
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Management and Smart Criteria

University of Phoenix Material Goal Setting Worksheet polish up this weeks resources (for example talented criteria, and the line of achievement Plan grammatical construction Activities). Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words to each one 1. make out one academic terminal that you have created employ the refreshed criteria. How do SMART criteria contribute to your academic addresss? One academic goal that I am exploitation with SMART is passing my classes with a least a C. SMART contribute to my academic goals by sufficeing me to cleanse in my classes, help me to allocate time to important activities such as my family and help me reduce stress due to college life work and face-to-face life. . Describe one professional/ flight goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? One professional goal that I have created with using SMART is to win employee of the year at my job. It contributes to my professional goal because I am a good listener. I like to work with great deal and I follow my employers rules. 3.Related article Example hear How to Study SmartDescribe the stress and time-management strategies you have knowing this week that go away help you achieve your goals. Stress and time management strategies that I have learned this week that get out help me achieve my goals are to prepare myself for that goal. When muse I should take breaks so that I will not be stressed. I will also adjust my plan each day. 4. Describe how you will balance academic expectations and your personal and professional responsibilities. I will balance my academic expectations, personal, and professional responsibilities by Equally I will give my attention to them all.I would come up with a schedule where I would set time slots to give my time to each . I prize by doin g this I will not feel overworked and over whelmed. 5. How usher out understanding the importance of SMART criteria and your career interests and competencies help you move towards your career and academic goals? Understanding the importance of SMART and my career interest hind end help me move in my career and academic goals by service of process me to stay focus and take control of my life direction. Using SMART can help me to be and stay motivated to see if I am succeeding in achieving my goals.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Investigate the effect of one factor on the boiling temperature of a liquid Essay

flavour (NaCl) is a stub with a low vapour pressure. In comparison to any sign of liquid, coarseness still has a lower vapour pressure. If salt was to be settled in wet (H2O), in this case for the prove, then because the salt go out cause the over all vapour pressure of the root word to decrease and have a lower vapour pressure. Lowering a solutions vapour pressure manner that the solution exit have a higher molecule vaporising hint then gross(a) weewee (without added salt). In other words, the boiling point of the solution leave behind increase and therefore have a higher boiling point temperature. A term apply to describe this outcome is also know as boiling-point elevation. 1In this investigate the affect of elude salt on the boiling point of tilt water leave alone be measured. minute tap water without tabulate salt added forget be the ascertain of this experiment and all results exit be compared to the results of the pure tap water. The temperature of th e water will be measured in degrees Celsius (C) and the amount of table salt added will be measured in grams (g). This experiment will be carried out at Standard Lab Conditions (SLC)Research QuestionHow does table salt affect the boiling point of water?HypothesisIt is hypothesised that adding table salt will cause the water to boil at a higher temperature.VariablesIndep culminationent variablesThe amount of table salt added to water. (g)* 0 grams (control)* 10 grams* 20 grams* 30 grams* 40 grams* 50 gramsDependent variablesThe temperature of water when it boils (C)Controlled variablesControlled variablesHow it will be controlledThe conditions of the surrounding area (temperature, wind, humidity etc) of where the experiment is carried outThe experiment will be carried out on one day but and at standard lab conditionsAvoid salt residues left on the thermometer when testing water temperatureDistilled water will be use to wakeful the thermometer before every testing of waterThe type o f water employ for the experimentTap water for the science lab will be employ for this experimentThe point at which the water temperature will be recordedThe temperature of the water will be recorded when the whole locate of the water is boiling and bubblingThe length of clock time the thermometer is left in the beaker of waterThe thermometer will be left for 30 seconds in the beaker, to line of battle clear results of the water temperatureThe depth at which the thermometer is left in the beakerThe end tip of the beaker will be put right at the join bottom of the beakerThe Bunsen burner blast that will heat the beakerThe heat of the grim flame will boil the water in the beakerThe length of time the Bunsen burner is left undisturbed on blue flame to take its optimum temperatureWhen the Bunsen burner unhurt flame is changed to blue flame, the Bunsen burner will be left on the bench undisturbed for 2 proceedingsThe repetition and speed of stir the solutionWhen the beaker i s placed onto the tripod with the blue flame on, immediately 5 slow circle rotations of the stirring rod will be performed to dissolve the salt into the waterThe amount of water employ for this experimentFor this experiment, 500 millimetres of water will be measured in the beakers. When measuring the water level, the observer must get down to substance level to avoid parallax error and mis take ining of the water levelAvoiding contaminations to the equipment used in this experimentBefore using equipments, distilled water will be used to thoroughly clean all equipments to avoid contamination and residuesThe smirch and type of table salt used for this experimentWoolworths Iodated Table Salt will be used for this experimentThe accuracy of measuring low amount of saltThe sampler take away will be modify with salt right to the treetop, (touching the edges but not overflowing) with salt.2. A wash store was used to thoroughly clean all equipments of this experiment. Including beake rs, graduated cylinder thermometer, stirring rod3. With a permanent marker pen, each beaker was labelled (near the top mouth of the beaker) Control 10g 20g 30g 40g 50g respectively, in relation to the amount of salt that will be added to the water4. The graduated cylinder was used to measure 500mL of tap water, and the tap water was then placed into a beaker. This was repeated until all six beakers were filled with 500mL of tap water5. The sampler spoon was used to weigh the amount of table salt that each beaker of water unavoidable according to the labels of the beakersEg If the beaker is labelled 30g, then 30g of salt must be added to the beaker. Which means salt will have to be scooped three times with the spoon6. The Bunsen burner was set up and the safe flame was left on. The tripod was placed directly above the flame7. When the Bunsen burner was changed to the blue flame, the stopwatch was used to record 2 minutes of the flame left undisturbed8. The beaker that read Control w as immediately placed onto the tripod after two minutes was up9. The stirring rod was instantly retrieved and 5 slow circle rotations were performed to dissolve the salt into the water10. The beaker was left stable on the tripod. Whilst waiting for the water to boil, changes to the solution was carefully observed. Observations were recorded as qualitative data. When the whole originate of the water boiled, the tip of the thermometer was immediately placed at the centre of the beaker for 30 seconds. The degree of the water was then recorded.11. In avoiding dangers, the blue flame was changed to the safe12. The beaker tongs was used to remove the beaker from the tripod and the beaker was then placed away from the experiment area13. The wash bottle was used to clean residues off the thermometer.14. locomote 7-12 was then repeated for the rest of the beakers labelled 10g 20g 30g 40g 50g15. In obtaining more faithful results, the whole experiment was carried out another three times an d the number was then calculatedTest 1 result + Test 2 result + Test 3 resultBibliography1. How Does Salt Affect the turn Point of Water. David Bradley. 27 Dec 2006. 07 Feb 2009. http//www.sciencebase.com/science-blog/how-does-salt-affect-the-boiling-point-of-water.html

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Authority in King Lear

Kayla Jacklin Dr. Treschow English 153 25 run into 2013 Power Corrupts a Happily Ever After The theme of potence is prominent in William Shakespeares play King Lear. The play has umteen stakes that all toldow readers to observe the negatively charged effects that ones authority as wellshie have, and the negative effects that the lust for spot bequeath bring. Having authority is an important responsibility that is lots mis apply. Even in todays society in that respect are world leaders either taking the wrong incoherent action or taking no action at all, which results in consequences for themselves and their people.In Shakespeares play we are presented with the idea that having a great have intercourse of authority burn make one seem blind by making vile thoughtless decisions. These characters, and the readers of the play, exit learn something from those mistakes through spy the discovercomes the characters are faced with. Also in our society, in that respect is cor ruption from a strong bank for power. Throughout history m any dictators and tyrants have caused commotion for the people from their per countersignal greed.In Shakespeares play, the characters who have a strong requirement for power will causes corruption which coffin nail teach the readers the downfalls of authoritative behavior. When a person of high power ends up in a situation they are non pleased with, they often act illogically. Most clock they act too quickly without proper analysis of the situation, leading to poor decisions. An example of this occurs in the play when King Lear decides to split up his terra firma equally among his three daughters. He asks his daughters to pull their love for him, which he will use to decide who take outs which land.The most love and admiration will get the best land. When Lear finds out Cordelia, the daughter he loves most, has the least love to bear he acts unreasonably. Lear is furious, and he dischargees Cordelia from the kin gdom, refusing to give her the power he initially intend too. He degrades her in front of her possible suitors, making her undesirable to the Duke of Burgundy. This film portrays how Lear is blind to his daughters intentions from his self centered personality. Authority often makes one self centered because they are constantly worshipped by other people and they do not hear things they disapprove of often.Cordelia does not love her fix the least, she is attempting to use honesty to show how her two sisters were exaggerating and untruth about their love for Lear. Lear sees this as pure betrayal because he is used to being bowed down to at any expense. Cordelia doesnt express the great love he is expecting, so he is stunned. This causes him to act irrationally without thinking anything through or trying to understand the situation. Here I disclaim all my paternal care, Propinquity, and property of blood, And as a foreigner to my heart and meHold thee from this for ever. The barbar ous Scythian, Or he that makes his generation messes To gorge his appetite, shall to my mamilla Be as well neighbored, pitied, and relieved As thou my sometime daughter. (Shakespeare 1. 1. 110-117) Lear tells Cordelia how he has disowned her from the royal family and then tells her that he cares for her as much as he cares for savages that eat their own children. This extreme reaction from Lear illustrates how power has modify his thinking. Lear provides another example of acting irrationally, but with Kent this time.Kent argues with Lear about his decision to banish Cordelia. Kent believes Lear is making the wrong decision, and being the nobleman he is, he mustiness attempt to change it. Since Kent is a noble man he will stand up for what is right, even if that means doubting his majestys decisions. See better, Lear, and let me still remain/ The true blank of thine nerve centre (Shakespeare 1. 1. 156-157). Kent tells Lear to see better because Lear is misunderstanding Cordeli as intentions. But because Lear is being so arrogant, he refuses to understand Kent and banishes him also.Lears arrogance will lead to an infelicitous ending for all, just same(p) Dan Brayton states in his journal article What Lear enkindlenot see, and what is mayhap glimpsed by Cordelia and Kent in their reactions to Lears living will, is that the process of division initiated with the display of the part will become uncontrol-lable, as the play proceeds to leave well all of its major characters propertyless, bereft, or dead (402). Lear is blind to the ethical intentions of Kent and Cordelia, which brings punishments upon himself.These irrational decisions lead to negative consequences for Lear. After Cordelia is banished, all the power is split amidst his other two daughters Goneril and Regan. In their deep lust for power, Goneril and Regan turn on Lear. Now that the two daughters have all the power they feel no need to respect their father and his wishes. They find no bene fit in keeping him around and they find him a nuisance. The two daughters wont let their father keep all his noble knights they refuse to reside the only thing he has left in his waning sustenance.Here do you keep a hundred knights and squires, Men so disordered, so riotous and bold That this our court, infected with their manners, Shows like a riotous inn. Epicurism and lust draw in it more like a tavern or a house of ill repute Than a graced palace. The shame itself doth speak For instant remedy. Be then desire By her that else will take the thing she begs, A little to disquantity your train, (Shakespeare 1. 4. 223-231) Goneril tells Lear that there are too many ill-mannered knights crowding the palace, and if he does not reduce their number she will do it herself.Lear has given Goneril and Regan all his power so he has no choice but to obey his daughters. He went from a King to a lonely old man because he was fooled by his two selfish daughters. The author of the journal a rticle trip out and Authority in Hamlet, King Lear and Pericles, Kay shareowner, adds to this point Having lost Cordelia to another king, Lear embarks on an inner journey through desolate isolation and victimization (26). Stockholders words can be interpreted such that Lears daughters Goneril and Regan isolate him by ignoring him and his wishes.Since Lear has given up his power he is easy being forgotten. He then becomes Gonerils and Regans victim in their thirst for power. Lears poor decisions have fueled his already feeler insanity. Goneril and Regan betray their father in their personal desire for power, they are so concerned with their own well being they have lost all intent to care for and love their father. The double plot of this play, Lear and his daughters along with Gloucester and his sons, brings in another significant example with Gloucester and his two sons Edgar and Edmund.Edmund is Gloucesters bastard son who seeks revenge and full inheritance from his father. Ed mund knows that because he is the bastard son he will not be the son to take the place of his father Edgar will. Edmund has been made to feel less than his brother his whole deportment and has a strong desire to be on top for once. In Edmund desire to get his fathers inheritance he will take out multiple acts of betrayal. He begins by telling his father of a hairpiece letter which explains that Edgar is going to kill Gloucester.He then tells Edgar that Gloucester is angry with him and that he should cancel him till he can calm him down. Now that Edmund has created some tension, he expands on his plot. Edmund is with Edgar in Gloucesters castle when they hear Gloucester coming. Edmund tells Edgar to flee for his safety device while he draws his own sword and wounds himself. When Gloucester enters Edmund tells him Edgar wounded him. This angers Gloucester and he sends out servants to find Edgar for punishment. In addition to Gloucester and Edgars plot, Gloucester is involved wit h King Lear.Cornwall and Regan have taken over Gloucesters home and have forbidden him to help Lear. Gloucester knows he must help Lear, so he tells Edmund to distract Cornwall and Regan while he sneaks out to find Lear. Edmund immediately betrays his father by telling Cornwall and Regan what Gloucester has departed off to do. All this betrayal and cruelty come from Edmunds motivation to have inheritance of his father he wants the power from his father. These sinfulness actions are a result of Edmunds greedy mentality, and with evil actions comes punishment like all of Shakespeares plays.At the end of the play, Edmund finally gets what he has coming for himself. capital of New York realizes Edmund committed deceit and calls him to a duel. Just as the Herald calls up anyone who agrees so Albanys assumption of Edmund, Edgar walks in and takes over the fight. Edmund falls and ultimately dies. era Edmund is dying he comes to the realization that his actions were wrong. I pant for life. Some good I mean to do Despite of mine own nature. cursorily send Be brief in itto th castle, for my writ Is on the life of Lear and on Cordelia. Nay, send in time (Shakespeare 5. . 242-246) Edmund appears to regret his wicked actions as he explains how he wishes he could live longer to do a little good. He also tells Albany and Edgar to go quickly to the castle in hope to save King Lear and Cordelia from the death he had sentenced on them. This gesture shows that he has recognized wrong from right and is making any attempt he can to do good before his lifes end. Along with Edmund learning from his actions, the audience too learns from his actions. Tragic endings like such are not pleasant, but they are eye openers for readers and observers.The readers can learn how the misuse of authority has negative effects without having to experience it themselves in real life. After observing the negative effects in the text, they can understand and recognize the same situations in rea l life to nullify them. Throughout King Lear attention is drawn to the idea that authority can have consequences if misused. The two plots in the play signify its importance by being very tragic and upsetting. King Lears loss of Cordelia shows how swollen-headed actions and misused power lead to loss. He is blind to the signs Cordelia and Kent present him with which eventually lead to his demise.Goneril and Regan exemplify how a strong aspiration for power can lead to insensitive and wrong decisions. They betray their father, and anyone who stands in their way. Edmund also exemplifies how an extensive want for power leads to his demise by betraying the two people erotic love to him, his father and brother, just to inherit the power of his father. He commits acts of pure evil from inner greed. Although the play introduces so many sinful acts and wrong behavior upon characters, in the end the readers learn valuable lessons. Authority corrupts when it is taken too far.Authority mu st not be taken for granted, and it should be used wisely. It should be used for the good of the people, not just for the good of one. Work Cited Brayton, Dan. travel in the Lake of Darkness Possession, Dispossession, and the Politics of Discovery in King Lear ELH 70. 2 (2003) 399-426. Summons. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. Shakespeare, William. King Lear. New York Pearson, 2005. Print. Longman Cultural Edition. Stockholder, Kay. Sex and Authority in Hamlet, King Lear and Pericles Mosaic 18. 3 (1985) 17-29. Summons. Web. 22 Mar. 2013.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Performing and Visual Arts

playing and optical Arts Mia Debrowski ARTS snow August 27, 2012 Jordan Handler acting and ocular Arts If there is nonpareil thing in this animateness that can non be escaped, it is blindistic creation. Art gather ups over our opthalmic, strait senses as well as sensation of touch at times. non only does art take over our senses and it does something re completelyy terrific to our mental status. It raises aw areness and stimulates our brains. some(prenominal)(prenominal) art can touch us on a precise deep emotional level. The very interpretation of art whitethorn neuter from champion persons perspicacity to another.It has been said that for centuries the more constitute debated without resolution of defining the word art (Sporre, 2011). The definition of performing and opthalmic art can be describe as a inventive form of communication through several different outlets. These may accommodate plays, medicament, paintings, sculptures, dance and so much more . My private experience with art has been much(prenominal) a positive influence in my vitality. Art has always been my escape. When I was a teenager I was red ink through some toilsome family times.On my lunch break at aim Iwould go into the music get on and teach myself how to play the piano. Typically I get frustrated very easily when I do not know how to do something and I do not pick up on it right out. My fingers were not limber enough for piano, I knew how to immortalize music but had no idea where these notes were located on the piano, I was clueless. For some reason sit down at that piano calmed me, I neer once got frustrated. To this day music is still an outlet for me. More a great deal then that it includes dancing to go with it.I love to dance for fun, dance away my stress. I adore observation true dancers perform more than anything. I often watch the telecasting show So You Think You undersurface move on Fox. on that point has been so many times that th e proceeding has made me cry. There are several things that go into this amazing functioning making me cry. The choreographer turn their narration into a vision of dance in their head and pair it with the complete song. A choreographer can have a great dance but without the perfect dancers then it will never tell apart across right.The dancer has to have the raw emotion come through their performance as well. The wardrobe also helps ready this graphic symbol the dancer is trying to portrait. When all of these elements are paired together sightly right it creates a very magical experience for me. I infer humans cannot help ourselves in creating art. We are a very creative, bright and emotional species. I recover that art is our way of expressing ourselves, telling our stories and attain out to others. Art creates a common ground for people that they may not otherwise have.One of the kickoff things infants do is coo at themselves well-nigh in song. When an infant gets to a point where they can stand or walk first consciousness is to bounce when they hear music. To be without art would to be without emotion and passion. It seems that it is closely encoded into our DNA to have creativity and tasty abilities, eventide if it is in retributory the mildest form. References D. J. Spoore, Perceiving the Arts An Introduction to the Humanities. (pp. 1-235). Upper weight down River Prentice Hall. execute and Visual ArtsThe definition for visual and performing humanities is skill that requires world performance, as acting, singing, dancing. To discuss personal experiences with the visual and performing arts as a creator, performer and hearing member will be addressed, followed by the values of studying visual and performing arts, the indication why visual and performing arts is created, and how it reflects to society. Some of the experiences I have on Visual and Performing arts are as a creator, performer and especially an consultation member.I ha d been involved in music since the 5th grade. I love being a break in of a choir and the great benefits it had towards me even till this day. My most memorable moment was when I made the bloom 5 soprano list in the Phoenix Union high gear School. It has taught me a lot about team work, perseverance, and confidence. My experience with being an audience member for visual arts expands as each year comes. loads of my experiences come from back in high school, only four geezerhood ago. With the help of my performing art teachers I was about to see many varieties of performances.They include Madame Butterfly, Jesus Christ Superstar, Rent, Traditional Mexican Folk Dance (La Rondalla) and Jazz Mad. As an audience member, I really enjoy what the visual and performing arts has in store for all of us. I deem and encourage strongly the importance of art, music, dance, theater and all that the visual and performing arts has to offer. I think its an amazing way for one to express themselves as well as so many emotions and cultures. As someone who is studying to become a teacher, the value of studying the visual and performing arts is just as important as crafty your own career.So many values can be cherished from the visual and performing arts. For someone who is teaching it should have the feeling of accomplishment when you note your own student enjoying what they are producing. The value of finding comfort in what you taught is being translated in a positive energy. Sporre When a person Studies the chemical mechanism of internal combustion engines, the intended result is that he should be check able to understand, design, build, or repair such engines, and sometimes he should be better able to find employment because of his skills, and thus better life For living is a vocation we have in common scorn our differences. (p. g. 3) Humans are known for being creative people. People create of participate in the visual and performing arts because its a ways for them to express themselves. Whether its just a hobby or a career this is a way for people to examine and lead with the world. Sporre Humans are a creative species. Whether in science, politics, business, technology, or the arts, we compute on our creativity almost as much as anything else to tolerate the demands of daily life. (p. g.5)Sporre Recognizing the artistic principles and influences all around us makes our world more evoke and habitable. The arts are elements of life with which we can and must wield and to which we must respond every day. We live with the arts because their principles permeate our existence. Specifically, the aesthetic experience provides a way of knowing and communicating in and of itself, let on from other ways of knowing and communicating. The arts play important roles in making the world around us a more interesting and habitable place.(p. g. 2)In conclusion, my experiences in visual and performing arts with regards to creator, performance and audien ce member are involved in todays world. I strongly believe in the values that the visual and performing arts has to offer and the end reward that it gives to each individual that is a part of it whether if they are performing, creating or watching. Humans are creative people and their intricacy in visual arts is performed every day and is influenced by society.Performing and Visual ArtsPerforming and Visual Arts Mia Debrowski ARTS 100 August 27, 2012 Jordan Handler Performing and Visual Arts If there is one thing in this life that cannot be escaped, it is art. Art takes over our visual, audio senses as well as sensation of touch at times. Not only does art take over our senses but it does something very wonderful to our mental status. It raises awareness and stimulates our brains. Some art can touch us on a very deep emotional level. The very definition of art may vary from one persons opinion to another.It has been said that for centuries the many have debated without resolution o f defining the word art (Sporre, 2011). The definition of performing and visual art can be described as a creative form of communication through several different outlets. These may include plays, music, paintings, sculptures, dance and so much more. My personal experience with art has been such a positive influence in my life. Art has always been my escape. When I was a teenager I was going through some hard family times.On my lunch break at school Iwould go into the music room and teach myself how to play the piano. Typically I get frustrated very easily when I do not know how to do something and I do not pick up on it right away. My fingers were not limber enough for piano, I knew how to read music but had no idea where these notes were located on the piano, I was clueless. For some reason sitting at that piano calmed me, I never once got frustrated. To this day music is still an outlet for me. More often then that it includes dancing to go with it.I love to dance for fun, dance away my stress. I adore watching true dancers perform more than anything. I often watch the Television show So You Think You Can Dance on Fox. There has been so many times that the performance has made me cry. There are several things that go into this amazing performance making me cry. The choreographer turn their story into a vision of dance in their head and pair it with the perfect song. A choreographer can have a great dance but without the perfect dancers then it will never come across right.The dancer has to have the raw emotion come through their performance as well. The wardrobe also helps create this character the dancer is trying to portrait. When all of these elements are paired together just right it creates a truly magical experience for me. I think humans cannot help ourselves in creating art. We are a very creative, intelligent and emotional species. I think that art is our way of expressing ourselves, telling our stories and reaching out to others. Art creates a com mon ground for people that they may not otherwise have.One of the first things infants do is coo at themselves almost in song. When an infant gets to a point where they can stand or walk first instinct is to bounce when they hear music. To be without art would to be without emotion and passion. It seems that it is almost encoded into our DNA to have creativity and artistic abilities, even if it is in just the mildest form. References D. J. Spoore, Perceiving the Arts An Introduction to the Humanities. (pp. 1-235). Upper Saddle River Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Howard Zinn Chapter One

capital of Ohio has always been portray as an enlightened, peaceful explorer who discovered a reinvigorated world, and became friends with the indigen people. Howard Zinns view on capital of Ohios encounter with the natives is an only different perspective. Zinn describes Columbus as a man who is willing to extort and kill others to be able to accomplish what he wants in this oddb all told he valued to obtain currency and other resources to deport top with him to Spain.When Columbus and his men arrived to the islands, he noticed that the natives were generous, and accommodating because they willingly traded everything they possess and brought them such things like food, water, and gifts. Since the beginning the natives offered all of their hospitality to Columbus and his men. Columbus believed that the natives were ignorant because they had no weapons for self defense when he showed them a sword, they had no idea how to use it and ended up press cuttingting themselves.Col umbus was more than certain, that he could take control over the natives, and captivate them as slaves. In his written material he wrote, They would make fine servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. (Zinn, 3) This attitude leaded to enslavement, feeling superior, and race murder by Columbus and his men towards the natives. Columbus had persuaded the king and queen of Spain to pay an expedition to the lands, and the wealth he expected to be at the Indies and Asia.Columbus would throw ten percent of all the goods unruffled, governorship over new-found lands, and the fame that would go with a new title Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Columbus believed the natives could lead him and his men to where the funds was, to be able to take it back to the King and Queen so he took more of them as prisoners on his ship. He also wanted to take them back to Spain as slaves and be able to make them do whatever they wanted them to do. Columbus took a dvantage of the ignorance of the natives, and made them do herculean labor for him and his men.Columbus believed that there were huge fields of gold, in the province of Cicao on Haiti. He became desperate to pay the dues back to the king and queen, so he order every native older than fourteen to collect a certain quantity of gold by three months. Once they had collected the amount, they would receive a copper to put around their neck, those without it had their hands cut off and bled to death. Many felt it was impossible to do this, and tried escaping provided were always found and killed.When it was finally clear that there was no gold left, they took them all as slave labor to huge estates which are called encomiendas. Columbuss big plan for Hispaniola since the beginning was to take advantage of the natives and take their land, and the gold he believed was located there. He built the first fort in the Western Hemisphere, and left some of his men to find and instal gold there. Columbus had to ask for a little more abet from their majesties, he convinced them by saying he would take them as much gold as they need nd as galore(postnominal) slaves as they ask (Zinn,6 ) Columbuss plans affected the natives, in many ways first of all they were deviation to lose their land, and also they were going to be taken captive for slave labor. Howard Zinn not only introduced a new perspective on Christopher Columbus, but he changed the way I viewed things. I never knew how much killings, and torture was put upon the natives in the probing of the New World. I learned how the hero I thought Columbus was, in reality was more like a villain. He didnt care what he had to do as long as he got what he wanted, even if it dealt with murders and torturing the natives.

Friday, January 18, 2019

History of Security in the United States Essay

Abstract credential in America has evolved from the time of the premier gear settlers to todays well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant bringth of tete-a-tete credentials department from pre-Civil warfare to post existence War II consisted of a neglect of public practice of uprightness and large monetary loss by mysterious perseverance. Today, protective covering is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. It must prevail a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation persist a delight ined exertion.History of Security in the United States 19th ampere-secondThe nineteenth century saw the confidential auspices industry fill in many of the gaps left by public rightfulness enforcement in both manpower and ingenuity. The development of public police forces was unwind in the infancy of the United States. In the latter half of the 1800s, police departments were fragmented, decen tralized and often corrupt, creating a need for private security. The American border saw an extreme shortage of impartiality enforcement, as they had to resort to deputizing civilians and forming posses. Citizens often had to resort to vigilante justice cod to a lack of law enforcement. In 1850, Henry surface and William Fargo established American Express and Wells Fargo cargo companies and in 1851 Allen Pinkerton established the first national private security and investigations service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10).Pinkerton provided security and investigative service to the railroad, offered private detective work and was actually the intelligence arm of the Union Army during the first half of the Civil War. In 1853 August Perry patented the first burglar warning signal followed by Edwin Holmes in 1858, who produced the first central station burglar alarm. That homogeneous form, Washington Perry Brinks introduced the armored carriage for the transportation of valuables and money (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10).Twentieth CenturyThe quelling of labor unrest brought about a poor constitution to private security leading up to the spacious Depression. Decades earlier, industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining turned to agencies like Pinkerton for not only asset protection, but also to combat labor violence and break strikes. in that respect were numerous violent misadventures involving strikes resulting in civilian injury, deaths and job losses. One incident in particular was the Homestead Strike of 1892 in Pennsylvania, which culminated in a gun battle between Pinkerton agents and the strikers (Lipson, 1988). Incidents such as this eventually direct to private security being viewed as Knights of Capitalism by the public. Security companies were banned from carrying weapons and crossing subject lines to break strikes in some states (Joh, 2006). on that point was a decline in the enjoyment of private security during the Great Depression . According to The HUB, There seems to be some controversy as to when the first proprietary security forces arose, but many sources attribute Henry get over as the man who refined in house security to milling machinery work.As the automobile gained popularity so the industries providing the necessary materials for the factories producing them across the nation demand and utilized private security personnel. With the high unemployment and possibility of crime due to the Great Depression, private security further embedded itself within industry (Hub pages, http//dyonder.hubpages.com/hub/The-History-of- hole-and-corner(a)-Security). There was an expansion of private security leading up to and during World War II due to infrastructure, military and industrial security concerns. house World War II saw an increase in the professionalism of private security, as returning veterans with military police experience began to seek employment in the security industry. Anti-espionage procedure s established by the government activity during World War II carried over into the Cold War era, with the government insisting on a quality security force and plans, to protect defense contractors and government assets.The private security industry followed the governments lead, thus entrance the era of the security manager (Hub pages, http//dyonder.hubpages.com/hub/The-History-of-Private-Security). The security industry increased in size in the mid twentieth century, as did the crime stray and police were unable to protect private property. Many organizations realized the hold dear of protecting their personnel and property during this time. In 1955, the American Society for industrial Security (ASIS) was formed and today is the worlds largest organization of security professionals. ASIS comprehends to formulate security policy and direct security programs in a vast number of businesses, industries and government operations (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 11-12). In 1970, private securi ty continued to grow and matched the number of police personnel at 500,000.In 1976, the Task Force Report on Private Security was produce and it was addressed for the first time that private security was an essential factor to public safety. The Task Force recommended that the private sector be encourage to nurture and improve the quality of security services and work with law enforcement to fight crime. This created an environment that saw the security industry continue to grow due to concerns over increased crime and limited law enforcement resources. By 1991, the number of security personnel had nearly tripled that of law enforcement and by the year 2000, private security personnel numbers rose to two million, all the way showing private security is the primary protective service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 6-7, 13). futurityThe private security industry has made giant bars since the nineteenth century. It is clear from level that the private security industry must continue to co mplement the public police forces by providing innovative and needed defy to industry and government. It must maintain and constantly improve upon its procedures and training, to keep the respect of the public, which it really commands. It must above all remain one step ahead in todays technological world, as M. Lipson (1988) stated, The history of the ancient craft of private security may be exemplifying of opportunities for those of the industry with foresight (Lipson, 1988). It is crucial private security continue with its current expertise in antiterrorism and computer security operations. It is also imperative private security continue to foster the close, post-911relationships that were developed with law enforcement, from federal to state to local police agencies, to successfully move into the future.ReferencesJoh, E.E. (2006). The Forgotten Threat Private Policing and the State. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 13(2), 364. Lipson, M. (1988). Private Security A Retr ospective. Annals Of The American Academy Of Political & Social Science, 49811-22. Ortmeirer, P.J. (2009). knowledgeableness to Security. Prentice Hall. The Hub (2009). (Hub pages, http//dyonder.hubpages.com/hub/The-History-of-PrivateSecurity).

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

True Colors: Carolyn Kalil’s Personality Assessment

Calm, happy, complex, practical, spontaneous these atomic number 18 a few ways to describe aces temper. Everyone has several(prenominal) different pieces to their personality, almost as a puzzle has many pieces that rag up one big picture. Throughout time many idiosyncratics concur come up with their own regularitys to analyze ones personality. This endeavor volition describe my understanding of Carolyn Kalils True colourise personality sagacity and present evidence to support its accuracy. Kalils personality assessment has four possible outcomes. After pickings the assessment one will be given a alter blue, green, gold, or orangeness.Each color resembles a different personality type. Some examples are calm, curious, organized, and active, respectively. After taking this assessment I found out that my personality is blue, which fits me. I take calm, harmonious relationships, working in groups, helping and nurturing others, along with well though decision making. The as sessment asks a series of would you rather style questions. bingle of the questions, for example, is When in a relationship I (a) prefer my partner to cope that I have it away them without telling them, (b) tell my partner that I love them. After the assessment your results are generated with some information about your color. For outdo results, one must be truthful when answering the questions. Some state lack personality moral principle, which is when one pretends to be likeable rather than demonstrate their true colors (Lamberton, Minor&, 2010). Lacking personality ethic may give false results, much(prenominal) as how you want to be rather than how you really are. I was a little shocked at the accuracy of the results. This pushed me to dig deeper to find more information on Kalils strategy.Carolyn Kalils study used analysis and interpretation, a common method in creating and evaluation surveys. She gathered her information and then assigned marrow to it which helped h er to determine conclusions and give her findings significance. Her independent variables were the personality types listed above. Her depended variables were 1) Feeling, Thinking, Judging, and Perceiving from the MBTI, 2) the General Occupational Themes of Social, Investigative, Conventional, and existent from the SII, and 3) the Orientation Scales of Helping, Analyzing, Organizing, Producing, and Adventuring dimensions of the CISS. (Kalil, 1998). Instrumentation Carolyn Kalil used two instruments when developing her True Colors personality assessment. These instruments were character cards and words clusters. The character cards consisted of an individual wandering four cards, each of which represents one of the four personality types (Krathwohl, 1998). This analyze appeals more to the blue and gold personalities. The word clusters required the individual to rank a list of adjectives one a scale of 1 to 4 with 4 macrocosm most like the individual and 1 being least like them ( Krathwohl, 1998).Obviously, this test was self-scored. This test appeals more to the green and orange personalities. Result Kalil operated on the principal of convergent validity. This means that her assessments are relate to what they should, in theory, be related to (Lowry, 1990). An example of this would be similarities among test scores. This is because one assumes if youre taking a test then you should have real knowledge for that subject, resulting in a high test score.Although the subjects for both instruments were staminate and female, no gender differences were found in Kalils studies, (other personality assessments such as the Strong Interest Inventory or the Campbell Interest accomplishment and Survey did, however, show strong differences between genders) concluding that gender does not affect personality types (Lowry, 1990). Kalil found that personality types do change everyplace time and may be influenced by outside factors such as the environment in which they are testing or their current supposition (Kalil, 1998).

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Economic development Essay

Today, preparation is the most meaning(a) implement for the development of society. in that location is a direct correlation between training and development of society. The countries that realize this circumstance, giving the required importance for their education system, lay down become highly developed. Education should be promoted since it is the most important cipher for the development of a arena. The promotion of the education is depended on the factors like literacy stride in a country, shoal rate in the primary, secondary and higher(prenominal) education, proliferation of training technologies, and the quality of the education.This promotion process should be considered as a necessary condition for economic, technological and social development for a nation. In other words, the process of a prospering development depends on the fact of gibing the society a conscious of change which is highly connected to education. clenched fist of all, education enlightens peopl e. The educated person is the person who mitigates oneself. A person increases her/his aim of knowledge through education, so he/she has a better soul and analyzing of daily matters and an agenda.That person corporation make logical deductions based on the knowledge he gains and refuses the traditional corrupted understanding. Individuals ability of the interpretation of knowledge through ones intelligence and skills is support by education accordingly, increasing the creativity and intellectual thinking. An individual empennage learn about different cultures, lifestyles and history from past to present thusly education provides universal perspective to an individual. The most important differential of noncivilized person is having a narrow point of view.A person should be educated in order to learn taking objective decisions and universeness liberated from the social pressure. Besides, educated people respect the rights of others and they have a fair understanding of the c oncept of equality, right to life, and right to property. The reason wherefore developed countries show highly respect to the individual rights is that the education level of the country is being fairly high. On the other hand, the reason why there atomic number 18 deep inequalities between women and men or full-bodied and poor in under-developed countries is that the education level in there is being fairly low.Besides, there is also a lack of respect to the merciful rights in these under-developed countries due to low education level. Secondly, education affects the development of scholarship and technology of a country. Technological developments increase by knowledge and enquiry which is provided by education. It is the advancement and proliferation of technology that makes countries developing by the production of knowledge, schooling of creative minds leads countries develop economically, technologically and politically.Education, advancement of technology and development are in a circle movement which produces itself. Cakmak also says that as a result of the creation of science and technology, mobility of scientific knowledge, and nurturing of individuals with creative minds, countries have experient important economic and political changes which lead to infinitive competition among them in the handle of education, development and innovation (Cakmak O. 2008).In addition, developed countries use technology as a part of their education system. Thus, every student can number technology and learn about the newest advancements which lead them learn better and improve their intelligence. Finally, education leads knowledge turn into money that improves the economy of a country. educated people knowing to learn how to invest, produce, expand the business adjusts and improves the economy cause the increase of gross domestic product per capita.Education also gives more(prenominal) job opportunities to people in the business sector. According to OECD, t he effect of education to the economic development is proved in the researches of economic growth in 1960s. The researches show that contribution of education to the economic growths is really important and this dowry differs as %7 in England, %15 in USA, %14 in Belgium, %16 in Argentina, and %25 in Canada (OECD, 2005). Some may grapple that education does non affect the economic development of a country.There are lots of uneducated but successful business men. nation can learn how to run a business without an education. To illustrate, Sak? p Sabanc? , who is the kick downstairs and chairman of the Sabanc? Holding due to the reason suffering from pneumonia three sequential years, had to leave the high school and start to work in BOSSA flour Factory in 1950 with a wage of 50 TL (NTV Haber). Considering his life, it is translucent that one can learn how to run a business without education.Hence, it is not only education but also experience that makes one successful in business. All in all, economic, social and technologic development of a country is highly related to the education level of that country. Without education, a country can not develop. The only way of individuals enlighten and scholarship to use knowledge, and increase of technology is education. Thus, education should be promoted since it is the most important factor for the development of a country.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Reflection Report of Dissertation on mpact of information system on student learning experience

AbstractThis essay reflects the lessons and obstacles that I faced during the course of indite my dissertation. Utilizing the Gibbs wistful Cycle in commit to illustrate the motion, this essay reflects upon different stages of the dissertation process and thus serves to assist me in developing a further understanding of the opportunities for uttering out better interrogation in the future.1 IntroductionThe process of writing my dissertation began with the drive to expand my on-going capabilities and broaden my educational capture. Throughout this pensive essay I cave in use the Gibbs reflective Cycle, which includes elements such as a basic description, my reactions, an military rank of the intimacy, analysis, specific and general conclusions and my personal plan for action (Timmons et al, 2013).2 Gibbs Reflective Cycle2.1 DescriptionIn order to accurately illustrate the scenario, a basic description enables me to look the entire process dispassionately (Hegarty, 201 1). My starting point for the inquiry was the nous that increased technology has an impact on the learning process. This area presented a well-researched topic in the private sector, moreover, I felt there was flyspeck material available on this subject, upon which to base quality evaluation for existence facilities such as schools. In the beginning there was respectable breed before there was a single word written. As the hold began to form, I began to feel more than at ease with the adopts of the project. Yet, some times there was the perception of very hard to find books and material for me that made this research difficult from the outset. Taken together with my fusss ill health, I had considerably mixed feelings as to my faculty to get to this on.2.2 FeelingsMy emotional approach to this project was very striking and seemed to deflect the results I obtained (Jasper, 2006). The very beginning of this project found me apprehensive and refer that my skills were no t sufficient for the task. Further, my father was sick during this period adding to my perception of the need to do function under pressure. There was significant stress at the outset that I felt diminished as I grew more familiar with the project. . I found the scope of this entire process was a little daunting. Perhaps my most unique feelings during this study came as I evaluated the students I found a need to connect with the interviewees causing me considerable worry and the question of if I was approaching them in the best path possible. Sometimes I had to set aside personal bias in order to accurately reflect the results (Pearson, 2013). As the project began to come to a close, I found considerable pride in the fact that I learned a great deal about process and method.2.3 EvaluationIt is beta to assess the positive and negative aspects of the project (Oelofsen, 2012). Most positive was my lookout I could achieve the name and addresss of this work. Leading the negative aspe cts was my lack of confidence in my skill. A negative that turned into a positive was the manner that I interacted with the students and lecturers, initially I felt I was weak at this, only when as I learned I became better. Overall, this was a good experience that I definitely learned from.2.4 AnalysisThere is a need to take seam of the situation in order to evaluate the experience (Pearson, 2013). My overall goal was to make sense of the impact of technology on the students. Through the research process, I feel I have expanded my own research abilities through trial and error, and am now more equipped to carry out research in the future. I have found others have had similar research experiences which has made me feel that I am disclose of a community and can gain from others knowledge. This wonder of experience is a key factor that get out enhance apiece following research project.2.5 ConclusionThe conclusions from this reflection lend depth to my learning experience (Park e t al, 2011). Overall I felt that I learned that the research conundrum often carries more than the one possible outcome, which in turn way of life that I must be willing to accommodate unexpected elements. Specifically, I learned that I should be more assertive during the interview process, yet open to each persons interpretations of the questions. I also gained the susceptibility to research and write at a higher level, thereby aiding my future efforts. 2.6 Personal Action Plan Each of these considerations has provided me with lessons for future research (Forrest, 2008). future(a) project, I will not be hesitant to engage with the material. I will remain confident in my research strategy and take steps to not second guess my approach in order to strengthen my research and stay on track. Most importantly, I will have the experience to begin and accomplish any research project.3 ReferencesForrest, M. (2008). On becoming a critically reflective practitioner. Health schooling &038 Libraries Journal, 25(3), pp.229232.Jasper, M. (2006). Professional development, reflection and decision-making. 1st ed. Oxford Blackwell.Hegarty, B. (2011). Is reflective writing an enigmaCan preparing evidence for an electronic portfolio develop skills for reflective practice?. 2011(1), pp.580593.Oelofsen, N. (2012). Developing reflective practice. 1st ed. Banbury Lantern.Park, J. and Son, J. (2011). looking and connection the integration of the reflective learning process and the writing process into social network sites. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(1), pp.170178.Pearson, J. (2012). HCAs developing skills in reflective writing. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6(3), p.140.Timmins, F., Murphy, M., Howe, R. and Dennehy, C. (2013). I Hate Gibbs Reflective Cycle 1998(Facebookcopyright 2009) Registered Nurses Experiences of Supporting Nursing Students ReflectivePractice in the context of use of Students Public Commentary. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Scien ces, 93, pp.13711375.

Data and Information

DATA reading 123424331911 Your winning lottery ticket derive 140593 Your epoch of birth Aaabbbccd The grades you want in your GCSEs info and training Data, in arrangeion & knowledge Data Data consist of raw facts and figures it does non return any marrow until it is processed and turned into something useful. It comes in umpteen forms, the main ones organism letters, numbers, images, symbols and sound. It is essential that entropy is available because it is the first tone of voice in creating meaningful randomness.Ex 123424331911 140593 aaabbbccd, capability non mean anything by themselves, exclusively if it is processed and turned into (the chart below) they turn into something useful. Information Information is info that has beenprocessedin such a way as to bemeaningfulto the person who receives it. INFORMATION = DATA + CONTEXT + MEANING INFORMATION = DATA + CONTEXT + MEANING sample of discipline DATA 21041926 This has no meaning or context CONTEXT It is a Br itish picture This allows us to register it as 21st April 1926.It still has no meaning and is therefore non instruction MEANING The Birth see to it of cig art Elizabeth II This gives usa ll the elements required dor it to be called information friendship Knowledge is the ability of understanding the relationship between pieces of information and what to actually do with the information. Consider this scenarioPerson puts a finger into in truth tropical water. Data gathered Finger nerves sends pain info to the brain. Processing conceiver considers the entropy and comes up with Information Painful finger manner it is not in a good place.Action Brain verbalises finger to remove itself from hot water. Knowledge Sticking finger in hot water is a bad predilection. Knowledge is having an understanding of the rules Types of selective information Data behind be retentiond in many a(prenominal) different formats called entropy typewrites. When setting up a infobase or spread sheet, it is important that the correct entropy type is selected for each field. This is because the selective information type go forth determine what lavatory be done with the data held in that field e. g. sorting, searching, calculations and so forth It excessively crumb determine the format in which data is displayed e. g. single come forwardicular date/ eon data type ordain allow you to select the format of your choice, 14/05/08, 14 May 2008, fourteenth May 2008 etc. Finally, some data types are able to mechanically validate the data being move ined. e. g. When you use a date/ beat data type thus each date will be automatically totaled to ensure that it rotter actually exist. For illustration, you would not be able to read the date 31/02/2008 it would automatically be spurned or return an geological fault message. Types of data * Text * Number * Boolean * Date/Time * Image Text A text data type can hold any letter, number, symbol or punctuation mark.It is some periods referred to as alphanumeric or string. The data can be slender text or a combination of text, numbers and symbols. * Name Joe Bloggs * distribute 101, Any Street That Town TR34 9RT * Telephone Number 01234 567890 * Car readjustment EA05 NXR * Car ColourBlue Telephone numbers remove to be stored as a text/string data type because they often begin with a 0 and if they were stored as an integer accordinglyce the leading zero would be discounted. You are never likely to want to add or calculate telephone numbers so there is no reason to store it as an integer data type. Number A number data type contains numbers.Example * Weight in Kg12. 25, 19. 99, 199. 99 * Room measurement in metres14. 5 * Temperature (degrees Celsius)37. 5 Types of numbers * Integers An integer stores whole numbers, either authoritative or negative. Integers however cannot store numbers with decimal places. * Real Your numeral data readiness bespeak to be formatted with decimal places. This mea ns it cannot be stored as an integer number. Instead it is known as arealnumber. You can specify the number of decimal places that you film. * Currency When you choose to format numeral data as coin then it will automatically be given twain decimal places.However, you can choose to format currency with 0 dp because in some circumstances it would not be appropriate to display the pence. Think of an estate agent, they efficiency sell a menage for ? 295,000. It would look daft displayed as ? 295,000. 00. The currency data type also allows you to display the correct currency symbol such as ? or $. Boolean Boolean data holds one of two values, for instance * Yes/no * True/false * 0/1 A Boolean data type is utilise to wait on questions where there are exactly two options, three options would mean it was no longer boolean data.Examples of questions where the responses would be stored as boolean data * Has the heating been turned on? Yes / No * Are you employed? Yes / No Data / T ime A date / time data type is used to store any data that is related to date or time. The tricky thing ab expose date / time is that there are so many ways of show it. And some countries piddle a different way of representing a date. For manakin * 9/4/94 in the USA means quaternate Sept 94 * 9/4/94 in the UK means 9th April 94 By using a date /time data type, you can choose the format for how you want your data to be automatically displayed.For example 14/05/08, 14 May 2008, 14th May 2008 etc. An other reason to use a date /time data type is that it can provide some basic validation on the data being entered. For example, you would not be able to enter the date 31/02/2008 it would automatically be rejected or return an error message. Image Databases allow graphical images such as photographs to be stored as a data type. Images are binary files rather than text or numbers which is why a specific data type is required. varied file types such as . bmp, . jpg, . tiff can be store dQuality of information Things that affect the quality of information Accuracy If the data that you have self-possessed is in high-fidelity then the information it will produce will unavoidably also be inaccurate. Examples of how innacurate data occurs Questionnaries and surveys * questions might be poorly developed so that users misunderstand them * there may not have been enough pack interviewed for any conclusions to be reliable. For example, asking just two mess is not likely to be enough Human slips * if people are compendium the data manually e. g. ecording answers to questionnaires, writing down instrument measurements, they might diagnose a mistake. Calibration of instruments * if data is being collected automatically by sensors or other instruments then the results could be inaccurate if the instruments were not decently calibrated at the start of the data collection period Examples of information which would be of little use if it was inaccurate Weather auspicate s Many people check the survive call each solar day so that they can get an idea of what to wear. People have to have faith that the forecast will be reasonably accurate in commit to shed light on decisions.Supermarket prices When you go to a shop you probably know how much coin you have to spend. You chek the prices of things you are buying on the shelves and will have an idea of how much it will cost by the time you have reached the till. If the peson get into the price details into the remains has accidentally overpriced a couple on of items, then this could mean that you dont have enough capital to pay for shopping and have to put something back. Businesses Businesses have to keep accurate records of all the money coming in and all of the money being paid out.If the accountants get under ones skin a mistake and dont accurately entera ll of the money authorized then it could look like the gild has not made as much profit that year. Or they havent recorded all the bil ls so it seems that the company is making more(prenominal) money tan it really is Relevance In order for information to be useful it must be applicable to you. School You have a groovy deal of information to go steady for each of your exams. Each time you go to littleons you probably take a lot of notes and perhaps are given handouts by your teachers to read.What approximately if your teachers determined to spend a few weeks teaching you about things that musical compositionicularly enkindle them? What they had taught you might have been in truth interesting to both them and you but it isnt pertinent to what you needinessed at the time. You would find that you had spent a few very precious weeks learning about things that you didnt need to know in order to pass your exam. Weather forecasts Whilst it might be interesting to find out what the weather is like in Florida or Melbourne today, it isnt really relevant to your frequent life.It wont help you decide whether you ne ed to take an umbrella with you before you fall in home in the UK. stretchs appointments You might be savor un easily and want to make an appointment to see your doctor. You phone up the local surgery to find out when the doctor has a unsheathed appointment time. It wouldnt be very useful or relevant to you if the receptionist told you how many appointment times were available to see the nurse. House prices Perhaps your parents might be thinking of moving stand. The first thing they would do would be to speak to an estate agent to find out how much their house was worth.It wouldnt be useful or relevant if the estate agent were to tell them how a similar house in a different part of the country might be worth. Up to date information In order to be useful, information needs to be up to date. In many cases information changes over time and so old or out of date information can be misleading or quintuplet you the wrong picture of what is happening. Exams As part of your revision, you have a go at practicing lots of exam questions before the big day and you work your way through the practice papers and model answers that your teacher has given you.However, some of the papers are over five historic period old. How useful are the model answers for questions such as which storage catch would you recommend? and what is the average size of a hard disk? It is well known that things move very quickly in the world of ICT and hardware and software changes rapidly. What was a top-notch computer just three years ago is now probably a very low-spec machine. So the model answers are likely to be out-of-date. Holidays Choosing a holiday can be great fun. And you would probably go to the travel agent to get the latest brochures. wherefore?Well, because if you used last years brochures the holiday may not even be available any more. And certainly the prices would be different. So you need current information House prices Your parents are still thinking of selling the ir house. They need an idea of how much their house is worth right now. It would be no use to them being told by the estate agent how much their house was worth five years ago. Completeness In order for information to be useful it needs to be complete. If part of the information is missing then you will not be able to make use of it or make accurate decisions.Exams Remember those exam papers that you were doing for revision during your hit the books leave? Your teacher wanted you to work your way through them and check your answers against the model answers. What if you were sole(prenominal) given the second half of the model answer and the first half was missing? How useful would it be to you? Weather forecast You still want to plan the family picnic for tomorrow. However when you check the weather forecast you are hardly told what the weather in the morning will be like. at that place is nothing about the afternoon.You cant really make a decision just based upon what the morni ng weather is likely to be. Doctors appointment Imagine you are feeling ill and you need to make an appointment to see your doctor. How useful would it be if the receptionist just told you that you could have an appointment at quarter past two? Does she mean today, tomorrow or next week? The information in incomplete. Quality of presentation Information which is presented in a disorganised way or in a manner that is hard to understand will be less useful to you Business dataIf you were asked to present some information in a business meeting. It is often better to present it graphically. People find it very hard to spot patterns in a table of data, but the analogous information presented as a graph makes it very easy. Buying a house Your parents want to buy a new house. It is much easier to pick a house if a photograph was available. Your parents can see forthwith if the house would appeal to them and whether they would be interested in finding out more. Once they have decided the y like the look of the house they would then want more detailed written information.However, giving them the written information first with no idea of what the house looks like would make it hard for them to get an idea as to whether they would like it. excessively mucho or to a fault litle detail For information to be useful you need the right amout of detail. There is a risk of having too much detail which makes the information overtake and difficult to extract the bits that you want to know about. Or there might not be enough detail in which case you rule understand the full picture. Example baking a cake Too much detail Not enough detailIngredients Not only telling you that you need fluorite, but telling you all of the different brands of fluor and how the choice of each one would affect the rising of your cake Ingredients revealing you that you need fluor but not the quantity you will need to weigh ouy MethodTelling you exactly how many times you need to beat the bombar d and for exatly how many seconds you need to fold in the fluor MethodTelling you to mix the ingredients unitedly but not informing you of the correct order in which to admit them CookingTelling you the exact amount of minutes that the cake should be baked for any type of oven that is currently for sale CookingTelling you the temperatura to cook the cake but not how long to leave it in the oven for code of data When you are plan a database brass to hold data, one of the first decisions that you will need to make is about how the data will be collected and stored. You already know the term GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out).If you collect data and enter it into the system without careful consideration at the planning stage then the output from your system will be of little use. One of the things that you can consider is to commandment some or all of your data in order to improve the efficiency of your system. What is coding of data? Any system will need to have data collected, ente red and stored. One method of storing data is to assign codes to it. This usually means shortening the original data in an agreed manner. The agreement is between the users of the system. This coding scheme could be part of the training of how to use the system, and it could also be documented within the system for new users.If the coding is completely obvious then there is no such need for formal documentation. For example if a field called Gender has only two values M and F. It should be obvious from the field name that this refers to young-begetting(prenominal) and Female. Example 1 Original data Monday Tuesday wednesday Thursday Friday Coded data Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Example 2 Original data Xtra Large Large strong point Small Coded data XL L M S Example 3 The above codes are fairly easy for anyone to recognise and understand. many codes however are more complicated. What do you think the following codes might represent? RG935LR CV183TP The above examples could be postcodes. They represent a street name, a particular part of the street and the town where the street is located. Example 4 How about SK12BN TR14GN These might be a little bit more difficult because the code is made up from different representative parts. Lets have a closer look. The first part represents a piece of clothing, so SK represented Skirt and TR represented Trousers The middle part of the code was the dress size. The nett part of the code represented a colour, so BN represented Brown and GN represented Green. You should be able to see from that information that the first code is a size 12 brown skirt. What piece of clothing would the second code represent? Why might we want to code data? a good deal of the data that we collected and enter into our systems has some degree of repetition. Speeding up data entry Lets take the example of collecting data about a persons gender. People can be either Male or Female. Whilst these two options are easily understood by all, imagine having to enter the word Male and Female into a system many hundreds of times instead. It is a waste of time and effort because no extra information is contained in the full actors line compared to a single letter. Increase accuracy of data entry The other issue is that no matter how accurate a person is at data entry, at some stage they are likely to make a mistake and might spell Male as Mail or Female as Femal.This type of mistake will make any results from your database queries unreliable. Instead of introduction Male or Female you could code the data and instead enter it as M or F. Simply having to enter one letter instead of a realizable six will speed up data entry. It will also cut down on the risk of mistakes being made with spelling. utilise of validation In our example, the words Male or Female have been coded so that they give way M or F. When data has been coded it makes it easier to use validation to check if the data entered is certain. With the example above, the person entering the data could still make a mistake and enter S instead of M or F.But if you set up validation so that the field will only accept the letters M or F and absolutely nothing else then that should further cut down on viable mistakes. Note that validation can only check if the data is sensible and within reasonable limits, it cannot check whether the data is accurate. Somebody could still enter F instead of M. Less storage space required Every letter that you store in your database system will take at least(prenominal) one byte of storage. If you store Female as F then you will save five bytes of storage space. If the system belongs to a large organisation, there might be many thousands or millions of records stored simply by coding one field, a huge amount of hard disk storage can be saved. Faster searching for dataIt stands to reason that the smaller the size of your database, the faster it will be to search and produce results. Thus by coding data and keeping the size of the system to a minimum the more time you can save in the long run when running queries. Coding examples In our everyday lives we come across many examples of how coding is used to represent data. Here are just a few more ideas Country names The name of a country can be represented by two letters. For example Great Britain GB France FR Canada CA Problems caused by coding data Whilst coding data can bring many benefits it can also lead to some problems. Coarsening of data This means that during the coding process some of the subtle details in the data are lost. Look at the image below

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Obstacle I Face in College

Miaodan XuProfessor Bradley FoxEnglish 1101 D36528 troop 2018 My Obstacle to College Being a scholar and a MotherWhile I agree with the insinuate that m any college freshmen argon facing the obstructor most feeling l atomic number 53ly in their new college environment, emphasized by bounder Bruni in his article The Real Campus Scourge, I face a different obstructer beca design I gather in to proportionateness be a 24-hour on-duty mother and a full- clip college student. Im 30 years overage, and the mother of a 19-month-old toddler boy.I suck offed college when my son, Jace was 18 months old. in the lead I went to college, I was taking fear of Jace all day long. I sing crys and runa government agencyed games with him all day. We went to the parks and accompanied story- clock-class in McKinney Library to soundher ein truth week. I prepared small fry food and changed diapers 5 to 6 metres a day for Jace. I likewise gargleed and sterilized milk bottles each da y. at present e genuinelything has changed. I dont suit put trim replete term to look after Jace any to a spaciouser extent. I defy four days of classes and I enquire to work harder and spend more magazine on my courses since my English is not as good as native students.Usually, I lose to spend about devil hours getting college from my house in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, louver hours in classes, and more than two hours doing preparation. Although I devote a lot of measure to report carding for my courses, it still devours me the rest of the metre to look after Jace. I am lack of sleep so farther this semester. Therefore, my biggest obstacle is how to keep a oddment between the roles of a mother and a college student.I had to muster up the courage to go to college since I had graded from Guangzhou True blank High School in Guangdong, china ten years ago. Besides, I have been married and given birth to my son. I am not as early days as other students, and I have th e responsibility to take manage of my baby that other students dont. Some people keep up that mothers should devote all the period to doing family matters, and they dont scour believe I send word bury college as a mother.My friend Jolin, a mother of two, was astonished when I told her that I was going to college in January, and express What? ar you kidding me? Thats impossible How stooge you take sustainment of your family and your classes at the same time? I know you, and I worry about you because you usher out solo do one thing at a time Not only Jolin, but similarly my aunt Fay and my uncle Jin who lived in Flushing, Queens doubted if I could handle e genuinelything intimately for motherhood and college. What they said made me hesitate whether it is right to go to college.I was so anxious. Finally, I reinforced my mind to start college after heedful consideration. Its hard, I admit, but it is more all important(predicate) for me to prove to my child that any day dream can be achieved. I heavily told myself again and again, Nothing is impossible You truly can do itIn appurtenance to being doubted by others, another complete is that I have to find the time to give equal attention to both of my study and Jace besides housework. In revision to do housework and take care of my son, sometimes I have to start my studying night life when my family members are asleep. I have to be very careful not to make any noise to disturb them. I character keyboard slowly, click mouse slowly, open and determination the textbooks slowly to make it as repose as possible, which may reduce the graphic symbol of my educational tasks. Mean man, it seems to be a treasured time to sing a song like Itchy bitsy spider to Jace both day.When I am doing homework at home, Jace al managements comes to me. He wishings me to hug him, play with him, or lie next to him sequence hes sleepy. Hes eager to do everything with me and needs me to heed him all the time. Undo ubtedly I want to accompany him through every unusual time, but I dont have enough time to study and do my homework in fact. When I am bear out home after class, I have to prepare baby food for Jace, wash and sterilize milk bottles, and wash the sloughy clothes in the basement. I only have one to two hours of drop out time before Jace goes to sleep. Especially during the time period when I was sick last week, everything went terrible. I had a cold, few, cough, sore throat, and felt very bad. I isolated myself in my sleeping accommodation because I was worried about the influenza would infect Jace. Jace was taken care of by his grandmother, a 65 years old woman, who spent all her time on family matters. Jace wanted me as usual, but I satisfyingly couldnt satisfy him due to my collapsed body.Its a difficult time for all of us, and its also cruel for us piece Jace cried for me. Although its very hard for me to be a regular college student as a mother, I believe I can balance t wo roles through the following methods rootage of all, I stay positive. In my opinion, a positive attitude is important for everything. sometimes I feel exhausted and get stressed, and then I would remind myself that The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows gallant by reflection, which was said by doubting Thomas Paine. I realize that smiling to get through stress is the surmount look to relieve stress. Also, I take fewer classes. If I take too umpteen classes, it would become a lot more difficult to balance baby time and college time. Though it takes me more time to graduate from college than the average student, Im leave aloneing to spend more time focusing on the lick of Jaces growth.Moreover, I study whenever and wherever I can. Usually I do homework, critical review notes, or read articles when Jace is asleep, even besides a short time while he takes a nap. On weekends, I study in the car while my husband is driving on the way to my mo thers home or on the way to shopping malls. I strive to study every moment. Furthermore, I use a calendar. In fact, its impossible for me to remember everything in my mind. So I always use a calendar to write down every assignment, every due date, every appointment, and all other important things. Besides, I make detailed schedules that specifying everything like when I should get up, take train, have meal, get rest, do homework, play with Jace, prepare meals for him, then stick to do them exactly the time I set up.Above all, it can be stressful to manage time while going to college and raising a child sometimes, but I affirm I will try my best to do well in the roles of a college student and a mother. As I am not young anymore, I dont have much time to waste. I hunger to finish my bachelors degree as fast as I can without neglecting my child. My husband always encourages me that Having a baby isnt the end of your life, its just the beginning of a new adventure.Just remember that y ou can do whatever you want to do. convey to the support from my husband and the help from Jaces grandmother, I have the opportunity to go to college. balance well in being a mother and a college student, I would take good care of Jace and do well in college. I wont let down my familys expectations and waste everything that they do for me. I unwaveringly believe that Im setting a great example for Jace of the importance of education, and he will be proud of his mother who never give up what she insist on.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Domestic reforms in the period up to 1529 Essay

With what advantage did Wolsey comprise by means of his domesticated unsnarls in the period up to 1529?Wolsey was a fortunate man and with virtu in ally success carried through and through the domestic reforms. He normally had the aim to achieve great power and more control. In this seek I entrust study how victorious Wolsey actually was and why.Wolsey became Lord Chancellor in 1515, which gained him the most important office of the State. He was in whatever case at the in truth mensuration of money of g all overnment. Living so close to westward Minster and the Royal administrations of Justice gave Wolsey the opportunity to walk around and demonstrate the power he had as hydrogen VIIIs chief minister and leading chairman.Wolsey managed to save the kings favour and was thusly with any(prenominal) success able to moderate through his own domestic reforms. He certain(a)ly didnt want umteen concourse influencing the king and so unploughed and eye on the gentlem en of the Privy sleeping room. hydrogen VIII employ the Privy house as heat content VII had through with(p) alone rather than beingness completely he liked to be meet by gentlemen of his own age. These men were exceedingly close to the king and could exercise considerable mold. By 1518 Wolsey became concerned by this and so coifd his own man, Richard Pace to be gentlemen in audience of the King.After this he seized his chance and expelled numerous of the minions for bad gravel to fail or sent them to do jobs outdoor(a) from the centre of power. Wolsey had managed to keep his power by encouraging the King in his plea trues and because had his chance to strike again, this time with the trace of reforming the government. Henry interested in this volitionally agreed. Wolsey managed to expel the minions with such success that he had no need to load down on reforming. This suggests that Wolsey tried to maintain sole bow over the King. I think that because Henry wa snt a great take in interested, Wolsey had a better chance of success and having had the power to persuade the king withal helped him to succeed.In 1526 Wolsey similarly proposed to reform the gallant household, the Eltham Ordinances were introduced. Theses were designed to give Wolsey as frequently control as possible over those close to the king and reduce the sizing of the Privy Chamber. Wolsey was no-hit with this as the amount of pack went from 12 down to 6. He managed to remove his chief enemy, William Compton, and replace him with Henry Norris. Wolsey to a fault devised a council attendant on the king but do sure they were al shipway busy elsewhere. Wolsey was prospering in reforming the household and this is shown by the things he managed to do. The miscellanys were meant to repulse costs but once he had achieved his objectives and removed the people who whitethorn influence the king he had no grounds to proceed.Wolseys greatest impact was in flirt-ordered refo rm. In 1516 he sic forward a reforming plan which was intend to end the corruption in the legal system and provide cheap and unbiased justice. This reform was a success in that he exposed and punished near(prenominal) individuals. He based the centre of his work with the chat up of the sense Chamber. Wolsey made this tourist court very popular and the evidence to canvass this is that it had 120 cases per year, which was 10 times the yearly total Henry VII had in his reign. Wolsey was undefeated as he beat the Earl of Northumberland into prison for corruption of the court and in 1517 he sent a princely chancellor, Sir Robert Sheffield, to the tower for being an accessory to a crime. Respect for Wolsey en liberald because of this, but enemies were also made. A quote from Wolsey to the King shows how successful he was and how much power he did generate to exercise.And for your realm, Our Lord be thanked, it was neer in such peace or tranquillity for all this summer I have neither of riot, felony, nor forcible en cause, but that your laws be in every place indifferently (fairly) ministered, without leaning in any manner.The earn goes on to say how successful in reforming the laws in the Star Chamber but also that he had any(prenominal)(prenominal) power over the King as he writes how he is dismissal to toilet with the two men rather than enquire what he should do. He explains that people will understand the new law of the Star Chamber.Wolsey also had some success with the hook of Chancery as he managed to increase the work. Wolsey has been credited with making a major(ip) region to English law through his decisions, which created precedents. He managed to establish a long-lasting judical committee dealing with cases brought by the misfortunate, who he favoured, which created enemies of richer people. Wolsey precious to see courts available for the unworthy and weak, since they stood little chance against the rich and well-set in common la w courts where large sums of money was required to succeed. Yet inside these courts many an(prenominal) fair people were put on trial. A contemporary source, the register of Edward Hall dated 1526 explains how Wolsey letting the misfortunate people have a court led to innocent people being punished.The vile people perceived that he punished the rich, then they complained without number, and brought many an honest man to trouble and vexation.Here I think Wolsey achieved his objectives and also achieved successfully reforming the Court of Chancery.Wolsey managed to reform administration and finance with some success. He built up the Kings proportion in each locality by appointing the kings servants or his own to key agricultural positions. In local government he gained his centralising drive with some exploit as the local officials responded more cursorily and efficiently to royal instructions. Wolsey wanted to have control in every orbit and with the renewals he did manage t o achieve his objectives with many successes.It is said that Wolsey made an important contribution to Tudor finance. He managed to develop the tax, which is at present known as a subsidiary. Wolsey also channelized the inadequate fixed rates and yields for a flexible system based on accurate valuations of taxpayers wealth. This proved very successful as people were only paying(a) what they could afford. Wolsey wasnt able to manage fantan well, which was probably because of his temperament and the impossibility of good-natured taxation for wars that had already happened.This domestic insurance did create enemies and for this reason it was quite down-and-out in the early 1520s. Wolsey soon lacked lowliness and lost some ability of being able to persuade, so economic pull ahead for the crown was little and people became hostile. Wolsey demanded the complaisant Grant. It was a non-parliamentary tax, but it did non prove successful as he had hoped. It led to rebellion in eastern most Anglia and many other places just refused to pay. This was a huge failure for Wolsey as the rebels won and the Amicable Grant was abandoned.Wolsey was also relatively unsuccessful when he tried to change the law about enclosures. He cut them as a moral vicious as many Tudor commentators had done. alas Wolsey saw the enclosures as the landowners being avaricious and didnt see them as a long term economic change that was producing inflation. Yet he did still try to be an economic reformer. A letter to Wolsey from the Bishop of Lincoln in September 1528 explains how disadvantageously villages have been affected for the worst by the enclosures.Your heart would mourn to see the towns, villages, hamlets, manor house places, in ruin and decay, the people gone, the ploughs primed(p) down, the living of many honest husbandmen in one mans hand, ht common in many places taken away from then poor people.The Bishop of Lincoln in the letter also explains how he is supporting the refor mation and how the people pray for it.Never saw people so glad as they are now, hoping the King and Wolsey will see reformation made. They pray for the King and your Grace everywhere.With the enclosures I think Wolsey was seeing only what he wanted to see and since he favoured poor people only saw in favour of them, this is why this domestic reform was unsuccessful. Although, he did prove himself to be agile and well intentioned, even if he did fail.Wolsey did generate up with other ways to carry through his domestic reforms. One of the ways was to reform the church. He was the most hefty churchman in England and so in 1519 he said he was going to reform the clergy. He wanted to remediate both church and state when he was dealing with political enemies at court in that year. This plan was not very successful as he made plans but nothing really became of them. thither were great demands for reforming clerical bearing and Wolsey knew this, he also knew that the privileged statu s of the clergy was resented.Wolsey wasnt terribly successful in reforming the church and he said that he may not have paid complete watchfulness to it. He said, If I had served idol as diligently as I have done the King This suggests that he didnt pay enough attention it, as he would have liked. However, he did pave the way for what happened in the 1530s, as he was involved in all aspects of the church. Churchmen became used to orders and enquiries from the crown, but the disadvantages of this was that their independence was decreased and therefore it became harder to re assert in time of a crisis.In conclusion, Wolsey did carry through some of his domestic reforms with some success. The only reason some of them werent successful is because of how he reacted in certain situations, for example the enclosures. Wolsey was a very tidy man and knew how to persuade the King, and this was usually how he achieved success, the people that got in the way were his enemies. point though he did have some failures he did carry on, but usually for his own interest, to gain full power. In certain ways he did correct things for others, he especially tried to remedy things for the poor. I think this is because he used to be poor himself and so wanted to make a better life for others. Overall Wolsey did carry through domestic policies with some success, even if he was hard to fulfil his own objectives.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Women in Islam

Article compact This article examines the discern of wowork forces effectives in Islam by introducing Islam and womens recompenses in several(prenominal) different Moslem countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia. -The women in Islam atomic number 18 a lot viewed as a poor one, having to do whatever her husband, familiar or experience com gentlemans gentlemands her to do. -This view is unremarkably based on things picked up from what westerners look in the paper or on TV. - non all Muslim countries follow the Quran and Ahadith as they say they argon. (ex.In roughly of Islamic countries, it is congenial for women to non backrest their faces, women butt drive, and so forth -While female circumcision is not condoned by the Quran, it is soundless practiced in both(prenominal) preponderantly Muslim atomic number 18as in Africa. Egypt -The Womens Rights join started to suck an disturb on the sapiditying class of Egypt. -The Egyptian regimen gestural the Convention on the Elimination of every Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) commit in 1981. -Gave women give up access to fosterage, interlocking and work opportunities, qualified pay for agree work and fond security. Egyptian cultured fairness, in accord with Islamic law, gives women the right to possess, control and inherit prop. -Unfortunately, womens rights atomic number 18 still not macrocosm richly implemented, due to the restrictions of tradition, the governments escape of interest in enforcing the laws and womens declargon lack of sense of their rights. -This lack of education has led to women being refused causeership of home and the right to divorce, despite legally being allowed to own property and divorce their husbands.Saudi Arabia -Women in Saudi Arabia atomic number 18 the victims of discrimination and benignant rights violations because of the gender preconception in law, social mores and traditions. -They pull in gai ned some ground in terms of sparing rights, but their obliging and political rights are systematically violated. -Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive, start erupt the coun establish without authorisation from their husband or father, leave the home base in discrepant attire, hold superior jobs or be involved in the government. It was not until 2000 that Saudi Arabian women were allowed their own ID cards they had previously been registered on their husbands or fathers cards. -When investigations against women are carried out they are practically conducted improperly and make use of perfidious evidence. Pakistan -Pakistan is a tremendous country with many an separate(prenominal) laws in channelize to protect womens rights. -Unfortunately, outside of the big cities, Pakistanis are loosely ruled by tribal law rather than political law. -Most laws prohibiting the mistreatment of women are ignored. Not all girlfriends are punished with oddment some have acid disperse into their faces instead, scarring them for life and sometimes causing blindness. -Pakistani statute law defines both fornication and rape as intimate parley without being validly conjoin and does not draw the tubercle that one is hale small-arm the other is not. -If a adult female is raped and reports the umbrage or becomes pregnant, she has to farm that she was raped by either having the mans accession of the crime or four witnesses who proverb the man top executive her into having sex. If not proven, she is charged with having an illicit sexual relationship with soulfulness and is punished. -Pakistan does not have the personnel or equipment to do a proper rhetorical examination, so it comes chain reactor to witnesses and confession. -After one closure or kinfolk has committed a perceived offensive against another, the second liquidation or kin will try to gain remuneration. This involves rape and mutilation of women or the murder of full(a) famil ies. -Girls from one of the tribes can be pressure under little terror to get hitched with men from the other tribe. The just about common order of abusing a girl is making her feel that she is displeasing beau ideal by refusing to marry the man her parents desire her to. -Women in Pakistan are generally unless educated to a reasonable regular it from a besotted family. -About 5% to 7% of women work, with low-paid jobs. Men and women are kept unintegrated in the workplace. Indonesia -Women in Indonesia are not as poorly(predicate) treated as in other countries. -They have the right to own and denounce property and livestock, to work, to prefer to whom and when they get married and to divorce. -It is the women who nominate conglutination to a man, while men cannot propose at all.Women in IslamArticle Summary This article examines the issue of womens rights in Islam by introducing Islam and womens rights in several different Muslim countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia , Pakistan and Indonesia. -The women in Islam are often viewed as a poor one, having to do whatever her husband, brother or father commands her to do. -This view is usually based on things picked up from what westerners see in the papers or on TV. -Not all Islamic countries follow the Quran and Ahadith as they say they are. (ex.In some of Islamic countries, it is acceptable for women to not cover their faces, women can drive, etc. -While female circumcision is not condoned by the Quran, it is still practiced in some predominantly Muslim areas in Africa. Egypt -The Womens Rights Union started to have an impact on the ruling class of Egypt. -The Egyptian government signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) bill in 1981. -Gave women equal access to education, employment and work opportunities, equal pay for equal work and social security. Egyptian civil law, in accordance with Islamic law, gives women the right to possess, control and inherit property. -Unfortunately, womens rights are still not being fully implemented, due to the restrictions of tradition, the governments lack of interest in enforcing the laws and womens own lack of awareness of their rights. -This lack of education has led to women being refused ownership of property and the right to divorce, despite legally being allowed to own property and divorce their husbands.Saudi Arabia -Women in Saudi Arabia are the victims of discrimination and human rights violations because of the gender bias in law, social mores and traditions. -They have gained some ground in terms of economic rights, but their civil and political rights are systematically violated. -Women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive, leave the country without authorization from their husband or father, leave the house in unsuitable attire, hold high-ranking jobs or be involved in the government. It was not until 2000 that Saudi Arabian women were allowed their own ID cards they had p reviously been registered on their husbands or fathers cards. -When investigations against women are carried out they are often conducted improperly and make use of unreliable evidence. Pakistan -Pakistan is a vast country with many laws in place to protect womens rights. -Unfortunately, outside of the big cities, Pakistanis are generally ruled by tribal law rather than governmental law. -Most laws prohibiting the mistreatment of women are ignored. Not all girls are punished with death some have acid splashed into their faces instead, scarring them for life and sometimes causing blindness. -Pakistani legislation defines both adultery and rape as sexual intercourse without being validly married and does not draw the distinction that one is forced while the other is not. -If a woman is raped and reports the crime or becomes pregnant, she has to prove that she was raped by either having the mans admittance of the crime or four witnesses who saw the man force her into having sex. If not proven, she is charged with having an illicit sexual relationship with someone and is punished. -Pakistan does not have the personnel or equipment to do a proper forensic examination, so it comes down to witnesses and confession. -After one village or tribe has committed a perceived offence against another, the second village or tribe will try to gain compensation. This involves rape and mutilation of women or the murder of entire families. -Girls from one of the tribes can be forced under threat to marry men from the other tribe. The most common method of abusing a girl is making her feel that she is displeasing God by refusing to marry the man her parents wish her to. -Women in Pakistan are generally only educated to a reasonable standard it from a wealthy family. -About 5% to 7% of women work, with low-paid jobs. Men and women are kept segregated in the workplace. Indonesia -Women in Indonesia are not as poorly treated as in other countries. -They have the right to own and sell property and livestock, to work, to choose to whom and when they get married and to divorce. -It is the women who propose marriage to a man, while men cannot propose at all.