Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Does the Public Sector ombudsman Serve a Useful Function essays
Does the Public Sector ombudsman Serve a Useful Function essays Does the Public Sector Ombudsman serve a useful function. The Ombudsmans mission statement sums up what the office tries to achieve Helping to achieve a public service which is open, fair and accountable. The job of the Ombudsman is to investigate complaints from members of the public who feel they have been unfairly treated by certain public bodies or on his own initiative. He believes as I do, that public bodies are becoming more conscious of citizens, and as consumers of their services we have the right to be heard, to receive sufficient information, to assistance and representation, and to be given reasons and the right to be told what solutions are available to us. I believe that the office of the Ombudsman offers a very valuable service to society, with the red tape and procedures that need to be followed in some institutions and department to lodge a complaint it can be taxing in itself, let alone trying to resolve issues to closure. The office of the Ombudsman has the power to investigate all Government Departments such as, the health board, Local authorities and An Post. In its 18 years of existence the office has dealt with over 50,000 complaints. The Ombudsman is entirely independent and impartial. Impartiality requires independence and independence in turn requires statutory backing, In addition to being independent and impartial, the office must above all be effective. There are four aspects to this. First, public awareness of and access to the Ombudsman. Secondly the powers of investigation, thirdly power to propose adequate remedies and, fourth, effectiveness in securing compliance with findings or recommendations. As a tax paying resident in Ireland I believe that as users of the public services we should be able to put forward any issues or arguments before decisions adverse to them are taken, we need to be aware of remedies or avenues open to us to appeal. There is no charge for dealing...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
German SMS Abbreviations Explained and Translated
German SMS Abbreviations Explained and Translated We used to be the kinds of people who vowed to never â€Å"butcher†the written language, be it German or English when it came to e-mailing and texting. That was a few years ago. Now, we must admit, having seen so many abbreviations, we have joined countless others, in typing at least the more common abbreviations. Germans, as you may have guessed, use some English SMS, but fortunately, German SMS abounds as well. Why not try to impress a German friend with some SMS German texting? Just be sure of thing - please don’t forget how the words really are spelled†¦ 8tung Achtung – watch outads alles deine Schuld – all your faultakla? alles klar? – everything o.k?aws auf Wiedersehen – good byebb bis bald – see you soonbda bis dann – till thenbidunowa? Bist du noch wach? – Are you still awake?braduhi? brauchst du Hilfe? – Do you need help?bs bis spter – till laterdad denke an dich – thinking of youdiv danke im Voraus – thank you in advancedubido du bist doof – you are dumbff Fortsetzung folgt – to be continuedg grinsen - smirkgk Gruß und Kuss – hug and kissgn8 gute Nacht – good nighthdl hab dich Lieb – love youhegl herzlichen Glà ¼ckwunsch - congratulationsild ich liebe dich – I love youjon jetzt oder nie – now or neverlg liebe Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸e – heartfelt regardsmamim a mail mir mal – e-mail memumidire muss mit dir reden – have to talk with youn8 Nacht - nightnfd nur fà ¼r dich - o nly for youpg Pech gehabt – bad luckrumian ruf mich an - call mesfh Schluss fà ¼r heute- enough for todaysiw soweit ich weiß- as far as I knowsz schreib zurà ¼ck – write backvlg viele Grà ¼ÃƒÅ¸evv viel Vergnà ¼gen – lots of funwamaduheu? was machst du heute? – What are you doing today?Waudi warte auf dich – wait for youWe Wochenende - weekend
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