assigning optimal social functions to all the citizens equally†(Gerasimos Santas, Goodness and Justice Plato Aristotle and the moderns page 103). Plato valued the skills of all people, and believed that the perfect polis would be one in which every citizen would do his part according to his abilities, and there would be no unique marks between the rich and the poor. Platos ethical ideal of the successful running of the city and the internal harmony of the citizen who runs it is the main ethical aim. Plato maintains a virtue-based eudemonistic ethics. His model of the just state was one where all the parts function for the benefit of the whole, and the whole benefits the parts. â€Å"His first argument is that the matching of citizens to their optimal social functions makes possible and preserves the other social virtues and the good they promote†. (Gerasimos Santas, Goodness and Justice Plato Aristotle and the moderns page 90). According to Plato ethics is a form of knowledge, it is the knowledge of measurement of short-term and long-term consequences. Plato also appealed to a model of harmonious functioning by saying that the soul has its divisions just as the state does. He develops the view that being a good person in an ethical sense involves achieving internal harmony of the parts of the soul. Essentially what Plato wants to achieve is a perfect society. Justice in the soul is likewise a matter of each part of the soul performing its own and proper function. An individual is wise in the virtue of reason ruling in him and brave in the virtue of the spirited part playing its role. An individual is temperate if his inferior bodily appetites are ruled by his reason. And justice belongs to its total ordering. Moreover, the just man will rarely exist except in the just state, where at least some men, the future rulers are systematically educated in justice. But the just state cannot possibly exist except where there are just men; Plato brings the ideal of the philosopher king. Aristotle, differs from Plato here in the way that he is not concerned with perfecting society, he just wants to improve on the existing one. Rather than produce a plan for the perfect society, Aristotle suggested that the society itself should improve to adapt the best system; therefore he relied on the logical tactic. â€Å"Utopia†(Plato’s perfect city) is an abstract solution because there is no real proof that all societies are in need of all that change like Plato wanted. Aristotle discovered that the best possible has already been obtained. All that can be done is to try to improve on the existing one. He disagreed with Plato’s point of â€Å"each man (or groups) sticks to one job, he thought that idea of one class holding discontinuing political power will not result positively. The failure to allow circulation between classes eliminates those men who may be ambitious, and wise, but are not in the right class of society to hold any type of political power. He quotes It is a further objection that he deprives his Guardians even of happiness, maintaining that happiness of the whole state which should be the object of legislation what he is saying is that Guardians sacrifice their happiness for power and control, and those guardian who lead a strict lifestyle like that will impose that kind of lifestyle on their society. Both Plato and Aristotle have a common point when it comes to justice. For both, the end of the state is ethical; as justice is the basis for the ideal state, For Plato, the individual and the state are one, as they both have a tripartite nature of which justice is the result of a sound balance of these three parts. Aristotle asserts that the city-state (polis) comes into being for the sake of life, but exists for the sake of the good life. It is mainly about justice existing in an objective sense, or in other words, a belief that the good and just life should be available for all individuals no matter how high or low their social status is â€Å"In democracies, for example, justice is considered to mean equality, in oligarchies, again inequality in the distribution of office is considered to be just, â€Å"says Aristotle. Plato sees the justice and law as what sets the guidelines for societal behavior. Aristotle said, The people at large should be sovereign rather than the few best (Edward A.Hacker, Aristotelian logic, p 92). Plato would never allow the full public participation in government as Aristotle would like. According to Plato public judgments of approval and disapproval are based on belief and not on knowledge (Edward A. Hacker, Aristotelian logic, p 96). Aristotles ethics are based on his view of the Universe. He saw it as a hierarchy in which everything has a function. The highest form of existence is the life of the rational being, and the function of lower beings is to serve this form of life. According to him, justice must be distributed proportionately. For instance, a tailor and a farmer cannot exchange clothes for food, since clothes and food are not of equal value. Aristotle’s equation of justice with lawfulness can create a problem since laws can be unjust too. However, he refutes this idea again by separating political justice from domestic justice. â€Å"The function of the law is to lay down sound and balances principals of character-formation, in the light of which it should be the function of educational practice to accustom various kinds of people, each in different ways, to refrain from greed and thereby arrive at an equalization of desires†(W.Von Leyden, Aristotle on equality and justice, his political argument p 82). According to him, although political justice and domestic justice are related, they are also distinct. Political justice is about laws since â€Å"justice exists only between men whose mutual relations are governed by law†(The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, book 5, part 6). So, political justice is governed by the rule of law, while domestic justice relies more on respect. Thus, Aristotle says â€Å"the justice of a master and that of a father are not the same as the justice of citizens†(The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, book 5, part 6). Aristotle regarded the concept of justice as necessary to satisfy social equality. But he also wanted to argue that justice is based on a background of laws and rules. Aristotle begins to define justice by saying that â€Å"we observe that everyone means by justice the disposition which makes us doers of just actions, that makes us do what is just and wish that is just. †(The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle, book 5 chapters 1). The rest of Aristotle’s procedure in his attempt to define justice is explaining the just actions in terms of laws. Therefore the unjust person is the one who doesn’t follow the law (unlawful), which is where his two definitions of justice come from. The 1st one, â€Å"general justice†identified with what is lawful in our behavior; the 2nd one â€Å"particular justice†that is identified with the distribution of honor and wealth. Plato and Aristotle had very different views about the functions of the human. Plato refutes the idea that backs that injustice is better than justice. He argued that injustice was not very helpful for setting up a model city. Virtue for the model city was derived from the individuals living in the city and their capability to fulfill their functions. He defined human function as ruling, thinking, living, and taking care of the purposes attributed to each in a city. He defined a person’s purpose in relation to his position in the society and his existence in relation to a community. Aristotle argues about the method to achieving ultimate good by searching for happiness by every single person. He believed that happiness or the pursuit of it was the ultimate end, and people worked their way to achieve the ultimate end which is happiness. Happiness, according to him, was attained if one fulfilled one’s reasons, purposes, meanings, and expressions in the best way possible. His views focused on the individual rather than a society or community as a whole. He had a more individualistic point of view. Aristotle disagrees with Plato on another idea. Platos worldview rendered the material, physical world less important than the realm of ideas and abstractions. According to him, the world we see around us consists of imperfect copies of the ideal versions of the same things that are accessible to us only through our minds, and therefore our time is better spent contemplating the better, real, abstractions than their flawed manifestations. Aristotle does not share this worldview, but I will not get into this idea. Their philosophies were different from each other in many subjects, but the most important philosophy which sets the differentiation is the human purpose. Plato believed in a community or society as one and the function of humans in relation to it for achieving a model society. Aristotle was more individualistic and believed in individual happiness as the main function of humans and their achievement by being excellent in what they did and thus forming a model society or city. Although, Plato and Aristotle agree on the concept of an ideal state, they still disagree on deeper issues as Aristotle distanced himself from Plato, who was his mentor, at some point. Plato and Aristotle constructed two utopian state models in which in order to provide justice the ruling power is given to a philosopher king (in Aristotle’s model) or a class of philosopher Guardians who are able to produce better knowledge (in Plato’s model). But rather than giving the ruling power to an elite, in order to provide justice we could raise just children who will be just citizens in the future. Platos philosophy tends toward the metaphysically excessive. He is not bound by realism or model, but allows his imagination to wander into theoretical areas most people today would dismiss as irrelevant and unrealistic. His political philosophy, for instance, is utopian. He sets for himself the task of imagining the ideal way to structure and govern a society, and ends up with an impressively inventive and elaborate scheme, but one that tolerates little resemblance to how human beings ever have or likely ever will interact politically in the real world. Aristotles philosophy is much more grounded in realism and common sense and logical. Hes more about describing the world as it is than going too far in the direction of speculating about how it should be. In contrast to Platos utopian political philosophy, Aristotles political philosophy has a large component of descriptive political science. When he does argue for certain political schemes, they tend to be positive improvements on existing systems. Plato and Aristotle have a lot of differences in both style and material, but what they have in common is that both are still being read nowadays, and still are inspirational and they both challenge philosophers and students all over the world. Sources used: 1- The Republic: Author: Plato Published by: Penguin Classics 2- The Nicomachean Ethics: Author: Aristotle Published by: Penguin Classics 3- Goodness and Justice, Plato, Aristotle, and the Moderns: Author: Gerasimos Santas Published by: Blackwell Publishers 4- Aristotle on equality and justice, his political argument: Author: W. Von Leyden Published by: Macmillan 5- Aristotelian logic: Author: William Thomas Parry, Edward A. Hacker Published by: State University of New York, Albany.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Our Pledge To Save The Earth
Our Pledge To Save The Earth Earth gives us all we ever needed, wanted and desired for. Then dont you think in your good heart that we owe so much to our planet to reduce the negative impacts of Global Warming that is affecting us and many generations to come? The climate changes are gradually leading to something rigorous around us and we have to act before it is too very late. Why not understand what it is all about and do our bit? After all, saving our planet saves us and all the living beings, and the amazing natural environment isnt it? Understanding Global Warming The increase in the average surface temperature of the earth resulting in dire climatic conditions is called Global Warming, which is resulting in melting glaciers and rising temperatures across the globe. Consequentially, it is alerting us about the environmental hazards and increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, referred to as carbon footprint. Global warming would give rise to additional problems in the future, thereby affecting the quality of life of every single amiable creature. Causes of Global Warming The major causes causing global warming are the release of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, among others, leading to the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon allows the solar heat and light enter the earths atmosphere, but prevents its radiation back into the space. Coal, used as a fuel in the power generation plants, produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. The burning gasoline in automobile engines are contributing to more than 20% of the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, majorly due to sport utility bikes, vehicles and cars. Further, methane is emitted from sources such as fossil fuel production, rice paddies, bacteria from wetlands etc. The decayed soil with organic matter in the water-flooded rice fields emits high content of methane into the atmosphere. Another major contributor to the greenhouse effect is the sweet odoured and colorless nitrous oxide. The cars using catalytic convertors, burning up the organic matter, the agriculture segment using fertilizers, and the production of nylon and nitric acid add to the amount of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. The escalating requirements to build infrastructure facilities, increased demand for urbanization, industrialization, and extensive construction projects all of which absorb large acres of land, are resulting in deforestation. With forests being natural sources releasing high oxygen content into the atmosphere, deforestation is another significant issue influencing the process of global warming, as the diminishing greenery reduces the oxygen content in the atmosphere to a large extent. Negative Effects of Global Warming The increase in the facade temperature of the earth has already embarked on melting of ice in the polar region, consequently resulting in mean sea levels. The frequency in occurrence of natural calamities such as earth quakes, floods, tsunamis are expected to rise during the upcoming years. The damaging outcomes of global warming also influence various seasons in a year with condensed rainfall and longer summers. The forests are a natural habitat to a wide variety of plant and animal species. As a result of deforestation, many of the birds and animals are experiencing unnatural deaths and nearing extinction. The birds are suffering a major setback with altered environmental conditions and are trying to adapt to different migratory locations and travel seasons. Furthermore, the discharge of industrial waste into the sea is gradually destroying the underwater world putting aquatic life at risk. Importantly, the environmental changes and the climatic conditions are leading to increased number of ailments and diseases among human beings and some of the common animals living in city environs. Our Earnest Contribution As inhabitants of our mother earth, we ought to be committed to save our planet and make it a safer place to live in. We can exist only if the animals, seas, forests, rivers, and oceans exist. All of us can largely contribute and secure our earth against destruction if we practice things as: Plant trees in and around your area Contribute to reduce the levels of noise and environmental pollution Ensure not to waste water and adopt rain water harvesting at homes Significantly decrease the use of plastic and switch over to reusable cloth bags For calculations, making lists and writing messages, write on the back of old documents Choose to buy products with minimal packaging and buy refills instead of new ones Avoid the use of aluminum foils and plastic bags; instead carry a reusable lunch box for packing food Save electricity. Switch off all appliances and lights before leaving home when not required. Replace the incandescent lighting with power saving CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting systems Save cooking fuel. Cover utensils while cooking. Use of pressure cookers and steamers save up to 70% of the energy Run washing machines on smaller cycles and use soap powders/detergents containing enzymes to save water and energy. Use clothesline instead of dryers Use small cloth napkins and towels to dry your hands and face instead of using tissues Employ the use of bicycles or walk up to certain distances and usage of public transportation facilities and decrease the use of cars. Also, using electric vehicles prove to be more energy efficient compared to petrol and diesel vehicles Buy external hard disks, flash drives, rewritable CDs and DVDs for easier data storage options, and reuse the hardware of your computer systems rather than investing on a new set of devices Choose to implement teleconferencing for important overseas meetings and eliminate the requirement to fly often In this manner, we can involve ourselves to prevent as well as stop the hazards being enforced on our planet and save our mother nature from being destroyed with our own hands. So make your pledge today, at this very moment! Be sensitive to secure our magnificent planetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..
Friday, October 25, 2019
William the Conqueror :: essays research papers
He was the son of Robert, Duke of Normandy, his mother, Herleva, the daughter of a tanner of Falaise. In 1035 William’s father Robert, Duke of Normandy, went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, in which he died. Before starting the pilgrimage, he presented to the nobles his seven year old child demanding their allegiance. "He is little", the father said, "but he will grow, and, if God please, he will mend." William, after a period of anarchy, became the ruler of Normandy in his father's place at the age of nine. William had a youth of clean life and of much natural piety, while the years of storm and stress through which he passed gave him an endurance of character which lasted to his life's end. During the time of anarchy in Normandy he became a skilled military leader and defeated his enemies, uniting his duchy. Once he began fighting, rumor has it that he never lost a battle. In 1047 a serious rebellion of nobles occurred, and William with the aid of King Henry of France, gained a great victory at Val-à ¨s-Dunes, near Caen. Which led to the capture of the two strong castles of Alenà §on and Domfront. Using this as his base of operations, the young duke, in 1054 made himself master of the province of Maine and became the most powerful vassal of the French Crown, able on occasion to bid defiance to the king himself. William even married Matilda, the daughter of the Earl of Flanders, in 1053,in spite of the papal prohibition. In 1066 when his claim to the English throne was threatened by Harold Godwinson. Due to the fact that Harold Godwinson overlooked the dead king's wishes. Edward the Confessor, sworn his loyalty to William of Normandy when he died not to Harold. Harold Godwinson promptly had himself proclaimed king. It was only a matter of months before William, Duke of the large and powerful duchy of Normandy in France, paid Harold a visit to bring to his remembrance his own claim to the throne. William raised an army of Normans by promising them land and wealth when he came into his rightful kingship. October 14th 1066 he and William fought at the famous battle of Hastings. William and his army of Normans came, saw, and conquered. True to his promise to his fellow warriors, William systematically replaced the English nobility with Norman barons and noblemen who took control of the land, the people, and the government.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Counterinsurgency in Iraq
Since the start of the Iraq insurgency in 2003 before the ruling of a new supreme government within its borders, the armed resistance of Iraqi security forces, insurgents and militia bursted, as Iraqi rebels instigated an ‘asymmetric war’ with much foreign assistance coming from NGOs and countries like Iran. Instead of attacking only the coalition forces and the acting government, insurgents started to attack even the less significant supporters.This paper suggests that the counterinsurgency in Iraq had been presenting immense risks and destruction to all parties, but especially to the U. S. , which had something to do with demography, economy, and power. By evaluating the event using the three basic criteria, it shall be concluded why counterinsurgency in Iraq should be brought to a halt. As social chaos and economic constraints have not been treated very well, the act of counterinsurgency has only made matters worse, as it brings destruction even to the United States o f America. Main Body Criterion #1: demography-related ruin In terms of demography, counterinsurgency in Iraq had only made matters worse since 2003.In the Information Clearing House article written by Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz entitled ‘The Economics Costs of the Iraq War: An Appraisal Three Years after the Beginning of the Conflict’, it is said that there were approximately 2,000 American combatants who had died from March 2003 to January 2006, and about 16,000 American combatants who had been wounded during those same years (2006, p. 2). However, as of now, the number of deaths went up from 2,000 to 4,147 in totality (Casualties in Iraq, 2008); while the number of wounded went up from 16,000 in early 2006 to exactly 30,561 in totality as of now (Casualties in Iraq, 2008).As of early 2006, this number of deaths led to benefits and insurances that totals a staggering $100,000 death benefits and as much as $500,000 life insurances (Bilmes & Stiglitz, 2006, p. 2). These numbers project the conclusion that demography-related ruin of the United States in the Iraq War damages not just the lives but also the economy of the nation. It can be evaluated that, in terms of demography, destruction brought by the Iraq War projects staggering amount and, thus, a disparaging situation. Criterion #2: economy-related ruinSecondly, in terms of economy, counterinsurgency in Iraq had only made matters worse since 2003. In the newspaper article also written by Linda Bilmes and Joseph Stiglitz entitled ‘The Iraq War Will Cost Us $3 Trillion, and Much More’, it was said that failed war at this age costs $3 trillion and that the costs and damages of the Iraq War has surpassed the financial costs of the World War II (2008, p. B01). As it was written, â€Å"As we approach the fifth anniversary of the invasion, Iraq is not only the second longest war in U. S.history (after Vietnam), it is also the second most costlyâ€â€surpassed only by World War II †(Bilmes & Stiglitz, 2008, p. B01). With a ‘conservative’ estimate of about $12 billion expenses per month (or $16 billion if the one in Afghanistan would be included), the Iraq War depletes America’s resources that should have been allotted to other expenses at this present age. These numbers project the conclusion that economy-related ruin of the United States in the Iraq War damages not just the economy but also the future of the nation.It can be evaluated that, in terms of economy, destruction brought by the Iraq War projects staggering amount and, thus, a similarly disparaging situation. Criterion #3: power-related ruin Lastly, in terms of power, counterinsurgency in Iraq had only made matters worse since 2003. Together with the demographic and economic ruin, national power is being depleted because of the fact that â€Å"population [is] one of the most important indicators of national power because of its importance for determining economic and mili tary power†(Yoshihara, 2008, p.2). According to Susan Yoshihara (2008), Hans Morgenthau has pointed out the eight means of power appear to be the following: (1) geography, (2) natural resources, (3) industrial capacity, (4) military preparedness, (5) population, (6) national character, (7) national morale, and (8) quality of government (p. 3). Therefore, because the Iraq War is destruction to both demography and economy, the third, fourth and fifth means of power that are industrial capacity, military preparedness, and population are also being negatively affected by the war.Destruction to these three means of power implies destruction of power. This projects that demography-related and economy-related ruin of the United States in the Iraq War means power-related ruin. Thus, it can be evaluated that, in terms of power, the Iraq War projects destructive elements that lead to a similarly disparaging situation. Conclusion From the stated paragraphs, it appears that the counterin surgency in Iraq had been presenting immense risks and destruction to all parties, even to the American population.In relation to the three criteria that is demography, economy, and power, we can evaluate that counterinsurgency in Iraq should be brought to a halt. The war had only succeeded in bringing the country more than 4,000 deaths, more than 30,000 wounded, about $3 trillion worth of financial costs, with depleting power and less economic resources. It only brought social chaos and economic constraints. We should bring it to an end. Counterinsurgency can be defined as â€Å"military and political activities undertaken by a government to defeat a rebellion or guerrilla movement†(Counterinsurgency, 2008).As the United States started to invade and occupy Iraq in 2003 (Pirnie & O’Connell, 2008, p. xiii), it is evident that counterinsurgency had been quite tough, as numerous armed groups were united with a common theme that â€Å"[t]he occupation of Iraq by foreign forces is bad†(Pirnie & O’Connell, 2008, p. xiii). Yet, the case appeared to be a lot worse than just plain revolt. References Bilmes, L. , & Stiglitz, J. E. (2006, January). The economic costs of the Iraq war: an appraisal three years after the beginning of the conflict.Information Clearing House. Retrieved August 26, 2008, from http://www. uncle-scam. com/Breaking/jan-06/ich-1-9. PDF. Bilmes, L. J. , & Stiglitz, J. E. (2008, March 9). The Iraq war will cost us $3 trillion, and much more. The Washington Post, p. B01. Casualties in Iraq. (2008). Retrieved August 27, 2008, from http://antiwar. com/casualties/. Counterinsurgency. (2008). In Encarta dictionary. Retrieved August 26, 2008, from MSN database: http://encarta. msn. com/dictionary_1861600753/counterinsurgency. html.Pirnie, B. , & O’Connell, E. (2008). Counterinsurgency in Iraq (2003-2006). RAND Counterinsurgency Study, Vol. 2. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. Yoshihara, S. (2008, March 29). American d emographic trends and the future of U. S. Military Power. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco. Retrieved August 26, 2008, from the All Academic Research database: http://www. allacademic. com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/2/5/0/6/3/pages250636/p250636-1. php.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
What is Democracy essays
What is Democracy essays Although the word democracy, in Greek, means rule by the people, there is much disagreement universally over the precise requirements of democracy. 1. Ecclesia composed of all male citizens who met 40 times a year to decide everything. Exclusivity, because there were three slaves for every two Athenians (and because women were excluded) Scale, because direct democracy only works for very small populations. Clisthenes (instituted reforms in Athens between 508 and 501 BCE) He is the founder of democracy Although property ownership remained a requirement to participate in the decision-making process, he enlarged the citizen rolls, diminished the power of the aristocracy, and elevated the role of the assembly. He divided Athens and the surrounding area into precincts (called demes), each of which elected its own officers. This move weakened the power of the aristocracy. A council of 500 of these officers was responsible for general government duties, such as receiving emissaries, maintaining finances, and preparing legislative proposals for the Assembly to pass or reject. The Ecclesia, or Assembly, was comprised of all adult male citizens. It met about 40 times annually and decided everything. He believed that a Pan-Hellenic campaign against Persia and the conquest of Asia Minor would be the solution to the economic, social, and political problems that had brought poverty and civil war to the Greek cities ever since the Peloponnesian War. All things emanate from an unseen source of Good, which we can comprehend through philosophical contemplation. Our environment is the mere image of reality, so the study of our environment is pointless. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Horrors of Government Control essays
The Horrors of Government Control essays 1984 and Brazil are two movies that are similar in some aspects, yet at the same time, both movies are different from each other in certain areas. These two movies are alike and unlike in some ways at the same time. Both movies depict or portray how life or the future looked like if the government had total and complete control. 1984 and Brazil envisions or portrays life under government control at a closer look. The similarities between 1984 and Brazil is that they both take place in the year 1984. Also, the main characters in both movies also resemble each other in other areas as well. In the movie 1984, the main character is a man named Winston Smith. The main character in the movie Brazil is a man named Sam Lowry. Smith is an editor of the newspaper, rewriting history in one of the departments, while Lowry works for the Ministry of Information. Both men work for the government and rebel against the very same government that they work for. Smith rebels against the government by falling in love with a woman named Julia and by thinking for himself. In the movie, there is one scene where Smith would come home from work and write in his journal. This shows Smith is thinking for himself by keeping a journal. When Smith is writing in his journal, he does it in secret. He sits parallel to the television screen where Big Brothers picture is so they cannot see what he is doing because he knows he is in violation of a law. Lowry rebels by not following the rules that were set by the government. In one scene of the movie, Lowry runs frantically out of the Ministry of Information after Jill and drops all of the papers in the file he was carrying. A woman nearby scolds Lowry for littering. One of the rules imposed by the government is No Littering. This is evident because in that scene there was a sign that said No Littering and a trash vent was underneath the sign. Another similarity that the two main character...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Crisis in Kosovo essays
Crisis in Kosovo essays The tension in Kosovo has existed for centuries, dating back as far as 1389 when Serbs lost an epic battle to the Ottoman Turks in Kosovo. Not until 1912, more than 500 years later did the Serbs regain control when Kosovo became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes following the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With the conclusion of World War II, as an absolute monarchy under the name Yugoslavia, the country became a communist republic. Autonomy was granted to Kosovo in 1974 in a revised constitution. Kosovo, although a Serbian province, was largely occupied by ethnic Albanians who established Albanian-language schools and institutions. In 1987, Slobodan Milosevic rose to power in Yugoslavia, riding the wave of Serbian nationalism with his promises of a Greater Serbia. Escalating tensions between the Serbs and the ethnic Albanians and the fear of secession prompted Milosevic to strip Kosovo, though 90 percent Albanian, of its autonomy and army troops and police were deployed in battle strength to maintain order. Kosovos Albanian majority voted in 1992 to secede from Yugoslavia, voicing a desire to merge with Albania. President Bush warned Serbs that the United States would use force if the Serbs attacked Kosovo. In 1997, The Kosovo Liberation Army began killing Serb policemen and others supporters of the Serbs. The conflict turned into a guerilla war after Milosevic sent troops into the areas controlled by the Kosovo Liberation Army and killed 80 Kosovars. Shortly after, talks were held for the first time advocating a peaceful path to independence for Kosovo, but the Albanian side boycotted further meetings. Later, the United Nations Security Council called for an immediate cease-fire and political negotiations, but with little support from either side. NATO allies then authorized airstrikes against Serb military targets, but were not prompted to take action because Milose...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
WASH ASSISTANT Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
WASH ASSISTANT - Personal Statement Example tional Rescue Committee (IRC) based in Garowe in Somalia because I possess the potential, prerequisite knowledge and experience required to make a difference. According to Godfrey (2005), the IRC responds to the worst humanitarian crisis in the world by helping people survive and rebuild their lives. The IRC’s objectives and goals inspire me to contribute to alleviating the suffering of people afflicted by calamities, and in the process acquire more experience and knowledge with regard to disaster management. My training on several essential WASH courses with on mock WASH cluster gives me an added advantage. This is borne out of the fact that during these training sessions I have to collaborate with other WASH actors in identifying and addressing gaps in an emergency response. Given this opportunity to work with the IRC in Garowe in Somalia, I will be able to apply and test the viability of the proposed strategies to address the gaps in emergency response. My focus will be to address and enhance WASH protocols in a bid to improve disaster emergency responses by filling the gaps identified. This will include conducting household water and hygiene promotion and assessments to gauge the safety and appropriateness of available water sources in use during and after disasters. This will be in an effort to mitigate the effects of unsanitary water sources in calamities. To this effect, my experiences will enable me to easily identify WASH related factors needed to control and eliminate neglected tropical and respiratory diseases. This has also enabled me to formulate prevention strategies against water borne diseases and water related insect vector disease phenomena, which I can apply to improve the capacity of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Art history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Art history - Essay Example In order to compare the difference in sculpture and painting, the references have been taken from Zollner (1998) and Sandri (1997). Zollner discusses the Three Graces from a contextual point of view making the Three Graces as a pious symbol of expectation in the form of painting while Sandri stresses a critical stance on the subject of the Three Graces merely defining them as a subject of art which is in the form of sculpture. The author Zollner has appointed a descriptive way of discussing the painting of Three Graces. The medium of the painting is oil canvas that beholds the three ladies wearing their respective attires. These attires, however, been avoided in sculpture. Along with the discussion of the painting in the address of Zollner, he also provides significance of theme of the Three Graces. The colour of the three ladies is blended in the painting because of the possibility of using variety of strokes by the painter. This is far different in the case of sculpture as it is made up of white marble (ZÃ ¶llner). On the other hand, the author Sandri has critically discussed the Three Graces depiction into sculpture. In the following image, it can easily be noted that the true essence for which the three ladies were named as chastity, joy and love is missing from the sculpture. The clarity of bodily shape is missing and so the expression of chastity. However, it can be well asserted that it is not an easy to task for an artist to create a sculpture that gives enhancement to each feature. On comparison, it comes quiet easier to note that painting as well as sculptor makes use of support that each girl takes by putting hands on each other’s shoulder. This is one common aspect other than the front and back nude carving of the bodies of the Three Graces. The factor of using adjunct lines and outlines in the painting is quite evident. This is lesser in the case of sculpture because it provides a three dimensional experience to the art
Aeronautical Science Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aeronautical Science Perspective - Essay Example Consequently, aircrafts roll to the right or left; and this is referred to as rolling. Ailerons tilt the wings in the required direction hence turns the aircraft. The elevator tilts down or up on a horizontal tail surface leading to an increased or decreased lift on the tail, this is known as pitching. An aircraft’s nose is tilted down or up from the pitching maneuver. When an aircraft rotates along its longitudinal axis (x-axis) then this motion is known as rolling while the maneuver is a roll. Control surfaces found on the aircraft’s wings know as ailerons initiate this rotation by deflecting differently (that is one trailing edge down and one trailing edge up) thus creating less lift on one wing, while more on the other. This net difference in lift establishes a rolling moment. Ailerons are hinged on the outer edge of the wings; they are movable and controllable from the cockpit via mechanical linkage. When lowered, aileron increases angle of attack on the wing hence increasing the lift; and vice versa. From these lifts, an aircraft rolls laterally around a longitudinal axis. During a pitch-up maneuver, an aircraft rotates about its lateral axis. A control surface known as stabilator or elevator situated near the rear of the aircraft gets deflected thus generating lift force that as a result of its moment arm (distance) from the aircraft’s center of gravity it produces a pitching moment. In most cases, an elevator is attached to a fixed (immovable) surface known horizontal stabilizer. The horizontal stabilizers acts as the feathers of an arrow that maintains an aircraft pointed at the right direction. Stabilator is a combination of both functions of the elevator and horizontal stabilizer. The stabilator is all-moving because it has no fixed portion. Elevator’s up positioning minimizes the camber of the elevator hence creating
Reading Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reading Film - Essay Example The film is a superb blend of sexuality and racial prejudice. The film captivates one of the brilliant performances by Juliana Moore. With a vulnerable emotion and strength of mind, she portrays the emotion of a housewife whose spouse has a covert gay life. It’s amazingly true that a movie like ‘Far From Heaven’ has that stylish finish along with tremendous emotional compulsion. This is a rare blend indeed and the greatest achievement with this particular film is the immaculate compatibility between the crew and the stars that make every moment of the movie artificial As well as deeply felt. (Indiana University, n.d.) In a film like ‘Far From Heaven’, the ambience of the narrative and the projection of the theme are never obvious. Yet, the film slowly enchants its spectators and one doesn’t need to wait for long to experience complete entwinement with the film. The film is extremely sensitive and far from being a mere domestic melodrama of Whittaker family, the movie is a strong portrayal of myriad social consideration that transports the film to a realm of difference from the ordinary movies of the same genre. Picking up a particular scene from the movie with so many emotionally exuberance is very difficult. Yet, the scene which forms the most sensitive and most climactic scene of the entire film demands a detailed description. The scene to be noted is where Cathy Whittaker, played by Julianne Moore finds her man Frank, played by Dennis Quaid, in the arms of his gay partner. Undoubtedly, Moore reaches the league of the contemporary actresses after this brilliant performance. The language of camera transcends any narrative incorporated in this scene and the feeling and the expression of Moore is equally mind-blowing. The cinematography, score implementation of light editing and sets make it a complete visual. The visual effect used at the backdrop of the scene makes it so compatible with the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Horror of a Dystopian Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Horror of a Dystopian Society - Essay Example The category of dystopian films is closely related to that of post-apocalyptic film and dystopian societies often arise in the awake of natural or manmade disasters that have led to the destruction of the societies that came before them. However, dystopian societies can also arise as a natural consequence of the direct historical extension of certain flaws in the current-day society with no intervening catastrophe. Recent films with dystopia inclinations include Gattaca (1997), 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Equilibrium (2002), Minority Report (2002), Banlieue 13(District 13, 2004), Casshern (2004), V for Vendetta (2005), and Children of Men (2006). These more recent dystopian movies have become particularly clear in the way their dystopian features are not predictions so much as satirical commentaries on the present world of consumer capitalism. This paper examines the genre of dystopia with a view to understanding its common traits, ideological valences and historical specificity. Although the term dystopia predated 1900, dystopia became recognized as a literature genre during the twentieth century and has not lost its hold on the society’s imagination, as evidenced by recent films such as The Island, V for Vendetta and Children of Men. Introduction A utopia is an imaginary society that dreams of a world in which the social, political and economic problems of the real present have been solved or at least in which effective mechanisms for the solutions to these problems are in place. A dystopia on the other hand, is an imagined world in which the dream has become a nightmare. It is also known as anti-utopias. Dystopias are often designed to critique the potential negative implications of certain forms of utopian thought. However, dystopia films have a strong satirical dimension that is designed to warn against the possible consequences of certain tendencies in the real world of the present (Thomas and Booker, 2009, pg. 65). After a flurry of utopian fictions at the end of the nineteenth century, dystopian fiction became particularly prominent in the twentieth century, when suspicions of utopian solutions to political and social problems became increasingly strong as those problems grew more and more complicated and as events such as the rise of fascism in Europe seemed to cast doubt on the whole Western enlightenment. While utopian societies are designed to enable the maximum fulfilment of individual human potential, dystopian societies impose oppressive conditions that interfere with that fulfilment. These oppressive conditions are usually extensions or exaggerations of conditions that already exist in the real world, allowing the dystopian film to critique real world situations by placing them within the DE familiarization context of an extreme fictional society. In a dystopian society, the citizenry are forced to think alike, either by the use of drugs, by force or even if necessary mind control. It is synonymous with oppression, corrup tion and limited human rights Dystopian fiction films tend to focus on certain key motifs and ideas that in one way or another involve an opposition between social control and individual desire. In the dystopian society or state, however, social control generally has the upper hand.
Nietzsche's theory of nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nietzsche's theory of nature - Essay Example On the other hand what does human being do? in his opinion humans try to run nature the way they think best. As man is the ultimate being and creation of God thus he wants to use this power and modify the things going on around him. Isn’t living life close to respecting, desiring, being unfair, to be restricted, near to the attempt of being different, he says. Furthermore the idea that humans are aggressive by nature the statement as living according to nature in actuality will mean living in accordance to life, so how can one do anything that is otherwise or different. He attempts to further shed light on this natural yet so indifferent methods of humans by suggesting that there is no need for people to make principles based upon what they are themselves and should be. It can be quite the opposite he says as one might imagine to go through the ecstasy of reading the rule of one’s own principles in Nature it is understandable that they would be looking for an altoge ther different thing. He calls people â€Å"you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders!†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) So much is the negativity he holds against the way human beings function. It is to him a shocking reality that things could be so deceiving and yet people try to justify themselves by saying it is what nature has taught them. Man is a proud being and undoubtedly in their pride they â€Å"wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein.†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reading Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reading Film - Essay Example The film is a superb blend of sexuality and racial prejudice. The film captivates one of the brilliant performances by Juliana Moore. With a vulnerable emotion and strength of mind, she portrays the emotion of a housewife whose spouse has a covert gay life. It’s amazingly true that a movie like ‘Far From Heaven’ has that stylish finish along with tremendous emotional compulsion. This is a rare blend indeed and the greatest achievement with this particular film is the immaculate compatibility between the crew and the stars that make every moment of the movie artificial As well as deeply felt. (Indiana University, n.d.) In a film like ‘Far From Heaven’, the ambience of the narrative and the projection of the theme are never obvious. Yet, the film slowly enchants its spectators and one doesn’t need to wait for long to experience complete entwinement with the film. The film is extremely sensitive and far from being a mere domestic melodrama of Whittaker family, the movie is a strong portrayal of myriad social consideration that transports the film to a realm of difference from the ordinary movies of the same genre. Picking up a particular scene from the movie with so many emotionally exuberance is very difficult. Yet, the scene which forms the most sensitive and most climactic scene of the entire film demands a detailed description. The scene to be noted is where Cathy Whittaker, played by Julianne Moore finds her man Frank, played by Dennis Quaid, in the arms of his gay partner. Undoubtedly, Moore reaches the league of the contemporary actresses after this brilliant performance. The language of camera transcends any narrative incorporated in this scene and the feeling and the expression of Moore is equally mind-blowing. The cinematography, score implementation of light editing and sets make it a complete visual. The visual effect used at the backdrop of the scene makes it so compatible with the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nietzsche's theory of nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nietzsche's theory of nature - Essay Example On the other hand what does human being do? in his opinion humans try to run nature the way they think best. As man is the ultimate being and creation of God thus he wants to use this power and modify the things going on around him. Isn’t living life close to respecting, desiring, being unfair, to be restricted, near to the attempt of being different, he says. Furthermore the idea that humans are aggressive by nature the statement as living according to nature in actuality will mean living in accordance to life, so how can one do anything that is otherwise or different. He attempts to further shed light on this natural yet so indifferent methods of humans by suggesting that there is no need for people to make principles based upon what they are themselves and should be. It can be quite the opposite he says as one might imagine to go through the ecstasy of reading the rule of one’s own principles in Nature it is understandable that they would be looking for an altoge ther different thing. He calls people â€Å"you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders!†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) So much is the negativity he holds against the way human beings function. It is to him a shocking reality that things could be so deceiving and yet people try to justify themselves by saying it is what nature has taught them. Man is a proud being and undoubtedly in their pride they â€Å"wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein.†(9; †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)
Same sex marriage Essay Example for Free
Same sex marriage Essay By making marriage the apex of intimate relationships and the primary site for interpersonal rights and responsibilities. Marriage is not â€Å"just†anintimate relationship or sacred institution but a nexus of the personaland the instrumental, the emotional and the legal. It can be whimsy andromance, but it can also be strategy and financial respite.Until your lifepartner lies dying in the hospital and you are barred from the room, oryou lose your job for taking time off to care for (and possibly grieve for)her, it may not be so immediately and painfully apparent how instrumentalmarriage rights are. It is striking, in fact, how quickly â€Å"rights†come to the forefront of the discourse for everyone, when the matterfor discussion is not simply (presumably heterosexual) â€Å"marriage†butis instead qualified as â€Å"same-sex marriage.†Put these phrases into everyday conversation and ones sees the point of departure: in a conversationamong heterosexuals, the word â€Å"marriage†is most likely broughtup when someone is talking about a â€Å"happy marriage†or a â€Å"bad marriage†â€â€an upcoming wedding or, perhaps, a marriage falling apart. Itis notably personal and relational. Add â€Å"same-sex†to the word â€Å"marriage†instead, and a political debate is invoked. It is no longer simplya personal relationship but a civil right, a â€Å"wedge issue,†or a subject oflitigation. The articulation of marriage as a rightâ€â€and specifically one denied to gays and lesbians as a classâ€â€is not itself without controversy. Is the Philippines ready to frame thepursuit of marriage equality as a pursuit of â€Å"special rights†for gays and lesbians? 1.1 Statement of the problem 1. What are the factors that trigger same-sex marriage? 2. How many percent of the population are against or in favor in same-sex marriage? 3. How same-sex marriage affects society? 4. What would be the effect of same-sex marriage to Philippine society? 1.2 Significance of the study Thisstudy will help to prevent the idea of allowing two persons of the same gender to enter marriage. This prevents the trigger of dismemberment of each family. It will help the youths for not planning to enter same-sex marriage. It also helps them to recognize that same-sex marriage is showing immorality.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Research on Altered Granites
Research on Altered Granites Visible yellow radial U- minerals (up to 1 % U )was recorded coating the fractures in the sheared granites, border on the two sides by milky quartz veins, which play as septa for U- minerals migration. From the mineralogical point of view, the sheared granite rich in; a) uranium (meta-autunite, kasolite and phurcalite) , b) thorium (uranothorite) and c) base metals (wolframite, columbite, fergusonite and Plumbopyrochlore minerals) in addition to zircon, allanite, rutile, fluorite, fluro-apatite, phlogopite and iron oxide minerals (hematite, ilmenite, goethite and magnetite )(Table.1).Meta-autunite occurs as lemon-yellow to greenish yellow, subhedral crystals formed as dehydration pseudomorphs after autunite (Fig,6a) and usually associated with kasolite. Phurcalite occurs as light brown subhedral to anhedral crystals of calcium uranium phosphate (Fig,6b) and usually associated with iron oxides. The altered granites are enriched in most major oxides (Fe2O3, Tio2, ,Mn, Mg, CaO and P2O5,) except SiO2 and Na2O than fresh granites (Fig.7) manifesting ferrugination, calcification ,desilicification and illitization .Also the fresh granites are depleted in most trace elements (Ni, Cr, Sr, Zr, Y, Ga, Zn, Pb, and Cu) except Nb than altered ones. Based on major element data, the main characteristic features of the studied altered granites are higher in Fe/Mg ratio (15 av.), lower in SiO2(av.52.8 %)andNa2O /K2O ( av.0.16) than fresh granites Table 2 ) . Fig. 6: Photomicrographs showing; a) meta-autunite crystal surrounded by phurcalite mineral in altered granites. C.N., X=40 and b) phurcalite mineral associated with iron oxide in altered granites. C.N., X=40. Table (1): Shows the result of minerals occurrences in the study area. Minerals group Rock types Minerals Uranium minerals Altered granite Meta-autunite, Phurcalite and Kasolite Thorium minerals Uranothorite Base Metals Altered granite Wolframite Black Jasper Cassiterite, Wolframite, Zincite, Ni-chromite and Cr-spinel Red Jasper Ni-Chromite and Cr-spinel Milky quartz Galena, Pyrite, pyrrhotite and Sphalerite Copper Minerals Milky quartz covellite, bornite Red Jasper crysocolla Black Jasper Atacamite, Paratacamite, and cuprite Native minerals Black Jasper and Milky quartz Gold and Nickel Nb-Ta minerals Altered granites Plumbopyrochlore, Columbite and Fergusonite REEs-Bearing Minerals Alkali feldspar granites Zircon, Fluorite syenogranites Zircon, allanite Altered granites Zircon, Allanite, Rutile and Fluorite Stream sediments Zircon, Monazite Black Jasper Xenotime Red Jasper Iron Minerals Altered granites Hematite, Ilmenite, Goethite and Magnetite Black Jasper Hematite, Magnetite Red Jasper Hematite, Magnetite and Goethite Milky quartz Hematite Fig.( 7 ) The enrichment and depletion of major oxides and trace elements of altered granites to the fresh granites samples. Fig.( 8 ) Bar- diagram showing the trace elements distribution of red and black jasper. The content of HFSE in both fresh and altered granites (Nb (36-10 ppm), Zr (316- 759 ppm), Y(69- 220 ppm) ,U (8-ppm) respectively as well as low Rb/Sr ratio (1.04-0.45) and K/ Rb ratio (0.03-0.04) (Table 2) suggest that the fresh granites are primarily derived from felsic source .On the other side, these criteria in the altered granites are critical for uranium exploration . The black jasper more richer than red one in Ni (av.1004 -81ppm),Cr(av.8575 -853ppm),Zn (av.144 -80 ppm), Cu(av.1106- 35 ppm), Co(av.371-0.0 ppm), Au(1.04 -0.5 ppm) and U(40- 8800ppm)respectively (Table 2,Fig.8 ). The latest event invades the WNW-ESE shear zone was the intrusion of silica and jasper veins with different magnitude. The excess of released quartz can migrate as colloidal silica to precipitate later in the tension fractures as jasperoid vein at upper structural levels under low temperature condition .Silicification along the main shear zone has a noticeable amount of liberated secondary silica occurs as fine crystals associated with the large primary quartz crystals and characterized by the existence of three generations of silica veins differ in color, mineralization and age. 1)The milky quartz veins are the first phase (the youngest one), mainly barren, running WNW and dipping 70 °/ SSW direction, highly brecciated (2-5 Km in length, 0.25-3 m in width)and common only at the southern border of the shear zone. 2) The red jasper veins(second phase) have E-W ,WNW,NW and NE trends (Fig.5), dipping 50-75/N or S , 45 °/ SSW, SW and SE direction respectively. They fractured, fragmented, discontinuous, brecciated,(7km in length, 0.30-3 m in width) and rich in Cr, , Ni, Sn, Zn and Cu- mineralization (Fig.6) (some parts of red jasper are rich by vugs (physical tap) that are filled by mineralization. These veins exhibit combinations of more than one style; orbicular and brecciated. Brecciated red jasper (Plate 4.a) can vary from soft swirls of color to dramatically fragmented shades of rich brown, brick red and cream colors. Deeply integrated colors come from organic materials and iron oxides imbedded in the stones. Ore microscopic investigation reveals that; quartz crystals occur as anhedral cryptocrystalline associated and stained by iron oxide. Sometimes cryptocrystalline crystals of amorphous silica form banding. Iron oxide occurs as black crystalline minerals and staining of quartz. 3) The black jasper(oldest one) is represented by 1.8 km in length, 0.5-10 m in width, trending N45 °W ,dipping 50 °-65 ° /SW (Figs.5), and rich in Cr, Ni, Cu and Au mineralization, Fig.7).They are concentrated only in the eastern part of G. Um Bakra shear zone and less abundant in length than milky and red veins. The black jasper are vuggy than milky and red silica veins and these vugs filled by calcite minerals. The apical parts of the veins are intensely weathered, oxidized, brecciated fragments (Plate.4b) and decomposed to forming gossans. Petrographically, quartz occurs as cryptocrystalline and polycrystalline forming spherulitic texture and associated with iron oxide. Iron oxide associated with quartz and sometimes forming network or needle (Plate .4c). Cr- spinel with blood red color was observed and having darker boundaries with quartz (Plate.4d).Ore microscopic study reveals the presence of gold, chromite and magnetite minerals. Fire assay for gold content give 1.04 g/ton .Chromite occurs as anhedral crystal associated with magnetite (Plate.4e). Chromite existed in different forms; zoned veinlet or disseminated specks (Plate. 4 fg). Black minerals filling fracture and associated with quartz (Plate.4h) . Fig. (6): showing different types of copper minerals in red and black jasper ,a) atacamite mineral, b) paratacamite mineral, c) cuprite mineral and d) crysocolla mineral . Fig. (7): Photograph showing copper minerals from black jasper of the study area. Alterations Two phases of hydrothermal alterations; acid and alkaline were distinguished in the shear zone resulting in Kaolinization and ferrugination processes as illustrated below: Kaolinization indicates that the rocks were affected by acidic solution with low temperature varying from 200 to 250  °C (Helgeston 1974). Kaolinitization process causes an increase in alumina (18.2%) at the expense of the other major oxides (Table2).Kaolinization affects sheared granites in the shear zone are characterized by the formation of clay minerals and adsorbed secondary U- minerals( meta-autunite, Kasolite and Phurcalite) (Table1). Acidic alteration of biotite produces illite+quartz ,while magnesium, iron, oxygen, and fluorine are dissolved in hydrothermal fluids (Pirajno,1992). These solution caused the alteration of the feldspars and micas to clay minerals (Fig.8) are produced by an acidic fluid and it liberates silica and K+ according to Pirajno,(1992). Similarly, the anorthite component of plagioclase is transformed to (clay minerals) (Hemley and Jones, 1964; Pirajno1992) and frees Ca2+ ions transported also by the hydrothermal solution. The free Al+3 increase the alumina in the clay mineral. This kind of alteration by acid solution is responsible for transported and redeposited uranium and base metals mineralization in WNW-ESE shear zone which acts as a good trap. carbonitization:The common presence of calcite manifesting carbonitization process along the shear zone (Fig.8).Also both of ultramafic -mafic rocks and intrusive gabbros are rich by carbonate minerals. Ferrugination causes increase in total Fe2O3 content (FeOt= 4.7%. to 32.7%) at the expense of other oxides. The strong alkaline solution may precipitate Fe+3 and U+6 within the shear zones in the form of iron oxy-hydroxides rich in uranium (Cuney, et al., 1984). Sheared granite samples stained by Fe oxides adsorb U minerals at the main shear zone. Ferrugination is represented mainly by hematite and goethite minerals (table1, Fig.9).Oxygen may combine with iron to produce hematite forming hematitic alteration. Plate 4: Photomicrographs showing; a) brecciated red jasper vein, C.N., X=40., b ) brecciated black jasper vein with vugs, c) black silica vein showing hematitization in quartz, iron oxide occurs as needles in quartz. C.N., X=40, d) blood red, Cr spinel having darker boundaries in BJV (PPL), X=20., e) chromite (cr) in rim and magnetite (mag) in core in BJV. X =40, f) veinlet of chromite and groundmass of magnetite in BJV. X=40, g) disseminated specks of chromite in BJV. X= 40, h) red jasper vein showing iron oxide present as black crystalline minerals and staining of quartz. C.N., X=20 fluoritization :Fluorite was emplaced through the fractures and fissures in altered granite along the shear zone. The released 3Ca2+and 6 Fà ¢Ã‹â€ ’ during illitization of the anorthite and biotite may combine together forming fluorite which is observed within the shear zone associate with U- minerals. Acknowledgements Our sincere thanks and gratitude should be provided to Dr.I, Hassan and Dr.W. El-Gazlawy, NMA, for their help during field work. Discussion Conclusion 1-To form a hydrothermal deposit in Um Bakra- Um Samra WNW-ESE shear zone requires: (1) a magma source of fluid, (2) dissolved metals in the magmatic fluids, , (3) heat source and activate tectonic, causes the migration of à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uid and (4) Presence of channel ways, layering and physical cavities, to precipitates the metals or minerals. 2-G. Um Samra -G. Um Bakra shear zone strikes N-80 ° and dipping 45 ° /SSW and ranges from 30 to 500 m in thickness and extends 10 km in length. The host rock (syenogranites)is highly altered, fine -grained,ferruginous ,reddish pink and grayish pink to grayish in color. Two opposite N-S strike-slip faults and NNE and NNW strike-slip faults dextral and sinistral sense of movement(good channel ways) forming grabben and horst structures respectively (6 km in length, 30 m in width, dipping 10 °-20 ° towards E or W) cut the shear zone. 3-Three generations of silica veins differ in color, mineralization and age are common. The first phase (youngest),is barren milky quartz veins, running WNW and dipping 70 °/ SSW direction , highly brecciated (2-5 Km in length, 0.25-3 m in width. The red jasper(second phase) has N 60 °-76 ° W trend, dipping 45 °/ SSW direction, fractured, fragmented, discontinuous, brecciated, (7km in length, 0.30-3 m in width) and rich in Cr, Ni, Sn, Zn and Cu- mineralization) .The third phase (oldest one) is represented by black jasper (1.8 km in length, 0.5-10 m in width, trends N75W ,dipping 50 °-65 ° /SSW and rich in Cr, Ni, and Au mineralization). 4-The black jasper more richer than red one in Ni (av.1004 -81ppm),Cr(av.8575 -853ppm),Zn (av.144 -80 ppm), Cu(av.1106- 35 ppm), Co(av.371-0.0 ppm), Au(1.4 -0.5 ppm) and U(av, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.ppm)respectively (Table ). 5-The presence of clay mineral (dickite:Al2Si2O5(OH)4) in quartz and jasper veins indicates a temperature environment higher than 200 °C. The mixing of volatile fluids with meteoric water and fluid- wall rock interaction result in changes in pH and oxygen activity and deposition of base metals. 6- Precipitation of hematite in shear zone and red jasper veins probably decreased the pH of the solution and rising acidic fluids. The sudden change in the pH and temperature of the fluids will lead to destabilization of base metal complexes favouring their deposition (Alexandrov et al., 1985). 7-The cooling of the hydrothermal solution decreases the solubility of the metals. Cooling can take place when hot magmatic à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uids enter cooler wall rocks or when two à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡uids mix, Similar reactions can take place between hydrothermal solutions and wall rock; a solution containing dissolved sulà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ de might contact a rock containing magnetite, to convert the magnetite to pyrite by a process called sulà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ dation.Or, a solution containing Cu might react with a rock containing pyrite to form Cu sulà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ des. 8- The base metals mineralization are accumulate in the residual melt of the late fractionate alkali feldspar granites (Bright, 1974) especially upward in the magmatic system (Smith,1979). During the emplacement of the basic and intermediate dikes (olivine basalt, andesite and dolerite dikes) which accompanied with high temperature and Co2), the base metals(galena, pyrite, sphalerite and cassiterite) were precipitated from saline and reduced fluids as sulfides due to cooling, fluid mixing and wall rock reaction. 9-The banded texture in jasper veins is common in epithermal base metals, indicating of boiling event and rapid deposition (Hedenquist et al.,1995).Most epithermal deposits consist of numerous separate, largely vertical veins that form a conjugate set, sometimes reà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ecting regional tectonic stress. Low-temperature hydrothermal solutions ( 10- The non-sulfide ore deposits are classified into two major types; supergene and hypogene deposits (Hitzman et. al., 2003). (a) Supergene deposits form primarily from the oxidation of sulfide-bearing deposits and are formed principally zinc carbonate or silicates, and (b) hypogene deposits consist dominantly of zinc silicates and oxides, and they commonly result from mixing of a reduced, Zn-rich, with an oxidized, sulfur-poor fluid. Um Bakra-Um Samra shear zone containing zinc oxides (hypogene deposits). 11-Pyrite presents in two generations, disseminated and along fractures. The occurrence of covellite, bornite and magnetite are related to the oxidation product of disseminated pyrite, whereas the second type of pyrite transformed into pyrrhotite. 12-The chloritization process is the last phase of alteration in the shear zone, where fluids became rich in Mg/Fe most probably due to the decomposition of ferromagnesian minerals from the basic and intermediate dikes. Fig.( 8) :Showing Kaolinization map for Um Bakra -Um Samra area. Fig.( 9) showing ferrugination map for Um Bakra -Um Samra area. Table ( 2 ) chemical analysis of major oxides and trace elements of Um Samra-Um Bakra area. Trace elements (ppm) Fresh Altered Red Black Ni Range 0.0-55 0-18095 0-409 314-1501 Average 10 2322 81 1004 Cr Range 233-485 113-2409 294-2689 3490-12898 Average 296 798 853 8575 Rb Range 83-210 0-392 0.0-1161 0.0 Average 147. 128 289 0.0 Sr Range 17-507 73-58 8-127 0-17 Average 142 278 74 7 Zr Range 89-659 196-1873 0-466 0.0 Average 316 759 238 0.0 Y Range 16-102 84-512 0-79 0-142 Average 69 220 38 77 Nb Range 14-56 0-62 0-35 0.0 Average 36 10 11 0.0 Ga Range 22-45 0-151 0-59 0.0 Average 32 73 24 0.0 Zn Range 16-145 0-2409 32-169 56-281 Average 78 528 80 144 Pb Range 0-52 0-684 0-173 0.0 Average 16 157 45 0.0 Cu Range 0-32 0-210 0-80 431-2045 Average 4 26 35 1107 Co Range 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-558 Average 0.0 0.0 0.0 371 Mo Range 0.0 0.0 0-127 0.0 Average 0.0 0.0 25 0.0 As Range 0.0 0.0 0-2098 0.0 Average 0.0 0.0 419 0.0 U Range 0.0 0-7640 0.0 0.0 Average 0.0 1749 0.0 0.0 Major oxides % Fresh Altered Red Black SiO2 Range 69.22-75.33 23.14-72.09 70.3-92.53 72.93-91.27 Average 72.9 52.8 84.2 82.7 TiO2 Range 0.01-0.29 0.28-2.46 0.01-0.22 0.0 Average 0.2 1.08 0.2 0.0 Al2O3 Range 12.35-15.4 10.37-18.02 0.69-14.85 0.69 Average 13.7 12.7 6.8 0.8 Fe2O3 Range 0.08-2.91 2.10-45-77 1.39-4.97 4.46-22.54 Average 1.9 19.8 3.4 13.4 MnO Range 0-0.08 0-0.75 0.01-0.03 0.01-0.04 Average 0.03 0.1 0.03 0.03 MgO Range 0.13-0.65 0.24-7.23 0.29-1.75 0.19-0.60 Average 0.31 1.32 0.806 0.442 CaO Range 0.45-2.55 1.26-4.4 0.31-0.76 0.01-1.74 Average 1.1 2.6 0.6 0.5 Na2O Range 3.15-4.34 0.12-3.34 0.05-2.2 0.05-0.12 Average 3.7 0.8 0.6 0.08 K2O Range 4-6.70 1.84-7.78 0.1-6.96 0.04-0.09 Average 5 5 3 0.06 P2O5 Range 0.020.16 0.01-1.23 0.07-0.48 0.02-0.04 Average 0.08 0.39 0.224 0.032 L.O.I. Range 0.04-0.85 0.8-2.80 Average 0.31 1.43 Total Range 99.73-99.9 93.22-99.91 99.36-99.92 97.45-99.01 Average 100 98.42 99.7 98.288 References Abdalla, H. M., Matsueda, H., Obeid, M., A. and Takahashi., R., (2008): Chemistry of cassiterite in rare metal granitoids and the associated rocks in Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of Mineralogical and petrological sciences, 103, 318-326. Abdalla, H. M. and Mohamed, F. H., (1999): Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of emerald and beryl mineralization, Pan-African Belt of Egypt genetic and exploration aspects: J. Afr Earth Sci, 28,3, 581-598. Bakhit, F.S., 1978 geology and radioactive mineralization of Gabal El-Missikat area,Eastern Desert of Egypt, A.R.E. Ph.D. thesis, Fac. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt, 289 p. Bakhit, F.S., and Meleik, M.L.,1990. Application of autocorrelation function to structural lineaments in radioactive sample area in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. Int. G. Remote Sensing, 11, No. 10,1919. El Ramly, M.F. (1972): A new geological map for the basement rocks rocks in the South Western Desert of Egypt. Ann. Geol. Surv. Egypt.2, 1-18. Gharieb A.G.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Papers Essays Poe
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe In ?The Cask of Amontillado?, Edgar Allan Poe takes us on a trip into the mind of a mad man. Poe uses certain elements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved. The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with Montressor?s eyes, hear with his ears, and to react as he would. There is no real violence in the modern sense of the word. However, it is more horrifying because rather than seeing it through our eyes, we feel it through words. This short story is a great example of how descriptive imagery and irony can give an overall mood of horror and impending evil. The story provides the reader with the feeling of deception and a curiosity of the darkness of the murderous plot. Poe?s style is what makes this a masterpiece of horror. ?The Cask of Amontillado? is a powerful tale of revenge. Poe does not disappoint us as his audience, as we are invited to visit the inner workings of a sinister mind. Telling the story from Montressor?s point of view, intensifies the effect of the moral shock and horror. Through Poe?s use of irony, this short story is a carefully crafted story of revenge with ironic wordplay. Montressor seeks revenge in an effort to support his time-honored family motto: ?nemo me impune lacessit? or (no one attack me without being punished). Montressor, the sinister narrator of this tale, pledges revenge on Fortunato for an insult. The character of Montressor provides the pinnacle of deceit and belligerence needed to portray the story?s sin. ... ...ntressor?s catacombs, ?I drink to the buried that repose around us,? not knowing he soon would join them. The sinful deceit in ?The Cask of Amontillado? is linked to Poe?s use of irony, descriptive detail, and character traits. The short story successfully creates an emotion of sin and deceit. Through his writing techniques we get a vivid idea of his deception and darkness. The damp catacombs of ?The Cask of Amontillado? complement the dark doings, but the setting gives closure to the total effect in a subtle fashion. Although, a short story, Poe creates a nightmare that is almost guaranteed to give his readers a sleepless night. As the ?cask? of Amontillado draws Fortunato into the ?casket?, we get a feeling of our own fear. Bibliography: Poe, Edgar A. The Cask of Amontillado. Edgar Allan Poe: Sixty-Seven Tales. Avenel, New Jersey: Gramercy Books, 1985.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Life Cycle Analysis Essay -- science
Life Cycle Analysis "A buildings environmental impact extends from global factors, such as ozone depletion, to the quality of the environment inside the property. These impacts arise from decisions made at all stages of the buildings life, including materials manufacture, site selection, design, construction, occupation and ultimately demolition." Source: Greener Buildings, Environmental Impact of Property - Stuart Johnson. A Report On Environmental Life Cycle Analysis ( L.C.A. ) Introduction The world is becoming an ever more environmentally vigilant society and pressure by governments, NGOs ( Non - government organisations ) and the general public is being put on all aspects of industry to become more "Green". The construction industry has a great impact on the environment both at the construction stage and the buildings future life, as stated in Stuart Johnsons opening statement above. As with all industries the construction industry as a whole has and continues to devise ways in which the relationship between the built and the natural environment can improve. One such development is the technique of Environmental Life Cycle Analysis. Life Cycle Analysis Life cycle analysis is used to explore the life cycle of a building material. It is computer based and its methodology was developed by the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ( SETAC ). The life cycle analysis will show the environmental impacts of different materials at different stages of its life from the materials extraction through processing, manufacture, use, maintenance and disposal. An example of the type of software used in L.C.A. is SimaPro 3.0 which was developed by PRe Consultants in the Netherlands. SimaPro provides information on the generation of pollutants and the following environmental effects of different materials and is measured using eco-points. "The main issues of life cycle analysis for materials consist of establishing: * hazardous contents * risks to occupants, trades people and the general environment * ecological degradation from extraction of raw materials * recycled content * pollution from manufacturing * CO2 released during manufacturing and embodied energy * transport implications * durability ( life to replacement ) * recycling and disposal" Source: Specifying for Greener Buildings - Stephen Curw... ...s 1993 ( CHIP ) HMSO * Specification for Environmental Management Systems. BS7750: 1992. BSI. * RIBA Environmental Policy and Information for Members. Peter Smith. RIBA. 1995. Conclusion It is clear to see that the need for environmental life cycle analysis is great if the continuing decline of the environment is to be slowed. Firms within the construction industry must hold their hands up and accept responsibility for the huge environmental impact caused by the building, and support the full life cycle analysis of as many materials as possible, they also need to design for the long term and not just for short term gain. BIBLIOGRAPHY Life Cycle Analysis of Housing - Maf Smith Building for a Future - Autumn 1995 Specifying for Greener Buildings - Stephen Curwell Architects Journal - January 1996 Cost Planning of Buildings 6th Ed. - Douglas J. Ferry & Peter S. Brandon Blackwell Science - 1991 Environmental Impact Assessment : A Comparitive Review - Wood Spon - 1995 Buildings and Health ( The Rosehaugh Guide ) - March & Venables RIBA Publications - 1990 Green Architecture - Vale & Vale Thames and Hudson - 1991 BREEAM 1/93 New Offices.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Cultural Practices that Affect Health Essay
The Community Health Nurse (CHN), an individual who works outside of the hospital setting and typically with a specific community to provide basic health care systems (All Nursing Schools, 2009) can be perceived as the bridge to address the gap between western medicine and cultural traditions. In cases when cultural practices cause physical harm and health risks, the CHN can be the tool to provide information and educate individuals to inform them of the tangible health risks and often permanent damages caused by such practices. What is also important to acknowledge is that there is an imminent health risk that needs to be addressed. According to Megan Costello (2004), in an article about female circumcision, sometimes making a practice illegal does not serve as a good enough deterrent. Costello (2004) explains that what people need is more information to understand the health risks and the unwarranted, in terms of perceived health benefit, practice. In North African countries, an average of 94 percent of women are subjected to female circumcision (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2008). In the United States there are an estimated 228,000 girls and women at risk of female circumcision (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 2008). The CHN through community agencies or organizations can work to create care systems that will facilitate the dissemination of information. The CHN can effect policy change that will bring health care to the disadvantage populations or minority groups, such as refugees, who may have little understanding of western health care systems. Essentially, to address the gap between large health care institution and individual members of small communities, the CHN has the task of developing a system that will inform members of these groups of the serious harm caused by their practices. Similarly, the CHN through the same system can protect the young adults often subjected to these traditional practices. In the case of female circumcision, Bien Aime of Equality Now (quoted in Costello, 2004) says, â€Å"†¦ people need education. We need people on the ground who have access to girls and young women at risk, to help them understand that not only is this procedure against the law, but also that there are harmful effects. †As more and more cultures and ethnic backgrounds are assimilated through migration activities there is a need to provide health care that is culturally competent. The CHN becomes integral in the task of providing adequate care to all individuals with equity regardless of cultural or ethnic backgrounds through a sensitive approach. In cases where the cultural practice causes permanent injuries and prolonged negative complications to health the CHN can contribute to changing these practices. References All Nursing Schools. (2009). Become a Community Health Nurse. All Nursing Schools. Retrieved March 7, 2009, from http://www. allnursingschools. com/faqs/community-health-nurse. php Brigham and Women’s Hospital. (2008). African Women’s Health Center. Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from http://www. brighamandwomens. org/africanwomenscenter/FGCprevalence. aspx and http://www. brighamandwomens. org/africanwomenscenter/education. aspx? subID=submenu4 Costello, A. (2004, February 19). Two in U. S. Accused of Genital Mutilation. Women’s E News. Retrieved March 7, 2009 from http://www. womensenews. org/article. cfm/dyn/aid/1718
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Healthy Grief Essay
Grieving is a natural part of life. Everyone grieves at some point in their lives, whether it’s the loss of a beloved 1st pet fish or a loss of a loved one’s life, everyone grieves differently and everyone requires different approaches during the grieving process. This paper will describe the various stages of grief and what to expect with each stage. This paper will also compare and contrast the grieving process as defined by Kubler-Ross, the story of Job while incorporating the Catholic religion. The interaction between joy and the Kubler-Ross model will also be described. In the book of Job, Job is presented as a wealthy, righteous man living somewhere between 2000-1000 B.C. Job suddenly experiences the loss of his family, his possessions, and his health. Job relies on his friends to provide him with comfort. Each stage of grief according to Kubler-Ross is seen within the story of Job. The first stage, denial, is noticed when Job denies the severity of his medical condition. Job’s anger, which is the second stage of grief, is expressed in 7:11-15 â€Å"Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul†. When Job had learned of the death of his 10 children, he tore his clothes and shaved his head in anger. The third stage of grief, which is also known as the bargaining stage, is expressed when Job starts to bargain with God in 9:33-34 â€Å"If only there were someone to arbitrate between us, to lay his hand upon us both, someone to remove God’s rod from me, so that his terror would frighten me no more†. Depression, which is the fourth stage of grief is apparent in 10:18 â€Å"Why then did you bring me out of the womb? I wish I had died before any eye saw me†. Job wishes that he had never have been born so he wouldn’t have to endure the grief and loss which he is experiencing. Acceptance, which is the final stage of grief, is reached after Job stated in (13:15) â€Å"Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him.†This versus is a very powerful versus as it is a reminder to be kind and helpful to others although others may not demonstrate these actions. The Kulber-Ross theory of grief, designed in 1969 by Elisabeth Kubler is most commonly known as the five stages of grief. The five stages of grief represent the stages that on experiences while undergoing grief or similar life events. Ross created this model is describe the stages of grief for people undergoing terminal illness; however, this model can be used for various forms of significant loss such as divorce, loss of job, natural disaster, or loss of a loved one. The first stage describes a temporary state of disbelief called denial. During the denial stage, an individual shuts out actuality and denies anything bad is really happening. The second stage of grief is called bargaining. Bargaining is when an individual realizes that the denial cannot continue and begins to come to terms with reality. The person may become anger and question why is this happening. People may become angry with themselves, loved one, or others. The third stage is of grief is the bargaining stage. During this stage, patients tend to wish that they can postpone or delay their illness or death. People display their spirituality in great detail during this phase. They beg for a higher power to undo their loss and make things better again. It’s during the fourth stage that patients tend to feel depressed about their impending situation. The person begins to disconnect himself/herself of life, love, and affection. Most grieving occurs during this stage after the person realizes that their demise is becoming more inevitable. The last and final stage of grief is known as the acceptance stage. It is during this stage that the person has come to terms with their prognosis and feel as if they can reengage in their daily lives again. People of the Catholic religion, much like most people incorporate the five stages of grief into their lives unnoticeably in times of tragedy. Catholics also experience the most painful form of life, which is losing a loved one. Catholics deny the event, they become angry, they attempt to bargain, they feel depressed, and over time, they learn to accept. Much like Job is thousands and thousands of years ago. My own personal way to grieving is probably much different than the average person. When a loved one dies, I feel sad, but I do not display sadness nor do I cry. Instead, I celebrate them. I celebrate their life and encourage others to do the same. You would have never of guessed I had just lost my Mom when she passed away a few years ago. Instead of enduring the five stages of grief, I bypass the first four stages and fell into the acceptance stage. I accepted that she was too sick to be here on Earth and her passing was actually a beautiful moment at which I no longer saw the pain and struggle in her eyes. I am confident that she felt a sense of relief as well. After researching the stages of grief, the writer of this paper is more aware of the process that is needed to people to spirituality be able to heal after a significant event. During the grief process, people experience many emotions, which is clearly defined in the five stages of grief. To acknowledge that Job encountered grief many, many years ago in the exact same way people do now in modern age is reassuring and comforting. Upon completing research of grief, the information learned has not changed by view of grief; however it has made me more aware of the various ways that people react to grief.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Midterm film analysis paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Midterm film analysis paper - Movie Review Example The primary strategy of Dom Cobb comprised of his ability to project himself into the subconscious minds of other people to steal ideas and information, which even the most virtuoso of hackers could not pillage with all the technology and skills lying at their disposal. So, Cobb is projected in the movie as the ultimate tool specializing in corporate espionage. However, as is common with most of the capable men, Cobb has many accounted issues imbuing his past, to redeem which he is made to embark on a mission that is to become his way to redemption. However, this mission tends to be different in the sense that this Time Cobb is required to plant an idea into rather than gleaning some information from the mind of his target. Cobb and his ensemble team of espionage specialists would have certainly entered into a new dimension of psychic espionage had they succeeded. However, this time their mission is made complex and complicated by a capable adversary who not only knows what they are up to, but also possesses the power to stop them. To put it simply, in Inception, Christopher Nolan has managed to come out with a fantasy scenario, unraveling in the realm of the mind that is not only awesomely fantastic, original and innovative, but also requires multiple viewing to grasp its full potential and scope. It is a movie that exploits the existing technical expertise in the realm of cinematography to come out as being something interestingly stunning and audaciously bold. There is no denying the fact that Nolan’s primary theme in Inception is the dream world. The mastery of Nolan lies in his ability to use the cinematic devices to bring to the life the hitherto unexplored dynamics of the dream world. Not only Nolan manages to create a complicated maze meandering into the dreams of the characters in the movie, but also succeeds in soliciting the trust and confidence of his viewers in his
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The Impact of Coffee on the Global Marke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
The Impact of Coffee on the Global Marke - Essay Example Consumer demand is on the rise for such coffee and as people continue to drink such coffees the quality of coffee is one issue that will not be overlooked (Myers, n.d). Coffee is also consumed for its value of inhibiting sleep. This usually enables individuals who were involved in an activity to continue even late in the night without the inhibition of sleep. Additionally, Coffee is a source of employment for many people of the world. Coffee is said to be the second most traded product after Oil (Solange et..Al, 2011).  This potentially means that it provides employment to many people at different levels. These include the famers who plant the crop, the people who transport the crop to the market, the people involved in the conversion of coffee from berries to the finished product, the individuals providing packaging for the coffee as well as the marketers, distributers, Warehouse operators and also the shipping companies and many more. In addition, the impact of Cof fee has many positives about the provision of a beverage and employments at different levels. That said, it cannot be overlooked that there have been certain challenges with regard to employment and the remuneration of people involved globally in the production of Coffee which need to be addressed. These have led to maintaining of the poverty cycle, gender discrimination, as well as enrichment of a few intermediaries at the expense of the majority who are involved in the production cycle. If these issues are not addressed.
Monday, October 7, 2019
The UK Medical Law - the Ethical Dilemma of Euthanasia Research Paper
The UK Medical Law - the Ethical Dilemma of Euthanasia - Research Paper Example There are some cases that will be identified and included in this research to fully discuss the true meaning in behind if euthanasia is considered legally and illegally permissible in medical cases where the patient is terminally ill. Also, the emphasis is given as to when medical treatment can be legally withdrawn due to the futility of the medical illness. In the conclusion, this research points out that although there are legal restraints preventing doctors to engage in treatments that result in the patients’ life being taken, there are numerous ethical considerations that have to be taken into account as well. Within cases like these, nothing is ever easy, especially when it involves someone who is terminally ill and has no hope of survival.  Euthanasia has been in heated debate for a good while now within the UK. However, there have been numerous changes taking place within its concept but one must ask do these changes go along with the old idea that insinuates any doctors or family members who engage in treatment regimens that are ultimately meant for ending the patients life should still be held legally liable in a court of law and from there face criminal charges from prosecution?Unfortunately, within the UK there are still legal grounds that are enforced in regards to anyone who ends another’s life regardless of whether it was for a medical reason or whether the individual wanted assistance in ending their life period. It is not legally permissible or ethical to carry out medical cases such as these but it is being done anyway. However, those who want to die will search for any means possible such as with cases where patients have traveled to Switzerland to have doctors there perform assisted suic ides or euthanasia procedures because it is legal in that country (Spinney 2005). The point is that no one wants to have to suffer unbearable and excruciating agony with an illness that has no hope of a cure or adequate treatment program available. In this regard, the UK needs to realize that its citizens deserve to have the right to die in a dignified fashion when they deem it is appropriate, not when the government states it is logical. In this case, there is no fallible reason found in the statement that medical treatment should be legally impermissible if it is being carried out in correlation with the patients’ right to die.Â
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