
Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Management of Change in a Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Management of Change in a Workplace - Essay standardManagement believes that it is a well-oiled machine and does non need change. However, the market condition they operate at is evolving. The environment conditions may threaten the sustainability of Ojuices existence if the organization does not change. The demands of the environment are not stagnant and the role of management is to adjust the party accordingly. (Drejer 2004, p. 508) It is crucial that an organization should fit their corporate strategy to the uncertainties of the market. (Litschert & Bonham 1978, p. 211)The Ojuice management is least(prenominal) receptive to creativity, novelty, and innovation because this would disturb the balance that the company has achieved over a long period of time. However, this leads to disillusionment in employees and diminishes the morale of an individual. Without a continual issue of contribution and cooperation, the organization will cease to exist.(Naidoo 2004, p. 50) Organisa tional effectiveness can only be obtained through commitment and high involvement of employees in the management of their work. integrating the worker in the organization achieves high productivity and creates competitive advantage. (Halliden & Monks 2004, p 372).The company can counter the problem by striking the right balance. The company must reinforce its position every now and then, in order to remain etched in the market space it has created for itself. The classical management picture revolves around managers planning, organizing, staffing, controlling, and directing. Employee involvement is a key emphasis in modern management thinking. (Parr 1992, p. 18) Management must follow an open door policy, intertwined with a arrangement of integrated brainstorming and functioning (Levasseur 2004, p. 79). The collaboration of experience and novel creativity can propel the company in a new direction.

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